It's ok to tase the bro!

I think tasing him was completely unnecessary. They could have easily muscled him out, unless the cops were all nearing retirement age and stuffed full of donuts. Yapping in order to obstruct someone's speak is a violation of free speech in itself, no matter who's talking.

I should probably program a macro to reply to this crap for as long as this thread still lives, but I'll go ahead and repeat:

"Muscling him out" would have been about as likely, if not more, to cause injury to him (even ignoring the officers' safety for the moment) as the use of a taser in drive-stun mode while he was on the ground. Especially a single use. So perhaps you could explain the benefit, other than PR?
True story. About 15 years ago, many of us citizens fought unsuccessfully against the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area (Oregon/Wash); arguably a property rights usurpation many magnitudes greater than the recent Kelo decision. A public hearing was held in White Salmon, Wa. (strictly window dressing, in retrospect). I had prepared a written statement, clean but highly critical of the Columbia River Gorge Commission. After signing up to speak, and waiting my turn, I started at the mic. Stafford Hansell, commission chairman, started getting red-faced as my statement was read. Then he started inturrupting me, saying I was "out of line", etc. To which, the packed audience started chanting "let him speak", "let him speak"! (this scenic area designation was unpopular; had been voted down by 80% in a previous local ballot question - consent of the governed?) After pausing, I continued reading my statement, noticing that Mr. Hansell was livid, and had summoned a staff member and was whispering something to him.

Only after the event, did I find out that Chairman Hansell was telling that staff member to have the county sheriff (who was standing at the back of the room) throw me out and have me arrested for disturbing the peace! And the sheriff, to her credit, told that staff member heck! no, he's not breaking any law! Anyway, the hearing ended peacefully.

Fast forward to today, when political handlers have instant control of mic switches, and unquestioning thugs to spring into action to enforce not the law, but their unwritten, off the cuff interpretation of "decorum" (translation = make sure the candidate looks good). Heck, there have been stories where audience members have been barred at the door from political rallies, by political hacks because they were wearing T-shirts against the candidate. All very sterile and controlled. "Go to the designated free speech cage, out in a field 1/2 mile away" (watch at next year's conventions )

Judging from this thread, that's exactly how many citizens want it. I'll go on record as saying this environment has chilled free speech, sanitized the political dialogue, to the detriment of the country. Respectfully, I'll ask those who support this kind of thing to reflect and reconsider their opinions.

I highlighted the difference between your case and this guy disrupting a privately sponsored event. I thought it might help you see the difference.
What was that kid's name, the kid who got beaten down and tasered by Kerry's thugs?
Try reading the articles andor at least watching the video and get back to me on that
Why do people insist on injecting themselves into a conversation when they refuse to follow it

Say what, "pal"?
I don't know any other way to explain it
it's not called a democracy.
Never has been a democracy, never was intended to be a democracy and never will be a democracy
If you doubt me look it up

The USA has been engaged in virtually endless wars for the past century, bombing and trashing other peoples' countries, and it's always in the name of "democracy"
I guess that means that China really is a democratic republic then?

Instead of proudly displaying your ignorance why don't you try to correcting it