LIVE from the Stand!

Went last Thursday

Sneaking and peeking Bannister WMA, 30 miles east of Lufkin, TX.

Actually got to the campground Wednesday, after dark. Didn't bring any kind of stand or blind, planned to just poke around anything thick, looking for bedded deer.

Woke up Thurs morn, at first light. Slept inside my P/U truck, in the bucket seat layed back almost flat, wrapped in a sleeping bag. Overnight low was low 30's, full moon was so bright it woke me up several times, shining in my eyes.

Sitting in the truck eating a cold breakfast (bagel and banana), when I saw the first deer of the day - a doe - mincing along about 20 yards away, in the camp ground. I didn't have any lights on, and the motor wasn't running, so she never alerted or alarmed. She disappeared into the chest high grass growing in the dried up lake bed. We are having a bad drought, and you could walk out onto the lake bed 200 to 300 yards from the normal shore line!

Ten minutes later, driving out of the camp grounds, I saw the second deer - a small buck - running alongside the road with white flag flying, then across the road and disappeared into the woods.

Third deer was after I spent about 4 hours slowly working through the hunting area. Apparently I made too much noise walking, as it busted out about 75 yards in front of me, and kinda sneaked away (no white flag) to my right, at a right angle to my line of travel. Couldn't see the head clearly, so don't know buck/doe.

I immediately sat down on the folding stool I was carrying slung over one shoulder, and remained seated and motionless for 15 minutes. Since it had rained about 48 hours earlier, the leaves were somewhat quiet to walk through, the wind was in my favor, and the deer was seemingly not alarmed enough to run, so I figured I still had a chance at it.

After 15 minutes, I started creeping slowly at a right angle to my previous line of travel, and continued for half an hour (moved about 50 yards), until I came to a creek. The creek was oriented north/south (with a lot of twists and turns), and it had 10 to 20 foot tall banks, and mostly dry. About every 50 yards I would find a bathtub sized puddle of water.

So, I continued northward, along the creek bank, still hoping to find the deer I had spooked earlier.

Never did happen.

About 3:30 pm, I reached the north boundary of the WMA, turned west, and sneaked quietly along the boundary fence about 100 yards. Found a tuft of deer hair caught on a barb of the lowest strand of barbed wire fence. It indicated the deer had traveled from the private land onto the WMA.

Turned South, realizing that I had that north wind (5 to 10 MPH) at my back, now. That meant that the only deer that wouldn't scent me were those to my right (west), or far left. Since I am a leftie, my natural rifle carry and shooting direction is muzzle right of my line of travel.

About 100 yards south of the north border, I decided to sit, back to a very large oak tree. After sitting about 15 minutes (enough time for the woods to get still after me moving around), I decided to use my rattle bag and grunt tube.

After about 2 minutes of combined rattling/grunting, I stopped and waited. All was quiet, nothing stirring.....THEN.....there HE was, trotting out of the high weeds from the west. High stepping...almost prancing...ears forward...head held high....on alert....ready to whip some butt!!:eek:

Stopped 20 yards away.

SOMETHING wrong. Didn't know what.

Eight point. Perfectly symmetrical. Beautiful. Calendar pose!! Broadside!

2 1/2 years old.

We have antler restrictions in most East Texas counties. Inside spread must be beyond the tips of the ears in the alert position.

Due to the terrible drought this year, along with 90 summer days at 100 degree and more temps, this grand young buck's inside spread was EVEN with his ear tips.

"Well, Mr. Game Warden, he sure LOOKED legal to me, don'tcha think?"

"Gimme that rifle....put on these handcuffs!"

Goodbye, young buck - See 'ya next year! Oh, by the way, is your Dad around here somewhere? How about Grandpaw?

He did teach me two things, though.

1. ALWAYS "brush in" when you don't have a blind to sit in.:rolleyes:

2. NEVER lay your rifle down in your lap and relax after a rattle/grunt tube session.:mad:
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People around here swear up and down its the moon

Here in Ohio, its been crazy hot. We've had daytime temps pushing 70 degrees with high warm winds and some nights not dropping below 50. A buddy and I were talking and neither of us have seen anything to speak of since last Sat. morning.
He said he saw an average 8 point trotting across a mowed cornfield last Sat about 11 am that literally looked like it had rabies. He said the bucks tongue was hanging out and he had white foamy saliva wrapped around his snout,dripping from muzzle. No does in sight, just lathered up from running in the heat.

The heat has made it rather hard for me to predict just how close the rut is to peaking as most movement has been happening at night.
Anyone around Ohio got any thoughts?

Tonights suppose to cool off nicely with more seasonal temps expected through this weekend.
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Here I am again, LIVE from the stand! For the final time before gun season.
I have 4 I can use during bow and muzzleloader. Two of those (antlerless) can be used in gun, plus one more buck tag for gun only. Plus, with this Cornell program I can get up to 4 of their management permits for antlerless only.
In my hunting party we have something like 30 tags among 6 people, some transferable some not. That doesn't count the Cornell tags which would theoretically put us at around 46.

Typically, we end up killing 6 or 8 deer total. This year has been slow so far... only 2. Last year at this time we had like 5 I think.
This year I got 1 buck tag, 2 DMP tags (only one of which is for the primary WMU that I hunt) and one Muzzleloader tag. This seems to be about the norm with our group except I'm the only one hunting with a muzzleloader I think. So maybe 16 tags between the 4 of us. One of the guys I hunt with called yesterday to tell me I probably should hunt out of his son's stand since his son is at college, never hunted out of the stand before, but it's on the edge of the property and the orange horde will be pushing them up the hill towards that stand. Hopefully it'll be productive.

I'm still following the thread. I'm headed up to CNY this evening and should be on stand tomorrow a.m. Plan to post from the stand, assuming there is cell coverage.

In answer to the question on tags, I have three NY tags myself ... one buck, and two DMP tags, one each for the two units I hunt in. Also have one DMP tag legally transferred to me by my son, who has decided not to hunt this year (job's keeping him busy). But I don't have any intention of trying to fill them all.

Here in PA I received two tags: one buck and one antlerless. Already took my doe during the early muzzleloader season.
well i am here in indiana and we havent seen anything to speek of in almost a month. we have had 65+ degree days with 35 to 30 mph winds. but tomorrow is another day. i will post tomorrow from the stand.
Checking in live from Jamesville/Pompey. Been on stand since 6:15. Windy.

Just spent the last 20 minutes looking for any sign that I hit a six point. No joy. I forgot just how light the trigger on my Encore muzzleloader is, and I fired before getting square on him. He was only 60 yards away, but I'm pretty sure I shot in front of him. No evidence of a hit out to 120 as I cut back and forth looking for blood.

At least they are out and moving despite the wind.

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Bummer! :( Hope you get the next one!

I couldn't post live this morning as the cell signal was giving me fits. I was in the same tree as last night. I shot a weee baby doe at about 830. Didn't see anything else until I went in and came back out, and then it was just a distant deer at full speed.

I'm back now though, with a decent signal! Here I am, about 20 yards from the tree where I posted the picture of the spike awhile back.
Good luck everybody!!

The winds have finally calmed so I will attempt another Live From the Stand pig/coyote hunt tonight. I have gone out this past week but haven't made any serious attempts due to unfavorable winds just scouting and observing for the most part.

I have a short weekend due to next weeks holiday so this will be my only night that I can buckle down and do some serious hunting.
Well, I got a decent doe. Unfortunately, we have thus far been unable to recover my uncles deer. We did find her but she was still alive. We will return tomorrow and I'm betting she'll be dead.
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You're having better luck than I am, saw 3 small doe this morning at about 6:30, and nothing but grey squirrels and chipmunks after that. Might have had something to do with the people stomping the next property over flat. The 3 I saw this morning must have been push, they came out of the pine north of me with the flags up and motoring pretty good. Stopped in front of me at about 15 yards for a minute and then moved on. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Got one,

I will have to post a picture when I get it on Photobucket, but I was actually sitting in my stand reading the Firing line forums Friday morning, and just happened to look up in time to catch a big buck crossing my food plot.
I barely had time to put down my cell phone, and pick up my rifle.
I got him, and its a very nice East Texas Ten Point with a 15 1/4 inside spread. Here its got to be atleast a 13' spread to be legal.
It was a good one shot kill with my Ruger Frontier .308 I love that little gun, mine has an extended but pad, and a Leupold Vx2 3x9x40 over the reciever.
When I get my picture loaded I will post it.:D