How many of you sleep with a loaded gun ?

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I wont have to worry about defending myself If I have to fight naked....the intruder would laugh themselves to death.... literally,,,painfully,,,but thats ok too... saves me valueable ammo!!!:cool:
LoL, Disco. Being naked could actually save ones life. It might distract intruders long enough to hit them with some rounds.
The clothes part is for if they get past the alarm, the doubled locked bedroom door and all the furniture piled in front, to me in the corner of the room with my shotgun. And also for when LE shows up. Nekid with a shotgun is not how I intend to greet them.

And yes, fighting nekid is really hard. Physically and psychologically. Tyler, PM coming at you.

For clarification, if anyone has offended me so far, I have told you so. You would know it if I was talking to you about disrespectful behavior. Just trying to deter more.
I am sorry, I just can't view myself fighting naked. HAHAHAHA!
I would feel very akward. Maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be a problem; but dang, just think about it!!! Aint got no place to stick your gun; and guns can be hot or cold on your body (slinging gun on back), depending on your current environment.

And don't forget about the headlines in the news. You'll probably have some comment about you fighting like a naked indian. LOL
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The news would have a comment lol. Think about it though, you cant say,"excuse me mister criminal/murderer man could you wait until I put my boxer shorts on.......and wait just let me get my boots too." Im fighting naked, keep an extra mag in my hand. How the did this get started anyway.
Yes I do siggy. :D

The clothes part is real. Just a matter of always placing your clothes in the same spot relative to your sleeping position. After all, that's where the spare pistol ammo is! (Some).
The news would have a comment lol. Think about it though, you cant say,"excuse me mister criminal/murderer man could you wait until I put my boxer shorts on.......and wait just let me get my boots too." Im fighting naked, keep an extra mag in my hand. How the did this get started anyway.

LMAO!!!! Just imagine the reaction of the BG when he see's you jump out of bed, nekid and weilding a knife and a handgun!!!! I would RUN if I were the BG; probably have heart attack or mental break-down while escaping for my life. LOL
gotta admit... the pants always hang between me, & the basement stairway ( our master bedroom is in the basement ) I'm 100% sure the little ankle biters would beat me up the stairs... & honestly I'm fat & old, & not especially modest, but I think as a curtesy to the intruder I'd at least throw a pair of pants on before I cleared the basement stairway
I read about a African Guy fought in the buff. Claimed he couldnt be shot while naked. Bad story, tells about taking young boys and making them fight their war etc.

Didnt that gal distract a guy in the whole 9 yards with her nekidness. Guy was shot :) while looking at her.

I dont have any weapons by the bed, I hired a mall ninja with a huge 12 ga pump. Took awhile to get used to the incesstant racking of the slide but it must be working, not one bad guy has shown his face..... and he is dressed quite well...
I have my mossy within arms reach. I simply grab it, rise to sitting position and wait for that door to open, and before they know it they have been dropped to the floor. I tell them if they move they die while having my dad call 911. If he moves, BAM!
LMAO I can see the reporters column now... The criminal was apprehended two blocks away rolling on the ground laughing.... He had dropped all of the booty from the burglary and was quoted as saying between breaths "it was the funniest d*** thing I've ever seen it was like a great white whale without the water." :D
12 gauge close by, but have to get out of bed to reach it. Shells in the magazine and side saddle, but not in the chamber. Whatever CCW I carried that day is within reach, but not in the bed with me.
Since most bad things happen at night it would be pretty foolish NOT to have a gun nearby when sleeping.
ROTFLMAO! I've laughed til I cried over this thread today! Almost completely erased the memory of getting beat up naked. If some jerk tried to break in your house to steal a toaster or whatever, naked with gun in one hand and knife in the other flying at him would probably result in loss of sphincter control. :eek:
OK, for clarity now, mostly there’s naked, nude, and nekkid. Naked is simply unclothed. Nude is tasteful nakedness (out of the realm of possibility for me, personally speaking). Then there’s nekkid… which is naked while gleefully "up to something".

Somebody being nekkid with a knife in one hand and pistol in the other would put me a little on edge. Maybe could be considered an effective psychological tactic ? :D

Seriously, projecting an air of confidence when social norms would dictate that you should feel vulnerable, is an effective way to intimidate someone.

Of course, if you actually have to fight naked, you are at a bit of a disadvantage since you’re less protected and less maneuverable. At least some of us can take small comfort in knowing that while in motion, the randomly moving parts would not significantly affect our center of gravity, so being thrown off-balance is not a concern.;)
I was pondering why I chose the spelling I did. And animal, I was waiting for you to post. LOL. No one is "nude" on the gun forum. If you guys were talking about being "nude" this would be no fun. "Nekid" was my compromise for the day to instill some humor, bring up a point and not get harassing PMs. I don't recall being gleeful when I was beat up "nekid." "Naked" is artistic and clinical at the same time. So after not getting PM'd with BS, I switched to "naked". I do, however, like "in the buff." My center of gravity didn't change any when I was getting beaten "naked." And it won't now either. I don't really know why I'd need to put clothes on. Let's hope I never find out.
My wife’s CG would be thrown off quite a bit:cool: … ahh, the things we men have to put up with when "training" our wives :D.
I'm not worried about her "disadvantages" in that respect ... She’d just fill the burglar full of .44 caliber holes, instead of jumpin’ around anyway… ;)
I have spent many years in a violent Third world country where waking up to gunfire in front of my house was a regular thing and all houses in the neighborhood had successful home invasions. All but one.

I learnt not to sleep naked, despite power failures, incredible heat and humidity. I chose the color of my night wear accordingly and made sure that there was a pocket for a spare mag.

To walk into a gun fight in a house without shoes might work in movies like "No country for old men" but this old man will tell you that it is not a good idea having to walk through broken glass barefooted.

Treat your defense like a chess game and if you are a good enough player, you have a fair chance. Mwen lá.
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