It's ok to tase the bro!

Citizens! Do not resist! Resistance is futile! Do not try to say politically incorrect things! Do not think politically incorrect thoughts!

Oh please! Once you decide to resist Law Enforcement Officers you have to accept that you will lose. If you believe they are wrong, that is what the courts are for. But at the moment of resistance you will lose.
The whole history of freedom is the history of brave people resisting "law enforcement officers".

You seem to be confusing rebelling against oppression, with interrupting a privately sponsored event.
The police were not "overly aggressive." They did what they had to do. The guy was an idiot who was making a silly fuss just to disrupt everything. He didn't stop when he was asked nicely the first time.
Here is the video showing what really happened, as opposed to the truncated politically corrected bit that they showed on tv, as linked above:

It's been shown before, it's a CNN TV clip(you an tell by the little CNN logo in the top right corner:D). It clearly shows him resisting being removed from the venue.
The kampus kops jumped the student the moment he mentioned "secret society". That was a question that desperately needed to be asked in their previous sham presidential election, but not a one of our whore reporters in our so-called free press ever asked it. Both Kerry and Bush are members of the same secret society, The satanic Order of the Skull and Bones. Both are sworn by blood oaths to leave the room if any outsider even mentions the Skull & Bones to them - tho it seems getting the person immediately silenced is a workable alternative.
The kampus kops jumped the student the moment he mentioned "secret society". That was a question that desperately needed to be asked in their previous sham presidential election, but not a one of our whore reporters in our so-called free press ever asked it. Both Kerry and Bush are members of the same secret society, The satanic Order of the Skull and Bones. Both are sworn by blood oaths to leave the room if any outsider even mentions the Skull & Bones to them - tho it seems getting the person immediately silenced is a workable alternative.

Wow, now the police are the skull and bones henchmen.:rolleyes: Take a dose of reality and call us in the morning.
I know they cut off the mic. I already noted that in a post I made hours ago. I also know he kept on talking.
But yet you say
They wouldnt have had to protect themselves if they had unplugged the mic, and then stopped
They shut the mic he did not stop
He started taking over the forum they told him to leave, he did not
They again told him to leave, he did not
They offered him assistance in finding the door, he responded by violently resiting their help

What was the big deal about that? I don't see why you need to be tasered for not shutting up. He didnt seem to be on the verge of physically harming anyone until the police put themselves in that position.
What about this incident leads you to believe otherwise
Seriously how old are you
You are making comments I would expect from a middle schooler
In the real world there are rules that we all must live by
Not exerting your rights by violating the rights of others is a big one
He had no right to the forum he interjected himself into
He was asked to leave he was told to leave he escalated the incident, which he also orchestrated, not the police
This is exactly what the student said when his mike was cut and the kampus kops jumped him:

"Are you in the same secret society as Bush?"
They were in the same secret society, which was on double-secret probation, and that controls all of the oil fields and banks. You just have to know the secret handshake. ;)
It's plainly a conspiracy Don
The skulls and Illuminati have infiltrated the "Kampus Kops" and together with the Black Pope they intend to take the universities back from the liberal left and form the new world order under the gaze of the all seeing eye by silencing braying jackasses
It's plainly a conspiracy Don
The skulls and Illuminati have infiltrated the "Kampus Kops" and together with the Black Pope they intend to take the universities back from the liberal left and form the new world order under the gaze of the all seeing eye by silencing braying jackasses

I just shot diet coke out my nose. That really hurts.

Fremmer, please don't discuss the handshake anymore, you might let it slip and then we would have to tase you.
I think the kid was a feminine hygenie product, but the event makes me uneasy. He wasn't a physical threat to anyone, and last time I checked citizens weren't required to take orders from police officers, much less get assaulted with physical force when they refuse to do so. The only way force could be justified is if he was trespassing, but if he got a ticket or pass to the event like everyone else then that doesn't apply. I think he should've been allowed to say his piece, regardless of how hard it made everyone in the audience's eyes roll.

I don't like the message it sends - 1) it lowers the threshold for use of force, and 2) demonstrates that you can be administered corporal punishment for disobedience without ever being charged with a crime.
He was "taking over the forum"??

I thought the reports said the forum was over. Question and Answer session was over also. If that is true, then there was no forum to take over.
How does it lower the threshold for use of force? This is generally covered by state laws. The big secret is that the arrestee determines the amount of force used on him. :eek: 99.9% of police simply use the guidelines that their department has in accordance with the law. If he had simply left he wouldn't have had a hair ruffled on his head.

Just because you have purchased a ticket doesn't give you any right to stay past being asked to leave by management. Which was done in this case.

I'm pretty sure if Kerry belonged to some sinister secret organization he wouldn't spill his guts in a public forum. From His actions it looked like he probably planned this stunt before the forum.

The guy had a case of stupid and not knowing his rights under the law. He got a painful education and now is much wiser we

I don't think you are going to get very far in your argument by insulting people werewolf.
This guy was clearly attacked for the content of his speech.

He started out complimenting and sucking up to Kerry. The "handler" who had control of the mic switch had no problem with extending this utterly valuable (haha) q/a period if it made Kerry look good. Only when the questioning got uncomfortable, did the "handler" cut the mic, and then signal for the thugs to spring into action.

All the apologists please comment on this: Equal protection under the law... How about we apply this SAME standard of law enforcement to the presidential debates? A line of officers standing 3 feet behind the candidates with their arms folded; whenever a candidate violates his/her allotted time period, rather than being allowed to drone on for another paragraph as they do now, the mic is instantly cut, and the thugs spring into action, tugging on the arms of the candidate, and dragging them off stage. <QUIT RESISTING HILLARY!!!>

What passes for political discourse these days is managed by pencil neck "handlers", just like in this Kerry speech. THEY designate "free speech zones" miles from the cameras in fenced-in areas. THEY control the thug police enforcers to spring into action when the dialog might make their precious candidate look bad.

An obvious double standard. And, judging from the comments in this thread, that's exactly what the majority of the people want! Sad, sad, sad! A student becomes a felon for violating sacred "alloted time" in some uber managed fundraiser masquerading as a "political discussion". The chosen ones (public officials) waste tax money endlessly pimping themselves, at content and style-managed events all over the country.

Heaven forbid someone should intrude on this fake, staged, theatrical production for a few moments. Sheesh! :barf: