LIVE from the Stand!

No luck today. This is the first time I've sat this stand since last year and as soon as it got daylight, I realized that the pine trees had grown in the cut-over and obscured my view of the pipeline. I could see, maybe, twenty feet. I climbed down from the stand at about 8:30 and commenced to trimming limbs. In about an hour I had opened up my shooting lane and got a call from my brother-in-law who needed help near his stand.

I left the woods at 12:30, but we're completely prepped for the firearms season that opens next Saturday. My stand doesn't really become productive until the rut and that's not likely to happen until the middle of November. Hope springs eternal, and I'll be on the stand next Saturday.

On the positive side, LSU did beat Auburn today.
I'm back! LIVE from the stand... well, blind again. This time the boy made it!

Say some prayers that we shoot one!
Just walked in from the garage ( was working on getting the last stand ready to go to the woods next week )...........did so specifically to check on you....

We really need to see some success..........beyond the obvious fact that you have a great companion there.

Back to the garage......will check on you in a little while.
We just had a nice 5-pt at about 20 feet! He didn't like the blind much, came in from a direction he couldn't see us until he came around the corner.
He ALMOST held long enough for a shot. :)
Well, we had fun. Several doe within 30 yards and a couple within 20-25 feet. Of course, they all came from the brushy side and I couldn't shoot. They stomped and blew and carried on. Many other deer out farther in the field.
As we were walking out, my boy says "Dad, I really like hunting with you." SUCCESS! :)
Hey peetz, did you bring extra Little Debbies?? Seems like my two sons would hang on just a little longer if ole dad brought munchies!;) BTW, anytime spent with the kids in the hunt,, is the best blessing!! Good luck from us hooligans man!:)
Hey peetz, did you bring extra Little Debbies??

When I bring the grandkids, I have my bag with jerky, trail mix, some American Rifleman magazines and an extra thermos with hot chocolate. No sense being uncomfortable.

I'm glad you're seeing deer. I saw nothing at all on Saturday morning.
Ha! No Little Debbies.:D

He played with the iPhone for awhile.

We'd have had that buck if I hadn't forgotten to bring the other chair.:o Oh well. There's a reason for everything. In this case, it might be because I forgot the chair.:D

I'll be LIVE from the stand tomorrow evening, unless the rain we're supposed to get is really bad.
Sounds like remember things like that.

Will be checking on you after work tomorrow.
As we were walking out, my boy says "Dad, I really like hunting with you." SUCCESS!
That's probably better than shooting any deer. I'm considering taking my oldest boy (7 in Feb.) out this year on an afternoon hunt. Hopefully mine will enjoy it as much as yours did.


You ain't seen nothin' yet: Wait until the day the kiddoe bags one himself (herself, in my case!)! Nothin' like it in the world, watching your kid do something difficult, with confidence and skill that you gave them!
That will be a great day! :)

My 3yr old daughter wants to go too. It breaks my heart to tell her she has to wait until next year.

I'm already envisioning sitting with them in a double stand when they score their first deer. Actually, I've been envisioning it since before they were born. :)
I make mine wait until they are 6 ....... some have the hunting bug, and some did not pick it up. Two have youth tags this year......
Next year I hoping the boy will be able to shoot one with the crossbow. I'll have to see how he handles it. He hit a 14" square target at 296 yards with my .204. Not bad for a 5yr old. :)
"Dad, I really like hunting with you"

Absolutely priceless.....and brought back a lot of memories of my own when they were little.
Thanks Peetza.;)

Now its the grand-son. He's also 5yrs old.
One of my blinds is starting to look like a 'Toys R Us' store.:D
Would I have to download forum runner to App TFL?

No, you can access TFL from your phones browser. Probably a forum app is easier though. I use TapaTalk.

I'm beginning to think "LIVE from the stand!" is a curse. :(

I shot a nice doe tonight, 20 yards, standing perfectly broadside. She was facing due east but unfortunately wheeled around and ran to private property that is under construction and we can not cross. We followed the trail easy enough to the property bounds. If she had done what deer almost always do in my experience, which is run the direction she was facing, she would have had hundreds and hundreds of yards to die.

All I could do is call the local PD in case anyone reports a dead deer in their yard. Unfortunately, the village is Cayuga Heights, which is the anti-hunter capital of the world.