Marines locked in deadly combat with the Taliban!!

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Like someone already said, we don’t know the back story. There’s a number of reasons these guys may have grounded their gear. I think there’s a picture missing from the series, because when I saw them on Fox’s web site there was a shot that showed the other Marine very clearly and he also wasn’t wearing a helmet. It’s likely they were either sleeping or doing some kind of work that required them to ground their gear. They then took fire, and instinctively grabbed their weapons to return fire. As a former Army infantryman I know my first reaction isn’t to get dressed, but grab my weapon that’s always within arms reach and shoot back.

Thank God our fathers and grandfathers weren’t as concerned about entering battle without armored protection as some here are.
Thank God our fathers and grandfathers weren’t as concerned about entering battle without armored protection as some here are.

They weren't as worred about cell phone or internet broadband speeds either. :D

I appreciate your post and what you're saying, not arguing with you at all. But hey ... we've all been victimized in some way by "scam" pictures, sometimes in the legitimate media. There's nothing wrong with looking at a picture critically.

I think a lot of posters, especially yourself, have made good comments as to why this picture is the way it is. I was never in the army, but I do watch a lot of military shows on TV, so perhaps I'm not an expert ...

I just think that as a shooter I'd have my rifle and my ammo together. One doesn't do much good without the other.

But again ... his ammo and gear may be in a pile between him and the cameraman where we can't see it but it's in easy reach.

If this was a total scam, I think we'd know it by now, so I'm guessing it's not.
Garand Illusion said:
If this was a total scam

This is the one aspect of modern debate I do not like. Why is it that anyone with a PC suddenly feels their opinion is resolute? There are undoubtedly many here who have never been soldiers, never been in a fist fight and have have only seen military rifles in sporting goods stores.

Yet, they are experts.

Every morning I get up I carry knives they don't own, I handload rounds they have never fired, I ride a motorcycle they cannot physically lift off the sidestand and I have seen events they only know from history. And yet, we can get posts by the dozen from people who haven't a clue.

This soldier is in combat so we won't have to. Oh, he might not be wearing regulation spec gear. He might have been on the way to the latrine. He might have been previously decorated for service.

It is possible that he knows more about combat and service than our combined knowledge here in the forum.

I hope I have the distinct privilege in meeting this man, shaking his hand and thanking him for my freedom. I have lived my entire life in safety because someone else put their life in jeopardy.

The proper address to this soldier is a humble "thank you," not a strident comment like, "Hey, bro, where's your helmet..."
So your theory is that we should stand up and salute and automatically believe every picture we see on the internet if it involves someone in uniform?

Not likely. Because the fact is without knowing the history of this picture it could have been staged in Arizona.

But on the other side of the coin is the theory that you can't comment on anything until you've experienced it. Sorry ... but whether I've ever worn a uniform or not I know it's just plain stupid to not use the protection I have available, unless there's a compelling reason not to. If this guy has a compelling reason (i.e. any of the many scenarios above, or the actual one that is not listed) more power to him. But we can still talk about the picture irregardless of our personal history.

Make no mistake ... I'd be glad to shake this guys hand and thank him as wel..

But if I was his father ... I'd also smack him on the head and ask him what the hell he was thinking.

I'm sure the people above him in his chain of command are going to be asking this question as well. We'll probably never know whether his answer is acceptable or not.

Doesn't matter ... it's just a picture on the internet and a discussion ...
The proper address to this soldier is a humble "thank you," not a strident comment like, "Hey, bro, where's your helmet..."

The proper way to address a picture is to verify it's authenticity. That leads to questions like where's the gear if this is a forward position and he's taking fire?

Failure to do so leads to situations where people go into lengthy discussions about the Navy's new jet, caused by a failure to realize that the picture was part of a movie set. This is precisely what happened when the movie Stealth was being filmed, and the 'net was abuzz with discussions of a new sealth fighter. It's also why there are e-mails and threads floating around discussing (and sometimes insulting) American soldiers for one action or another, even though the soldiers in question aren't American.

If you see questioning the picture as questioning the Marine, then you are projecting.

Because the fact is without knowing the history of this picture it could have been staged in Arizona.

You mean like the picture of Al Gore "on patrol" wearing a boonie hat (which would have gotten him court martialed) and with no ammunition for his weapon? Questioning that photo helped expose a fraud. I suppose everyone should have said "thank you, President Gore" instead.
Quote:Originally Posted by Garand Illusion
If this was a total scam

This is the one aspect of modern debate I do not like. Why is it that anyone with a PC suddenly feels their opinion is resolute? There are undoubtedly many here who have never been soldiers, never been in a fist fight and have have only seen military rifles in sporting goods stores.

Yet, they are experts.

Every morning I get up I carry knives they don't own, I handload rounds they have never fired, I ride a motorcycle they cannot physically lift off the sidestand and I have seen events they only know from history. And yet, we can get posts by the dozen from people who haven't a clue.

This soldier is in combat so we won't have to. Oh, he might not be wearing regulation spec gear. He might have been on the way to the latrine. He might have been previously decorated for service.

It is possible that he knows more about combat and service than our combined knowledge here in the forum.

I hope I have the distinct privilege in meeting this man, shaking his hand and thanking him for my freedom. I have lived my entire life in safety because someone else put their life in jeopardy.

The proper address to this soldier is a humble "thank you," not a strident comment like, "Hey, bro, where's your helmet..."

Here, here. +1 from me.

But that's the way the innernets is, lot's of armchair quarterbacks.
I am not buying it. I just googled "Sgt. William O. Bee" and how many links were there about this amazing incident?

One. Just one. And where was this link?

Fox News. The most vocal news agency in support of the current conflicts.

Sounds like another propaganda piece.

And no link at all to any video footage..only still photgraphs.

If this was true then there would be a lot more information available.
grow up..things hit the net almost immediately. It's not rocket science. One of the previous posters mentioned that he had heard about it on CNN..but CNN has no link to the story. No..the only link to the story comes from pro-war Fox News.
I am pretty sure he had a legit excuse or Gunny's boot would have tickled his tonsils rendering him hoarse for any interviews.
Let me see...NOTHING from,,, or

Less believable than the Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch incidents..and that turned out to be a lie.
Less believable than the Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch incidents..and that turned out to be a lie.
WHAT!?!?! Are you suggesting that the administration created war-time state sponsored propaganda which was used on it's own populace!?!? :eek:

Surely that can't be true or the we would have had a media frenzy calling for the heads of all those involved. :rolleyes: :)
I just want to play devil's advocate here, but could the other networks not be running this because they want to keep the focus OFF of the war, rather than ON it? Just a suggestion.

Fox News may very well be the only one who broke the story, but I can almost assure you the other networks have seen it, just didn't decide to run with it. (Assuming its legit)
Fox News may very well be the only one who broke the story, but I can almost assure you the other networks have seen it, just didn't decide to run with it. (Assuming its legit)
Or they could have decided the story was not verifiable or fraudulent...and since Fox News admitted in court that they make things up I would tend to not give them the benefit of the doubt.
The case may be may not be. It has shown up on a few other sites. Most of them are blogs. A couple are military websites. But the only news source is Fox News.

The government has lied twice to the American public, trying to portray certain service members as specifically heroic. So I tend to be a little bit skeptical now.
Danzig said:
So I tend to be a little bit skeptical now.

Ya' know, you're absolutely right. Unless you can document your credentials your word means nothing. This is the internet.

From now on, I want to know who I'm talking to. I have a right to be skeptical myself. From the stuff I've read here over the months, I'm not even sure some of you guys even own firearms.

If we asked for credentials, we'd weed out the posers. Come to my local Harley shop and show me who you really are. Until then, leave the soldier alone.
If we asked for credentials, we'd weed out the posers. Come to my local Harley shop and show me who you really are. Until then, leave the soldier alone
Wow, that whole if you question their credibility I will attack yours thing sounds so much like the "if you question the administration we will attack your patriotism" thing. :barf: :barf:
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