It's ok to tase the bro!

How does it lower the threshold for use of force? This is generally covered by state laws. The big secret is that the arrestee determines the amount of force used on him.

Arrest for WHAT? Talking too long? What's the crime he committed that warranted physical restraint?

Don't get me wrong - the guy was obnoxious and obviously nutty. But imagine if, during the political debates, police officers grab a candidate and haul him off the stage if he keeps talking past the bell that signals his time is up!
But imagine if, during the political debates, police officers grab a candidate and haul him off the stage if he keeps talking past the bell that signals his time is up!

I would applaud the police officers. The cantidates agree before hand on the rules of the debate so why should they get to violate them just because they don't know whne to shut up. If you can't play by the rules that you make then you shouldn't be allowed to play.
He should have been "tased" for excess stupidity. The hubris of the young is really amazing, thinking you can resist being escorted out of a room by several officers and not face any consequences.

Who doesn't know the rules of on champus protest by now? You get to say your two minutes of whatever, then you are escorted out of the hall by security. Then you might or might not get interviewed outside depending if you are glib and clever. Nobody even gets arrested on these types of things, just shown the door.

Of course, maybe he was willing to suffer the pain of being "tased" to make some obscure and obtuse political point? If so he is even dumber than it might first appear.
I would applaud the police officers. The cantidates agree before hand on the rules of the debate so why should they get to violate them just because they don't know whne to shut up. If you can't play by the rules that you make then you shouldn't be allowed to play.

Regardless of what you think about debate rules, talking past the bell chime isn't a crime that warrants the use of force.
It does demonstrate that they think more of their rights than those of others and definitely loses my vote. What would you say would be the proper action?
Arrest for WHAT? Talking too long?
Well, initially it would have been trespass if he was asked to stop talking and leave (remember, private event) and he didn't. The minute he began resisting and then so much as bumped one of the officers it became assault.
Arrest for WHAT? Talking too long?

Try trespassing at a private event. His mic was shutoff and told to leave; he refused by continuing his tirade.

What's the crime he committed that warranted physical restraint?

Trespassing after he was asked to leave, resisting arrest with violence after he pushed away from the cops escorting him out.

Try a little experiment for us. Go to your local WalMart and act like a fool screaming and yelling, when the cops show up, ignore them telling you to leave, then push them away when they grab you. Please report your results back to the thread.:rolleyes:
Try a little experiment for us. Go to your local WalMart and act like a fool screaming and yelling, when the cops show up, ignore them telling you to leave, then push them away when they grab you. Please report your results back to the thread.

That misses the point. While its beyond argument that this guy is a [redacted] and was looking for attention, that in itself doesn't justify being tased. Like it or not, police are paid and expected to get physical with people as part of their job. Folks who cant handle this or don't like it need to find a different profession.

If at the beginning, when the police first asked him to leave and he started with the gene kelly routine, they had pulled out the taser and said "comply or fry", thats acceptable. I still think its lazy and unprofessional since we arent talking about Andre the 400 lb crack dealer, but rather Melvin the geeky political bean poll, but thats just me.

However, thats not what happened. The officers decided to use physical compliance to arrest the guy. He was on the ground with 2 cops on him and I believe a third trying to get his final hand cuffed. All the while there are 2-3 other officers standing there having a morning coffee.

Use of a taser is not justified to get a suspects final hand in the cuffs when he presents no threat and is non-violent and has no less than 2 officers on top of him.

These cops made their choice to go the physical route. They don't get to change their minds halfway through unless there is sufficient justification. Being a jerk is not sufficient justification.

For those of you that watch cops, the above is the reason why you never see them using a taser on someone who is partially in custody. Its a good reason, and in place so we dont' start to go down the road of zapping people for non compliance because while voluntarily on the ground, their hands were at their sides and not behind their back.
I still think its lazy and unprofessional since we aren't talking about Andre the 400 lb crack dealer, but rather Melvin the geeky political bean poll, but thats just me.

I have had some of the biggest problems some the geeky beanpole as you put it and wished they had tasers back then. If you have never been there you can never begin to understand what its like to be in a situation such as this.
You have no idea how quickly and how bad emotional situations become so in my opinion they did the right thing when they tased this loser because that ended it and that was it. No one got hurt and they went home (Except the moron)without being injured. Guys get hurt every day wrestling around with idiots like this guy.He had his chance to leave or escalate the situation. He chose the latter. The taser ends things quick and well it does hurt but like DONR says STUPID SHOULD HURT !
I thought the reports said the forum was over. Question and Answer session was over also. If that is true, then there was no forum to take over.
Could you please show which reports said the forum, speech, or event was over?
If not could you explain away
why Kerry still had the podium and the seats were still filled and the mics still on?

Have you ever even attended a speech/forum such as this?

He started out complimenting and sucking up to Kerry. The "handler" who had control of the mic switch had no problem with extending this utterly valuable (haha) q/a period if it made Kerry look good. Only when the questioning got uncomfortable, did the "handler" cut the mic, and then signal for the thugs to spring into action.
His mic was cut after using profanity in violation of the rules of conduct set forth by the event organizers
All the apologists please comment on this: Equal protection under the law... How about we apply this SAME standard of law enforcement to the presidential debates? A line of officers standing 3 feet behind the candidates with their arms folded; whenever a candidate violates his/her allotted time period, rather than being allowed to drone on for another paragraph as they do now, the mic is instantly cut, and the thugs spring into action, tugging on the arms of the candidate, and dragging them off stage. <QUIT RESISTING HILLARY!!!>
If the event organizers choose to invoke this rule then the police would be appropriate in removing those that violate the rule and then refuse to exit
But how many times have we seen a political candidate resort to crude gutter language while telling the moderator that they will ask or answer any question in any way they please
Or are you always one of those apples to oranges kind of guys

A student becomes a felon for violating sacred "alloted time"
Repeat a lie enough and it becomes truth?
Guys get hurt every day wrestling around with idiots like this guy.He had his chance to leave or escalate the situation. He chose the latter. The taser ends things quick and well it does hurt but like DONR says STUPID SHOULD HURT !

Then they should have used the taser from the get go rather than get physical.

It was the officers who decided to tackle the guy and put him in cuffs. To be quite honest, it wasnt really necessary to cuff him either. With 6 cops there they could have easily escorted him out.
Like it or not, police are paid and expected to get physical with people as part of their job. Folks who cant handle this or don't like it need to find a different profession.

Stage 2,
RUN, don't walk, down to your nearest police station and sign up for a "ride-along" night because you really need to see what being an LEO is like for a few nights.

Use of a taser is not justified to get a suspects final hand in the cuffs when he presents no threat and is non-violent and has no less than 2 officers on top of him.

If the suspect's hands aren't clearly -empty- and -restrained-, and if the suspect is still resisting, then a taser IS justified. You DO know what the only previous alternative was don't you? (Hint - it would probably have resulted in a hospital visit for somebody).

To be quite honest, it wasnt really necessary to cuff him either.
You are wrong. Again, I would recommend you spend some time learning about law enforcement, it's requirements, procedures, and just precisely what sort of a job it really is.
It's pretty obvious that lots of people have never tried to restrain anyone ever. Forget ride along with cops visit a pysche ward and see what those guys have to do to restrain people who don't want to be restrained, and they aren't allowed to "hurt" anyone. I have seen a 250lb man taken down by a headbutt to the groin by an 8 year old who was out of control. Size doesn't matter as much as people think.
Use of a taser is not justified to get a suspects final hand in the cuffs when he presents no threat and is non-violent and has no less than 2 officers on top of him.

These cops made their choice to go the physical route. They don't get to change their minds halfway through unless there is sufficient justification. Being a jerk is not sufficient justification.

Sure they can. They can change their tactics based on the situation. They decided it was better to use the taser when he decided to continue to resist being cuffed. What you are suggesting is that had he been going for a weapon when his hands were under him they would have still been stuck trying the hands on approach because they aren't allowed to change their approach once they've started; that is just plain dumb and dangerous.

Then they should have used the taser from the get go rather than get physical.

No, they were following the use of force continuum and trying to use the minimum amount of force necessary for their safety and the safety of the perpetrator. They went hands on, he resisted, they had three choices 1. continue to wrestle with him and take a chance on getting injured themselves or injuring him in a bare knuckle fight. 2. use the taser to gain compliance resulting in no injury to themselves and a minimum amount of pain to him. 3. attempt pain compliance or choke hold compliance risking severe injury or death to him. Out of those three choices they picked the one that made sense and the FDLE agreed with their choice.
It was the officers who decided to tackle the guy and put him in cuffs. To be quite honest, it wasnt really necessary to cuff him either. With 6 cops there they could have easily escorted him out.

Yes it was, they were arresting him. That requires him to be cuffed. When there was 3 officers there and he pushed away and resisted, they no longer had a need to politely escort him out, they had a need to arrest him.
He should have claimed it was racially motivated and sued the PANTS off the college.

Loud mouthed white males simply CANNOT get their voices heard in America.
Loud mouthed white males simply CANNOT get their voices heard in America

Sure they can, it's called the senate and it's regularly on c-span. Maybe they could use taser's in the senate though, that has some potential.
Some people have no clue what it takes to subdue other people who don't want to be subdued. The taser was a polite choice for this young man's actions, it could have been much worse.

He is a criminal having trespassed and resisted arrest. His receiving force was warranted and could have been worse.

I like the idea of going on a ride along instead of just "watching cops" on TV. The TV stuff is dumbed down because the average viewer cannot seem to handle the reality of the world around them. There are bad people out there and officers getting hurt so as not to hurt them is not the answer. Any resistance can hurt another human being, no matter how slight. You ever pull your back lifting something you didn't think would pull it? Try wrestling with a criminal, as this young man is, and see how quickly any one of those employed heroes could have been hurt.

Amazing how they are heroes when they save your wife and children’s lives, but villains when you see one video clip.
Let's think about it this way-

I am sitting in an Algebra class at my local university. I stand up and begin talking about the benefits of NRA membership, and against gun control. The professor asks me to be quiet. I refuse. He asks me to leave. I refuse.

The campus police ask me to leave, and I refuse. They try to push me out the door, I try to get away. They tase me.

Whose rights were violated, and by whom?
1 My first amendment rights, by the professor and the police
2 My civil rights, as I should not be tased for speaking out
3 The rights of the other students, who were there to learn algebra, and not listen to me rant about gun control
I just find it ironic that in a forum where the normal discussion centers around the best calber gun for a one stop shot and when you can an can't shoot someone, there is such an uproar over someone being tased while resisting arrest. Maybe there would be less condern if they had shot him and demonstrated the one stop shot effectiveness of their guns.:)