In need of Remington Nylon 66 Disassemble & Reassemble Help!

Bought the 66 in `82 and have put more rounds through it than there are to fire. Unfortunately, this year the action started to get a bit sticky, so I decided to clean out the carbon. I have the original schematic so I thought, 'what could go wrong?'. Would like some particular instruction as to safe removal of bolt handle and proper reseating of barrel.

I've used this weapon so long that it seems to point itself, sure hate to have to continue using the Ruger 10/22 (too heavy/box clips...).

Please send disassembly/reassembly instructions (much appreciation).
Ah, to Make the Nyklon 66 Fire...

Along about for my 21st birthday, my best friend gave me a new Remington Nylon 66 . Seemed like a nice enough rifle, at the time, but it never quite learned to chamber the next round.

Thought it might get over that, but 'Ve always had to eject an unspent shell, in order to chamber the one behind it.

Noticed that you've been able to help the fellers before me and would sure appreciate similar info. Guess it's about time to get real familiar with an otherwise darned comfortable rifle.

My friend and I still keep in touch on a regular basis. It'd be nice to call and tell him I'd fixed the thing (he gets all soft and mushy over stuff like that). Thank you, in advance, kind sir.
Mr. Nolden, many thanks. Have now passed my own test (performed fourth disassembly/reassembly from memory). Will only put Yellow Jackets through this rifle from now on, had been using off-brand for the past year.
I was surprised that, although there was enough carbon build up to keep me permanently restricted to Post, this 24yr. old - never been cleaned - constantly used weapon is essentially in perfect condition (didn't even have to readjust the aim).

Will be recommending this site and your forum to fellow gun owners.

Keep up the good work!
nylon 66

Just got a Remington nylon 66 from my father in-law.I would appreciate the assemble/disassemble instructions. Thank you in advance! Hope it makes it past the network stuff.
I have a 10C and a Rem 66 and would like to take them down and clean them but haven't out of fear of not being able to get them back together. Could someone please send me the info.
Harley (or one of you guys that have already gotten them), please send me a copy of those disassembly/reassembly instructions too. Stumbled upon a Seneca Green 66 today at a pawn shop and couldn't let it pass me by. Probably paid a little more than she's worth at the moment as she needs some tender loving care. Gun is all together and shop owner guaranteed it (for what that's worth). Figured it would be a worthy cause to finally give this one a home that she can feel safe in. With those instructions and some quality time, I should have her back in top shape before even I know it.

Ten-fold thanks in advance to Harley and the crew.

Although I honestly believe that Harley doesn't mind all the requests for the 66 instructions, I thought I'd offer a little info I learned about the Remington Nylons (after I too got the manual from Harley).

There's a yahoo group called "nylonrifles." If you join it, they have a number of "files" available online, including .pdfs of articles about these guns, tear down instructions, parts suppliers, tips to cleaning and repair, etc. It just doesn't cover the 66 either but all the nylons--e.g., 76, 10, 11, 12, etc. Worth checking out if you're in the hunt for some specific piece of information.

On behalf of all of us nylon 66 owners who have received the instructions from Harley, here's to ya! Thanks. You gave us that hope we needed after we each brazenly (a/k/a stupidly) tore our rifles down before we knew exactly what the heck we were doing. You saved us all when we each thought we'd done the unspeakable -- permanently ended the life of a favorite plinker. Please don't take my post here recommending another source of information the wrong way. I'm confident you'll still be the go-to guy for lots of future nylon owners as the FiringLine is a great site. Maybe this will let you take a little, well-deserved breather for awhile though--at least from the nylon guys.

Nylon 66

I got the whole thing back together but the sear dosn't work right and the cartrige cutoff spring is in wrong I think. Can you send a detailed instruction for dis/reassembly :confused:
Please Help!! Remington 66 Assembly Instructions Needed!!

If anyone still has these instructions, please email them to me at thank you.

PS. Is there anywhere they can be posted on the forum? :rolleyes: Considering all the requests, it may not be a bad idea. :)
Reminington 66 instructions


A big thanks for sending the instructions. Unfortunately, I left them on my email account the night you sent them and my wonderful wife who did not recognize your name deleted the email a day later and sent it to the trash bin.
If there is anyway you please could be so kind as to send those directions one last time, I will print them off the moment they arrive and never (I realize this is a dangerous word to use) ask for them again.:o


nylon 66 manual

Hello Harly,

Can I get one of your assembly/disassembly manuals fro the Nylon 66 sent to me, too?


Chuck 651
nylon 66 disassembly

Would you be so kind to forward me the assemble/disassemble instructions for the nylon 66. My dad bought this rifle for me 40 years ago. I burnt a many a shell through it as a youth, but it hasn't been used in quite some time and I would like to clean it up and get it ready to pass along.
Just my two cents

The Nylon's trigger group is quite unique. I detail cleaned a Nylon 66 for a friend about 15 years ago. I saved the slave pins that I used to reassemble it with, just in case I had to tackle another one someday. Although I figured out the dis/re-assembly, I sure could have used some instructions back then!
HARLEY ! Can I please get the assembly/disassembly instructions for the Nylon 66 ? I have aquired one that I want to clean before I teach firearms safety with my son. Thank You ! Please send to;