LIVE from the Stand!

In areas where my phone works, I keep it on me.
In areas where I might be able to just get an emergency signal out, should the unthinkable happen... I keep it on me (in "airplane mode").

However, most of the areas I hunt require a drive to get to a signal. In those places, it stays in the truck (or in camp). If we're in the mountains for a longer hunt (5-9 days), we'll drive out far enough to get a signal every few days, to update the family. Most years, that's 6-8 miles on "jeep trails", and 45 minutes to 2 hours, each way (depending on road conditions).

I remember those types of areas in northern NV as well. Our local sportsman's club raised money so the NDOW wardens could get satellite phones for their trucks since they had to cover 10,000 square miles and most of it has no phone signal anywhere - even their radios had issues in certain parts. Today they have those devices - might be worth looking into for your remote hunts
Excellent thread peetza.

I can't even get cell phone reception at my house let alone the areas I hunt. :(

Sorry for the lose of your buck.

You shot your buck in the evening. How soon after the shot did you come out of your stand and start trailing?

Again, really enjoy the thread and keep " LIVE from the stand" coming.
I climbed down after about 15 minutes and went to check the arrow. I waited about another 15 minutes (packing my gear) before tracking about 50 yards, which was easy. After 50 yards, I decided the blood didn't look like he was going to be dead over the next log, so I waited for my uncle, which was about another hour, before tracking farther.

I'm glad you guys like the thread but I can't take credit for the idea. It has been done over on Archery Talk for a couple years, I guess. I ran across it last week and decided TFL needed one too.

I'm going to sleep now... I'll be "LIVE, from the stand!" at 645am. :)
The phone could be a lifesaver if you ever find yourself hanging by your safety strap, after a stand failure.

Surfing and posting on the web while hunting sounds fun. Now you just need some handsfree video/audio, so you can upload the action to you tube, and link it here.
Since I'm a tracphone guy and since I can't get a signal on my property, I usually just bring an old dog-eared western to read while in my stand. The longest shot I have is about 50yds, so it doesn't exactly require a triumph of effort to keep an eye out for deer.
I take my phone with me mostly for emergencies. We are a long way from anything important. We have limited signal for talking but I can text from both properties. If my son goes hunting we usually hunt different tracts about a mile apart. He can text me to let me know whats going on around him and if he gets one. I have killed several deer while we were texting. I had to put down my phone and fire a shot, so I kind of look at it like good luck charm. If I told him that he would probably quit doing it.:D
Yesterday my uncle sat in his car along the dirt road to the NW of this piece. He saw many deer coming from the suburbia north of here, including 3 bucks, one of them a real beast. Very late they come out though. Hopefully there's a few in here already that will head to the field before dark.
Well. Day three is a bust. Two squirrels running around after each other in the woods and my uncle saw four deer but he couldn't get a shot. So, that's that. Day 4 will be Saturday.
I hate to admit this but your thread made me alter my nomal routine. Typically I come home, fire up the computer, read the emails, look at the local news, then the national and only after doing all that do I check in on TFL and a local fishing site I participate in. up the computer.......check LIVE FROM THE STAND.....first!!
Ok I admit it I'm hooked on this thread. My season won't be starting until 11/19 so I'll have to live vicariously through this thread until then. Good luck on day 4.


Just wanted to stop by and tell ya "good luck in the morning".

Hope you get to share some nice pics with us tomorrow.
Thanks Shortwave.

The wife has a haircut appointment tomorrow morning but tomorrow evening I'm taking my 5yr old son with me. We'll sit in a blind in a spot where we're likely to SEE deer but they are a bit "blind jumpy". I'll try hiding it even better than I have before.

I would very much like to get one when my boy is with me, so say a few prayers for us, eh? :)

I'll be posting, LIVE, somewhere around 430pm... The boy can't sit so long yet. ;)
Well, I'm on stand.... In a ground blind this time. The boy is having a rough day so we put off his hunt until tomorrow.
Wish me a 10pt!

Here I am!
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