LIVE from the Stand!

slammedsi said:
There goes my last tag

Nice deer!

What happened? You run out of 8-pts?:p

Stu925 said:
Finally got a small doe (100lbs or so) this morning.

Any deer is a good one!

Many of us are having rough seasons here in NY. Warm weather and no snow keep deer movement down which keeps hunters unmotivated which keeps deer movement down which....

I haven't even had my pulse raised since opening day.:(
Very few people in the woods where I hunt which is odd, they usually hunt the surrounding properties. Haven't been hearing many shots either. Did hear one other shot this morning but it was pretty far from where I was.

But let me remind you...


Really?! Who'da thunk! :)

No name calling or arguments either! That's got to be some kind of record!

Let's keep it going! We've got about 2 weeks of season remaining in NY but I know some of you have deer season into at least January!
slammedsi, those are some fine looking "cull bucks"! I manage 20 acres here in Wisconsin and haven't seen that many 8 points in my 35 years hunting my woods. ;)

If you need some help one of these years with those pesky bucks just let me know. :D

To keep this thread growing and on track...... I will have to post live next season. Great idea. I started texting neighboring land owners around me this year and had a ball knowing almost live what that last shot was all about.
Peetz, This was my last buck tag for the season. Figured i would use it on something i liked alot. Ive seen that buck for 5 seasons now. My father feels he is 6+ years old. His net score was 159 and 7/8. Second biggest buck ive taken

Mike. Thanks for the kind words. We work very hard to keep nice deer around for us and others to enjoy in the future.
Here we are again . Live frrom the stand at daylight. No deer yet thisd season, but hope springs eternal. 51F, paertly cloudt and breeze from the souytwest. Time ti hunt.
Peetz, This was my last buck tag for the season. Figured i would use it on something i liked alot. Ive seen that buck for 5 seasons now. My father feels he is 6+ years old. His net score was 159 and 7/8. Second biggest buck ive taken.

Wow! He's a beauty, that's for sure!

Here we are again . Live frrom the stand at daylight. No deer yet thisd season, but hope springs eternal. 51F, paertly cloudt and breeze from the souytwest. Time to hunt.

Kill something! :)
Since this thread began, I have been looking forward to each posting every time I log on. By far one of the best threads on TFL. Hope you all keep it alive.
Well, here I sit in the truck, giving time for any news of my arrival to fade, so I decided to post to the thread as I get ready to find I good spot to wait for pigs. I seen a lot of rooted up spots today, hopefully they will show before I get too sleepy. lol
Hey! Where's them pics!:D

Our season is almost down to the wire. Gun season is over today and we have one week of muzzleloader/bow.

I might make it out a couple more times, at most.

Real life is starting to interfere and cold is starting to be annoying. Also, the fact that I have only 1 time seen deer since Thanksgiving isn't helping much.
Hunted Sat and Sun for a doe with no luck. Winds were calm and the woods were very quiet.....too quiet..... :rolleyes:
Went out Monday/Tuesday...

Too dry to do any "sneaking and peeking"...leaves on the ground go "snap, crackle, and pop", used my climbing stand. Got 20 feet up in a pine tree on Bannister WMA, Angelina Nat'l Forest.

On a slight ridge, between two creek bottoms, mixed pine and hardwoods. Good view of both drainage systems. Could actually see out to about 80 yards in three directions. Looked promising.

Temps from about 45 in the morning to almost 60 by 3 o'clock. Slightly overcast, light wind from the east.

Monday, was in the tree from about 10 AM to fall of darkness, about 5:30 PM. Saw nothing. Not even a squirrel or coyote.

Tuesday, hit the same tree an hour before first light. Love to watch daylight arrive. Crows sounded off at 6:50, sunrise at 7:15.

Saw 2 squirrels. Nothing else stirring. About 10 degrees warmer than Monday. Stayed in the tree until 11:00 AM.

Climbed down, put my climber in "back pack" configuration, and then the sound of a baying hound echoed thru the woods. I stayed put, at the base of the tree I had been in, to see what would happen with the hound in full bay, and approaching my location fast.

The doe bounded toward me in full flight. I had no doe tag, so just stayed put, hoping for the appearance of a buck.

She passed my tree at 20 FEET, never knowing I was there. I stayed by the tree trunk, shielded from her sight by its 2 1/2 foot diameter. I made careful note of her escape route, thinking some day a buck might use it. But not today.

Dog was about 2 minutes behind the doe. He never knew I was there, either. About 30 yards beyond me, he lost the does scent, and began to cast about, trying to locate it. Still in full bay. He then took off at a right angle to the does escape path, and faded away in the distance, going the wrong way, east. The doe went south.

I started back to my truck, and by the time I was almost to it, the hound had circled to the north, then turned west. I stopped again, as his counter clockwise loop seemed to be bringing him full circle back toward my location. Maybe he would send a buck my way, anyway.

Didn't happen. Oh, well - maybe next time. :mad: