How many of you sleep with a loaded gun ?

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What do you mean by sleep wit hqa loaded gun? Does it have to be in the same bed? If not then yes I sleep wit ha loaded gun as all of my guns are loaded all the time. Except for when I clean them.
How many of you sleep with a loaded gun ?

I'm pretty sure my wife would not appreciate being referred to as a "loaded gun", but I'd say she's just as dangerous... :D

Nope---I prefer to have several loaded that are easily accessible but have a layered defense before I need to access one. Layering would be motion lights, good locks, the dog, etc. Getting passed all of those won't happen without be waking up and having ample time to choose any of several available weapons. Sleeping with a loaded gun to me is kind of like sleeping with my boots on so I won't have to put them on to run out of the house if it catches fire in the middle of the night. It doesn't make much sense and borders on paranoia where I live.
.......what if:
The BG becomes attracted to your "in the buff"? :eek::eek::eek: :barf::barf::barf:
Then I am double screwed and am seconds away from putting a bullet in his head so he'll never wake up and remember me "in the buff".
sheepdog, interesting and funny point. However, pertinent. I am a sleeping, naked, female (not at the moment). And BG in the house may be looking for just that. Another reason to put clothes on as I'm grabbing my guns.
The only time this would happen is if a were "nekkid" as the other poster said. Otherwise, I would be sleeping with boxers and out of the buff haha. LoL, Sheepdog.
I'll arm myself and alarm my home, but no one gets to dictate what I wear or don't wear when I'm sleeping :rolleyes: However, if a REAL BG enters the home, I will get dressed. Not for a POTENTIAL BG though. Just like the giant safe discussion I have going on another thread. How much will I let potential stuff affect my actions now? Gotta weigh it out. Still pretty sure the potential for me to be axed is low if I decapitate them ;)
Hahaha! This thread is getting hilarious!!!!
I am just thinking of psychological tactics now. Lol
Maybe I'll just sleep nekid and scare the BG and use my guns as a last resort. Haha
.....what's more scary; a nekid guy coming after a BG with a hatchet, a nekid guy wearing women's makeup or just a normal guy wielding a gun?
All jokes aside; gotta use them scare tactics.
Lol. This thread is getting CRaZY!!!!
LOL. It is getting way off topic and funny. Im going to start sleepin to startle ;) haha. The element of surprise. Then I will be wielding a 1911 in my right hand and a 12-oz Ball Peen Hammer in my left. Lets see what the badguy thinks of that. Oh, and Ill have boots on but thats it, even scarier. :D lol. I dont see this getting back to topic any time soon haha.
As a rule, I never go to sleep with a loaded "gun." :D

Oh wait, you meant like a defensive firearm, right? In that case, it's in a quick-access lockbox (Fort Knox pistol box) next to my bed, within easy reach and always in Condition 0.

Daugherty16 said:
Read something in a novel once about how fighting in general, and gun fighting in specific, is terribly more difficult naked than clothed.

Although I generally sleep with clothes on, even if I didn't I'd be a lot more concerned about neutralizing any threats than what I'm wearing (or not wearing). Well, it would be fair to say that I'm "naked" without my gun, so in that sense I think you have a point. ;)

Daugherty16 said:
But how could you know in advance how you'd react? Say the break-in happens an hour after you make nookie with your spouse/partner and you're still in that state of post-coital connubial bliss, and wearing only your birthday suit?

It wouldn't matter--if there's a real emergency, then modesty counts for nothing. In the various emergencies I've faced in my life, I've managed to "tune out" virtually all distractions, so I'm reasonably sure that the same would hold true if I happened to be in the buff. In fact, I might not even notice unless I needed a pocket or something.

Daugherty16 said:
Maybe the next trendy niche business is nudist combat ranges... Of course, then where would the customers wear their holsters?

Maybe nudist shooters could pretend that they have a small-of-the-back holster, and then just go a bit lower. :p

Oh come on, like this thread hadn't already been long since derailed (apologies only to the OP)! ;)
Oh come on, like this thread hadn't already been long since derailed (apologies only to the OP)!

Yep, and that's the naked truth ;) :D.

It's been funny guys; it really has,... but even though it's been (un)clothed in humor, it's still closed.
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