LIVE from the Stand!

It was the second time..

I saw that same hound running deer in that same area.

The first time I saw him was about a week earlier. He flushed out 3 deer that first time. It was the first time I had hunted that area, and I was just still hunting, with no tree stand with me.

The hound had a bright red collar on, with some kind of electronic device on it. I could see the short antenna clearly. I thought maybe the owner was nearby, but never saw anyone. I hunted, on that first day, for another 5 or 6 hours, covering another 3/4 mile beyond the hound encounter, and never saw a person. I did see a single deer, twice, that day. Never saw the hound a second time that first day.

Maybe I ought to inform the local game warden?
Just a perspective. I was watching a group of deer messing around in some hardwoods a few years ago. They were raring up at each other, pawing, just playing around it appeared. Anyhow, a pack of beagles was running a rabbit in a grown up pasture next to the hardwoods. The rabbit ran down the edge of the hardwoods with the beagles shortly hebind it and the deer just spectated curiously from 75 yards away. Never ran or anything.

So, if the dog isn't actually running the deer I wouldn't worry much about it.

I think many overestimate the effect of such things.
Could that dog be a hog dog who happened to scare up a few deer while on a hog track?

Solo dog??? Not likely a deer dog unless he is young and not wise to run with the pack.

Solo dog not wide open bawlin' on the track??? Not a typical deer dog sort.

But a solo dog who is generally not real noisy could be a hog dog.

I typically use a single curr to hog hunt. Unless me and my bull dog walk under your stand, you won't know we are there or what we are hunting unless the curr dog bays up a pig.

No joy today

Thought I'd share my frustration so pardon me while I vent.

So I'm sitting in my stand this afternoon in the last few minutes of shooting light. Wind was gusting pretty good at times but not too bad. I hear a crunch off to my left and catch the first of 6 does wandering out of the thick stuff behind me and to the left. I watch the parade go by with a couple of fawns bringing up the rear. Five minutes or so goes by and I catch more movement off to my left and here come 3 more does and a small basket 6 point buck that we've decided to let grow for another year at least. So now that's 10 deer that have gone by me but I'm holding out for a nice big bodied 6 pointer with no brow tines that's been wandering the property. About 10 more minutes goes by and I hear a crunch to my left again, it's a big bodied deer but I can't tell if there's antlers on it because the head is behind a cedar tree. It wanders into some thick stuff and I raise my muzzleloader because I'm confident this is the deer I've been waiting for. Deer clears the thick stuff right where I expected it too and for sure it's the 6 pointer I've been looking for. I put the crosshair on the spot right behind the front shoulder and I figure at 50 yards this one's a gimme. I pull the trigger and my muzzleloader sounds like a cap gun. Deer explode in every direction but the six pointer only goes about 10 yards and stops looking around, by this time I figured out that the powder for whatever reason didn't ignite. I find another primer and try to quickly recap the rifle without getting busted, by the time I get a new primer in the gun the six pointer has wandered down the hill apparently not too bothered by the whole experience. I never wanted to throw a gun so bad in my life, I think I used every four letter word I know and I may have made up a few new ones. Bad primer? Bad Powder? Plugged breech plug? I did rule out the breech plug tonight, but I took it out and cleaned it anyway, dumped the triple 7 that was in the rifle and changed primers too. Hopefully I'll get another shot at that deer tomorrow, but I'm sure I'm going to have to change stands to do it. Oh well I guess if it was easy everyone would do it. I'm still a bit aggravated about the whole thing but glad I got a chance to see the deer and I still have 4 more days to put a tag on him.

Suck city, man. :(

Season's winding down too... I hope you get another chance.

My uncle got a very "dysfunctional" 6-point the other day.... If its points had grown a 1/4 inch less, he's have been a 4-pt. 1/4 inch more, he'd have been an 8. I've never seen one like it.

For my part, I have seen 3 deer since opening day, all at the same time. Very frustrating. Everything I thought I knew is wrong.
An old timer this year told a buddy of mine "If you can't see the porch light you're too deep in the woods". Seems like all the deer are hanging right tight to the houses this year. Don't know about where you are but where I've been hunting there isn't an acorn to be found. Oak trees down here just didn't produce this year so the deer are staying out of the hard woods. Stands that have been productive in past years are completely devoid of activity this year. So after today I find myself asking if cats have nine lives how many do whitetails have????? Hopefully not more than two, I'm on a mission to put a tag on this buck.

Interestingly, the most deer that we've shot this year have come from my fathers's property which is the farthest we get from any houses. We're at least 1/2 mile from the closest houses, across a valley. Usually we get maybe 2 or 3 deer there, this year we're at 5.

The places we hunt with the highest populations are such that we have to make sure we stay 500 feet from houses in multiple directions. Normally, we take 4-6 deer in these areas. This year, 2.

I think your Old Timer is right though, in the sense that wherever you think the deer would normally be, they're not.

It's been an odd, frustrating season in many ways. At the same time:

Ka-Chow! My biggest buck ever!


So, it's not all bad.:D;)

On a stand with my old buddy form "across the road" over looking about 300 yards of fresh mowed hay and by the way it is 69 degrees in beautiful Lower Alabama!