Is the caliber debate over?

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It'd be nice if it was the end of the story.

Everybody knows that if you hit him with a 9mm he's just gonna get right back up.:rolleyes:
mrt949 said:
If you get a good hit the threat will go down.
End of story .

The 2 German's killed by Sgt. Antolak after he went down three times would disagree with you if they could.

Fully 30 yards in advance of his squad, he ran into withering enemy machinegun, machine-pistol and rifle fire. Three times he was struck by bullets and knocked to the ground, but each time he struggled to his feet to continue his relentless advance. With one shoulder deeply gashed and his right arm shattered, he continued to rush directly into the enemy fire concentration with his submachinegun wedged under his uninjured arm until within 15 yards of the enemy strong point, where he opened fire at deadly close range, killing 2 Germans and forcing the remaining 10 to surrender.
45_auto, do you think .45 bullets would have been more effective than the German 9 mm? All this story tells us is handguns are not great at stopping a committed attacker.
...the ammo debate will NEVER be over.

Oh, come on, everyone knows that 10mm put a decisive end to the ammo debate. It'll knock a moose's head clean off with the first round, and you can use the remaining 14 rounds as bling on your mounted trophy! :D
not true old friend. A facebook post that I read a few months ago told a story about a guy who dry fired his 10 mm at the moose head trophy on his man cave wall and it didn't fall down. All he did was punch a hole in its head, which he fixed with beeswax and shoe polish.

Downrange, however, he shot through six walls and a brick chimney, and two miles downwind of that, he blew the head off of a squirrel in a park.

A ten MM is quite capable of blowing the head off of a squirrel but not the head of a moose.

It's true. it's on the internet.
A lot of shooters like the 9mm Luger/parabellium round with there 18/19/21 round magazines. I guess it's the more rounds the better theory. Then there's the 1911 guys who want a 9mm in there 1911 form. Less round capacity than a cz75 but they cloned there 1911 in 45acp into a 9mm. I perfer the cz75/cz85db over a 1911 in 9mm. We've learned the 9mm isn't a good man stopping round. It's even worse in close quarters when searching house to house. I can understand why they want the 1911 back in 45acp. I've trusted the battle field proven man stopper 1911/45acp since the mid 70's till now. But for most of my ccw life I shoulder holstered the 44 mag. On and off its been the 1911/45acp, cz85db/9mm, the cz82/9mm mak. (Inbetween) I can't wear the 44/shoulder holstered to family gatherings, weddings, ect. I've always been a revolver guy. I recently picked up a S&W m58 in 41mag. With its 4" barrel it's a nice ccw piece with no sacrifice in stopping power. I guess since this topic is forever ongoing we just can't decide which caliber is the best one for defensive ccw? I believe the bottom line is your accuracy in placing your first shot. It's practice, practice and more practice with your weapon of choice. Practice your draw and fire too.
Stay safe, godbless, bb
We've learned the 9mm isn't a good man stopping round. It's even worse in close quarters when searching house to house

I think you are introducing a premise as universally accepted that is not. I'm tempted to ask something to the effect of: where have we learned and documented this?
The caliber debate is over when each individual shooter decides what they will carry and use. My belief is that there are very few firearm owners that have only one caliber pistol or rifle for that matter. Take me for example I own pistols in 6 calibers and rifles in 3. I do have a favorite choice in pistol caliber that I most often carry, but I would not feel inadequately protected with some of the others.
I've read articles from our people in the sand box and in a close quarter situation these bad guys don't give up till there dead. With any life left in them they stay fighting till there last breath. It takes too many rounds of 9mm to stop them completely. The 45acp stops them faster.
Because 10mm costs too much.

But 10MM costs so much because so few people shoot it. Its a chicken and egg type thing.

And its not THAT much - I think I paid $15 a box for my last batch of S+B
Never will be. Interesting how the 10MM Auto was acclaimed as THE round, then, when its shortcomings were exposed and the 40 S&W was introduced it was acclaimed as THE round, now the 9MM is making a comeback.
The caliber debate is over when each individual shooter decides what they will carry and use.

Lets expand on that.

The caliber debate is over when each individual shooter decides what they will carry and use. Then, when they are satisfied about it, and they get tired of the constant rehashing of the same old information day after day, year after year, then, maybe a few million will retire from the argument.

Of course, then you will still have thousands of young studs, all full of piss and vinegar, determined to make their mark, who will come in and start adding their own two cents to every post they can see, sometimes

As long as there are differences in opinions or products, people are going to think that the other guy is wrong and try just as hard to convert the pagans as the spanish missionaries tried to convert montezuma.
The 9mm is a capable round for self defense. I believe it is popular as a compromise. It's cheap to practice with and it's better than a 22. Less recoil than a 45 and is available at every mom and pop store. Alot of women are capable of shooting it and it's made in so many different models. It's not the best and it will never be the best for stopping an attacker but it's a good compromise. The great thing about this country is we have that choice to make for ourselves.
We don't have any charts or graphs.... yet...

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