It's ok to tase the bro!

PT111 Wrote "I just find it ironic that in a forum where the normal discussion centers around the best calber gun for a one stop shot and when you can an can't shoot someone, there is such an uproar over someone being tased while resisting arrest. Maybe there would be less condern if they had shot him and demonstrated the one stop shot effectiveness of their guns."

That is f*ckin funny man... :D
Update...charges dropped, Bro!

Florida student tasered at Kerry speech won't be charged

Last Update: 7:07 am

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) -- The Florida student arrested and stunned with a Taser for yelling questions at a John Kerry event won't face criminal charges.

Andrew Meyer's attorney says they reached a deal with prosecutors to dismiss the case. The 21-year-old student wrote apologies to the school, its president, and the campus police department.

The attorney says he still doesn't think the Taser was justified, but Meyer was sorry. In the letters, the student admits crossing the line and regrets bringing Florida bad publicity.

The campus police officers involved are back to work after the Florida Department of Law Enforcement cleared their use of force last week.

Meyer is taking this semester off, but plans to resume school in January and finish his degree this summer.

Comment: No doubt, folks on both sides will spin the final chapter of this story...i.e.:

Meyer was extremely lucky because he deserved to be branded a lifetime felon for "disrupting" (using language from comedycentral) a political pageant mis-advertised as a "forum" .


another cf swept under the rug. ;)
It sounds like a good outcome for all involved to me. I wonder if the student had to agree not to file a civil lawsuit as part of the deal?
It sounds like a good outcome for all involved to me. I wonder if the student had to agree not to file a civil lawsuit as part of the deal?

IMO They gave him a gift. They could have gotten a conviction on the resisting arrest which would have put a kink in a civil lawsuit. But yes, I'm sure they had him agree if they dropped it he would drop it as well.
Amazing what a few hours of reflection can do. Sounds like everyone came to their senses before it got too stupid. Someone should send this young man's lawyer a gift basket for convincing him to do the right thing.
What goes around comes around. I only hope that you people get the same treatment some day when you want to say something that the fat cats don't want to hear. There'll be no one squealing louder.

If I ever decide to act like an idiot in public, disturb a privately sponsored event, refuse to leave when asked, and resist arrest; I invite you to come to the taser party:p
It sounds like a good outcome for all involved to me. I wonder if the student had to agree not to file a civil lawsuit as part of the deal?

Probably. That, or his written apologies probably had to be worded such that it'd be pretty hard to win any civil lawsuit. Basically the school agreed to call a "truce" and end things without generating any "real" paperwork.

I'd say it was a good outcome. Though the school really did give him a gift: both parties had plenty to lose (the school could have faced a lawsuit), but the stakes were much higher for the student. Sure, the school may have ended up out some money, but he could have ended up with felony convictions, kicked out of school, and destined to a life of mopping up after the people they allow to flip burgers.

What goes around comes around. I only hope that you people get the same treatment some day when you want to say something that the fat cats don't want to hear. There'll be no one squealing louder.


Seriously, you really need to go brush up on what freedom of speech really means.
Yes, and if you do not like it, you are free to start your OWN forum. THAT is free speech. The constitution states that congress shall make no law restricting free speech, it does not require me (or anyone else) to listen or to let you spout your views on my property.

If you don't like it, go to your own property and speak. (Start your own web site, college, or other venue)

ETA: This country is not, and never has been, a Democracy. Neither is this board.
x11, I can only assume that you are a college or HS student who has not been appropriately taught that free speech is not an absolute right. In fact, I can not think of any right that is absolute.

Our public education system is pretty embarassing some times.
The constitution states that congress shall make no law restricting free speech, it does not require me (or anyone else) to listen or to let you spout your views on my property.

Thats absolutely true. But you probably couldn't get away with Tasing someone over it.
Thats absolutely true. But you probably couldn't get away with Tasing someone over it.

True. But the cops could, if I called them to remove him and he started physically resisting and verbally abusing them.

m i rite?
if you do ask questions that he doesn't want to hear, like how come both he and Bush were in the exact same secret society, then they can beat you down and taser you
But you probably couldn't get away with Tasing someone over it.
Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth?

What exactly are you saying? If someone is trespassing on my property (but not in my house), are you justified in using a Taser on them?
I'm not skull and bones, I are a hillbilly. Decline to leave a private event in my neck of the woods and you would be wishing that they only used a taser on you.

You do know that "redneck" is a term originating in southern west virginia when union supporters(coal miners) wore red bandanas around their necks. Where I'm from guys know the different between protestors and blowhards.
Yes, unregistered, if someone is trespassing on your property and refuse to leave when law enforcement authorities ask them to then said law enforcement is allowed to use the minimum force neccesary to remove them from your property. The taser comes pretty close to the bottom on that scale.