How many of you sleep with a loaded gun ?

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Not in the bed with me, but near me yes. Pistol safe within reach of my side of the bed gets unlocked when I lay down to sleep. Safe is still closed, but unlocked with the keys in it. Its actually a dual purpose system, as I always know where my keys are going to be when I wake up. I don't carry the same gun as I use for nightstand duty. The nightstand gun has a bulky weaponlight/laser attached. So when I'm getting ready to go out, the nightstand gun gets locked up instantly just by pulling my keys out for the day.

Will it really save you time to grab it before you are fully awake and alert.

Maybe, maybe not. I'd rather have some chance than none.

Would it be better to have the loaded gun close by, but require you to wake up, get up and consciously retrieve the weapon before it could be used ?

Again, maybe. I think it would depend particularly on the individual and their personal sleep habits. My aforementioned safe system works well for me. The gun isn't exposed without a very intentional pull on the keys to open the door and reach in to get it. It's still very fast to access when need be. No unlocking or keycode to fumble with. Another factor is that it's not completely obvious what the safe is or that it's even there, especially in the dark. I might worry that a gun sitting openly on the nightstand would more easily be arming a potential threat that may not have been so well armed till that point, if I don't happen to wake up easily enough that day.
I keep my Glock 19 on a dresser about 4 feet from the bed. Far enough away that I need to stand up to reach it. I feel this aids in the "waking process".

It also has Mag loaded, none in the chamber, as all my weapons are when they aren't on my person. I can't be sure that I'll be the next person to pick it up so I don't take any chances.

Since I have no kids. I use a nylon holster that is screwed to the headboard below the matress line by about 8 to 10" . I positioned it so it is in a perfect radius for grabbing when I am in my normal sleeping position. If someone was already in the room they would not even see that you were ready to draw on them. Too much time involved to open a drawer and unholster.
The one pictured has a velcro piece that you attach to the headboard. The holster is made of the other side of the velcro so you can position it at any angle. I experimented with it untill I found the prefered angle and then ran 2 screws thru the inside to secure it permatly. Then covered the screw heads with silicone as to not scratch my gun.

i wouldn't keep it under my pillow but i do have my carry weapon on the side table right next to the bed with a flash light. the gun isn't loaded but a full mag is in and safety is off.
I keep a Smith & Wesson, .357 Magnum, K-frame, 4” barrel, DA, six shot revolver, Serial Number 69069, made in 1956, with some holster wear on the tip of the barrel, some scratches on the grip, with traces of the indexing pawl around the cylinder, with the finish showing wear but still in good shape, which I got for a decent price from a pawn shop in 1982, loaded with Winchester .357 Magnum, 110 gr., JHP, which I bought at Wal-Mart, in a nightstand drawer.
My girlfriend is quite the pistol does that count? I have no pistols as of yet so it would be quite uncomfortable sleeping with my mosin nagant.
Whatever gun I happen to be carrying goes on the dresser next to the bed at night. That's about as close as I get to "sleeping with" a gun.
my carry battery is in a ( unlocked when I'm in bed ) locker only 2 steps from my bed... we have the 2 dog early warning system, that allows me plenty of time to take those 2 steps to the locker... where there are way more loaded guns than I have hands to hold ;)
Aside from a possible guardian angel, I keep my 1911 near me but not in the bed. It's always in the same place on the left. I have no kids and it's put away when my lil nephew visits. Gun locker is behind the door so may God help the poor sob that walks into the house uninvited...

The only thing I ask of my guardian angel is that if something goes down that he don't hog the action. :) lol
Several. Not so much a handgun, but from about May through October I keep a light equipped 870 stuffed with Brenneke slugs leaning against the wall next to the bed.

My intruders/prowlers are more likely to be furry four-legged critters with claws like army sabers. My house and smokehouse wear the scars from such passers-by.

The probabilty of running into four-legged critters keeps the two-legged riff-raff away. :D
1911 and an old AR are both within arm's reach as I sleep.

As a kid growing up, I always wondered why my step dad slept with his hatchet under his side of the bed on the floor.

I put the hatchet under my wood stove.

May God bless,
My 1911 stays loaded 24/7 and sits on the nightstand while I sleep. There's also my AK and my grandfather's 10ga loaded with 00 in the corner.
Clay in TX

Wayyyy more information than required :D

Not in bed. Hate to think of what could happen. Holster clipped to bed rail in easy reach of right hand. Second on night stand, little bit longer reach.

In my previous life I was a captain on ocean going tugs and had to wake up right away at any time. Still do it.
Normally my carry gun goes in the nightstand in a soft holster with a velcro retention strap. Same for my wife's on her side.

In a hotel we do the same thing- nightstand drawer.

The only time so far that I have ever slept with the gun IN the bed with me was last year. My manager took us on an overnight team-building retreat to a place in the woods that was like a big camp.

My gun stayed in the truck until that night. There were only 3 of us guys assigned to a large bunk-house where we spread out in the room. I was hanging around outside until the others were asleep.

When it came time to hit the sack myself I put the gun, in the same soft holster with the velcro retention, inside a loosely-folded towel and tucked that into the corner where the bed butted into the corner of the walls behind and to the side of my head.

I didn't trust it to be inside my bag or under the bed where it would have been possible for someone to get to it while I was asleep.
I keep my glock 19 in a gunvault on my night stand, teh rest are all in the safe. I figure if I can enter in the combination, then I am alert enough to know whats happening.
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