Marines locked in deadly combat with the Taliban!!

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There is no arguing with you because even your own statements are internally inconsistent
Where have my statements been "inconsistent?"

As for Reuters, you are missing the point of the question. Reuters does not create nor validate stories. Take a look at how often Reuters reported on both Lynch and Tillman. Did they create the stories or simply report false ones that someone else created? They are a distributor more than anything else. Saying Reuters created the story is like saying your Amway salesman made the air freshener you bought. Reuters has thousands of reporters and photographers, many of whom basically work on a contractor basis, and Reuters serves as a clearing house for multiple reporting sources. They are also a distributor that has faced a lot of accusations of bias.
I'm all for healthy skepticism, but to see conspiracies behind every stone and blade of grass is not healthy skepticism.

So please explain how the Marine can be part of a conspiracy that centers on him without him being one of the conspirators, especially when he’s “probably doing just what he is supposed to do,” which according to your theory is to participate in a faked photo and propaganda story.

And please tell us what you think the photo is of. Your belief is that it is NOT of a battle scene. You base your belief on seeing two men not wearing full gear during what was reported as an unexpected attack. Having spent 8 years in the Navy, I'm familiar with not being completely geared up during an emergency, so your conclusion doesn't jibe with my experience. I'm open as to why two men not in full gear would be proof positive that the scene is definitely not a battle scene. I assume you have a strong explanation; otherwise, you would not hold such a belief.
That shows no indication to me of being a battle ground scene. I would love to hear accounts on attacks on non-combat areas of US installations. Iknow I have not seen any and that would be the only place I could imagine seeing non-combat dressed personnel wandering around.

A little research is better than a lot of bombast. Reuters website shows a multi-day series of pictures from the Marines' actions in and around the Afghan town of Garmser. Surprise - Garmser is an enemy town rather than a US installation.

The Reuters pictures show Marines sleeping without all of their gear (one even without boots), another Marine without all of his gear who "holds his position as Taliban fighters open fire, ' and a group of Marines without all of their gear taking "a break after heavy close range battle."

Even without photos or any military experience, it takes little imagination to realize that troops in an extended offensive operation can't be fully geared up every minute, 24/7.
So please explain how the Marine can be part of a conspiracy that centers on him without him being one of the conspirators, especially when he’s “probably doing just what he is supposed to do,” which according to your theory is to participate in a faked photo and propaganda story.
Re-read posts and pay attention. I never said the photos are fake. I said the context they are presented in is contrived. Two completely different things.
And please tell us what you think the photo is of.
I already covered that...a few times.
So we are questioning if a Marine who risked his life for his country is a fake? :mad:

I think both occupations are a waste of Americans and money but it certainly doesn't mean I don't support the people over there.
When I looked through this thread, I see that you posted:
The question is regarding the uber-patriotic storyline that has been added to the photos.
My definition of "uber-patriotic" must differ from yours. The storyline that I found on Fox was this:
Much was made of the photographs, which showed Sgt. Bee defending a mud wall without a helmet. Bobbie said her husband told her he was changing into fresh clothes when the company came under gunfire.
"He said he turned around and did what he had to do."
I don't see anything uber-patriotic about any of that. I see a typical, dedicated Marine.

You then wrote:
Now that I have looked at the pics I will have to say it seems fishy to me too. Doesn't look like a bullet impact to me at all. The blast is too dispersed. I would agree more with it being muzzle blast.

Also, there are others in the background that are also not dressed for combat and if incoming fire is landing directly on the berm in front of them why is the soldier next to him not reacting by ducking or even looking away?

Sounds to me like we are being fed another make believe, feel good story to try and nullify non-supporters of the war and give supporters something to stand behind.
I guess I'm a poor researcher, because in all of your posts to this thread, I don't see where you've clearly stated what you think the photo is of. Instead, I see what you've said you think it is not. The most you've said about what you think it is, is that it's "a soldier getting a face full of dirt and falling down." But you have not yet said why is he getting a face full of dirt. Is this a training excercise gone awry? Something else? What is your conclusion?
I don't see anything uber-patriotic about any of that. I see a typical, dedicated Marine.
You do not see anything deceptive and uber-patriotic about statements such as "locked in deadly combat" or "brush with death during a gun battle with the Taliban" or "Marine Cheats Death" if the photo is not actually a battle pic?

Go back to link #76 and pay attention to the previous posts that I am agreeing with and responding to.
No, I don't. By definition, combat is deadly. Every gun battle, whether against the Taliban, the Nazis, or a psychopath hoping to kill you and your family is a brush with death. Every Marine who has a bullet strike right in front of his face is a Marine who cheats death.

But again, you are dodging the issue. Why are you afraid to clearly state what you think the photo is of? You said you agree with the comment that the dirt was raised by a muzzle blast. Frankly, that's a lot of dirt, especially with chunks, to be raised by a rifle muzzle blast. But let's assume that's what it is. Why is there a muzzle blast? If the Marines were not under attack, why is someone shooting next to the Marine?

You don't have to be afraid. All you have to do is answer a simple question.
Then please help me by pointing to the post in which you stated what you think is actually happening at the time the photos were snapped.
That's what I thought. You can't do it.
As I thought, you don't actually want an answer. You just want to give the illusion of a dispute. The information is in this thread.

Just a few posts ago I sent you directly to a post where I spelled out why I do not believe the scene is as presented in the story.
Just a few posts ago I sent you directly to a post where I spelled out why I do not believe the scene is as presented in the story.
I'm not asking you why you do not believe the scene is as presented in the story. I'm asking you what you do believe the scene actually is and your basis for your conclusion.
#83 I do not believe for one second this picture was taken while "locked in deadly combat with the Taliban!" or a fire fight of any kind with any enemy.

The Reuters caption for the picture indicates otherwise: "A U.S. Marine, from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, has a close call after Taliban fighters opened fire near Garmser in Helmand Province of Afghanistan May 18, 2008. The Marine was not injured. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic (AFGHANISTAN)"

#97 The conspirators are the administration, which have been caught multiple times selling completely fabricated stories in the past, and Fox News, who has admitted in court to making up news stories and saying they have the right to continue to do so.

#76 Sounds to me like we are being fed another make believe, feel good story to try and nullify non-supporters of the war and give supporters something to stand behind.

That is the heart of the matter. Even acknowledging that the Marine was in danger would make one an accessory to the alleged conspiracy by the administration and Fox News in support of the war.
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PBP, here are all of your posts on this thread:

WHAT!?!?! Are you suggesting that the administration created war-time state sponsored propaganda which was used on it's own populace!?!?

Surely that can't be true or the we would have had a media frenzy calling for the heads of all those involved.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
Or they could have decided the story was not verifiable or fraudulent...and since Fox News admitted in court that they make things up I would tend to not give them the benefit of the doubt.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
Wow, that whole if you question their credibility I will attack yours thing sounds so much like the "if you question the administration we will attack your patriotism" thing.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
A small child can point out that the emperor has no clothes. It does not take credentials or validity to point out deceit or question motives.

What you are doing it attacking the messenger instead of disputing/defending the message.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
No, you are clouding the point.

The point was this subject is questionable and the people that put it forth have a history of deceit. Anyone can point that out, be it anonymously or as a proven person.

To try and turn the focus from the topic to an attack on the person raising the question is avoiding the issue and a pretty common and sleazy practice.

If a reporter asks "Did you lie to the American people?" and the response is "You have to take a look at the people asking that question. They are just trouble makers." then the topic is avoided and the burden of proof is shifted away from where it should truly be.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
See, you just keep doing it...deflecting instead of addressing.

You make my point for me.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
I do not think the soldier's honor is at question. At least it isn't in my mind and shouldn't be in other's. The question is not whether this soldier exists and whether he took fire. The question is regarding the uber-patriotic storyline that has been added to the photos. Jessica Lynch did get captured, Tillman did get killed...the issue came when the govt and media spun and altered the facts of those events .

"Put up or shut up" is only valid when someone is making an assertion, not when they are questioning the assertion of another. Anyone can question a statement. It is up the the person saying it to prove their point. It is not valid to say "something should stand until someone manages to prove them wrong." That is nonsense and by that logic you would have to accept as fact that I have an invisible dragon in my garage.

This whole culture of government saying "believe what I say and do as I tell you until someone credible (that we do not manage to suppress or destroy first) convinces you otherwise" is a very, very bad thing.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
Up until this point I had not even commented on these pics. I had responded to the assertion that the current administration has a history of making up war stories then selling it to the people...and then to the assertion that one should personally challenge anyone that has the sense to point that fact out and disregard them if they do not pass a litmus test.

Now that I have looked at the pics I will have to say it seems fishy to me too. Doesn't look like a bullet impact to me at all. The blast is too dispersed. I would agree more with it being muzzle blast.

Also, there are others in the background that are also not dressed for combat and if incoming fire is landing directly on the berm in front of them why is the soldier next to him not reacting by ducking or even looking away?

Sounds to me like we are being fed another make believe, feel good story to try and nullify non-supporters of the war and give supporters something to stand behind.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
I do not think it is a staged pic. I think a photographer got lucky and got a shot of a soldier getting a face full of dirt and falling down. That is all real. What is fake, IMHO, is the whole life and death hero story crafted around the photo.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped, except to say that the Marine was "getting a face full of dirt and falling down." But you are not saying anything as to what was happening at the time the photo was snapped to cause all this.
I do not believe for one second this picture was taken while "locked in deadly combat with the Taliban!" or a fire fight of any kind with any enemy.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
I think I already did...

Would you like to try and offer support for the story?
No, you didn't. Up to this point in the thread, you provided no statement on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
read the previous posts and read the statement I was responding to and my full statement.

Then how about you belly up some supporting analysis.
Wrong again. Up to this point in the thread, you still had provided no statement on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped, even though you twice falsely claimed to have done so.
That is all conjecture and not supporting evidence. That is making up a story to go with a pic instead of analyzing the pic itself.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
Actually, it looks more like a trench to me than a wall and I see nothing in the blast or in the actions of the surrounding persons that indicate incoming fire.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
How do you explain the fact that the small dust particles seem to be more advanced than the large chunks?

If they were knocked upward by a bullet strike the larger hard particles would show advanced movement beyond the lighter dust cloud.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
I will help you with your reading apprehension for a second.

No one is calling the marine a fool. He is probably doing just what he is supposed to do. People seem to be ignoring the fact that he is not the only one in the pic without battle gear on...which makes me believe this is not a battle scene.

Also, the marine in not the conspirator. He is just the guy in the pic. The conspirators are the administration, which have been caught multiple times selling completely fabricated stories in the past, and Fox News, who has admitted in court to making up news stories and saying they have the right to continue to do so.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
When you can't argue with the issue sarcasm is a way to go I guess.

That shows no indication to me of being a battle ground scene. I would love to hear accounts on attacks on non-combat areas of US installations. Iknow I have not seen any and that would be the only place I could imagine seeing non-combat dressed personnel wandering around.

Also, care to show were Reuters originated the text of this story?
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
Where have my statements been "inconsistent?"

As for Reuters, you are missing the point of the question. Reuters does not create nor validate stories. Take a look at how often Reuters reported on both Lynch and Tillman. Did they create the stories or simply report false ones that someone else created? They are a distributor more than anything else. Saying Reuters created the story is like saying your Amway salesman made the air freshener you bought. Reuters has thousands of reporters and photographers, many of whom basically work on a contractor basis, and Reuters serves as a clearing house for multiple reporting sources. They are also a distributor that has faced a lot of accusations of bias.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
Re-read posts and pay attention. I never said the photos are fake. I said the context they are presented in is contrived. Two completely different things.

I already covered that...a few times.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
Once again, someone resorts to emotional grandstanding.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
You do not see anything deceptive and uber-patriotic about statements such as "locked in deadly combat" or "brush with death during a gun battle with the Taliban" or "Marine Cheats Death" if the photo is not actually a battle pic?

Go back to link #76 and pay attention to the previous posts that I am agreeing with and responding to.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
I do not need a lecture on combat. I have been in combat. The question is if this is actually combat or not.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
Already stated my opinion.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
Did that too. The information is there. It is up to you to read it.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.
As I thought, you don't actually want an answer. You just want to give the illusion of a dispute. The information is in this thread.

Just a few posts ago I sent you directly to a post where I spelled out why I do not believe the scene is as presented in the story.
No statement here on what you think was really happening at the time the photos were snapped.

At no point have you provided such a statement, and I suspect you never will.
If you can't understand what I wrote, or see how I clearly stated why I do not believe the story sold with the pics, you really need to work on your reading comprehension. It is all spelled out there, and as the half dozen e-mails I have received since we started this discussion show me...others are not having the same difficulty grasping it. Repeating things I already wrote will not help you if you can't grasp them the first time.

I stated why I have reason to distrust the stories sold to use by Fox News.

I stated why I do not feel this is a battle scene and gave specific reasons.

I even stated why I did not feel that the debris appeared to be a bullet impact.

What part exactly is confusing you?

..and why do you think it is real? What in those pics supports the story in your opinion?
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