How many of you sleep with a loaded gun ?

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Quick access safes, like a Gun Vault, are the obvious answer to any safety concerns. Yes, it will cost you a precious second or two. Some situations, HogDogs obviously, can make do without it. Me, with a 4 year old and 2 year old, I need quick and safe. A Gun Vault, or something like it, is the best compromise.

To directly answer the OP, yes, my Glock is in the Gun Vault less than an arms length from my bed.
I have two dogs that will warn of danger, then two handguns, a 45 ACP in 1911, and a Glock 17, also a flashlight. The guns are slightly out of reach so that no mistakes are made because of dreams. I feel secure with this set up.

If you can't shoot faster than the other guy, shoot straighter. Chic Gaylord
The gun is close but not loaded. I keep the gun and a loaded magazine near the bed (in a locked case as I have kids, kids have friends, ect ... therefor unlocked loaded guns are not wise around the house). I need seconds to open the case and even less time to load the magazine. Racking the slide is a natural action after loading the magazine, happens all in one smooth motion. I practice this part, unlocking the case and loading the mag, and know I'm plenty well prepared this way. It helps of course being on a second floor as that buys time from an attempted brake in. Of course the gun is the last defense anyhow, my house has a good 2 stage security system (perimeter zone for arming while at home at night), cameras watch the driveway and the back yard, and the #1 defense, a large very loud dog (very friendly, the perfect family pet, but he doesn't like strangers or strange sounds). I'd be amazed if I ever needed the gun, but it's there just in case. Oh yea, and my wife keeps a baseball bat under her side of the bed (she doesn't like guns).
Guns in bed?

This is my pistol this is my gun,
This is HD this for fun!

sorry had too.

I sleep with my Kimber headboarded and sitting on my copy of "On Combat" by LtCol Dave Grossman, My RackMate keeps her M&P .45 headboarded and sitting on her copy of "The Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian.

"Our houses are protected by the good Lord and a Gun"

As for the sleepyness and such, my 12g is in the closet only five feet away and the Kimber is enough to get me to my Shotgun.
Thanx Pax! The pistol would routinely get knocked off the table when the dogs go to playin' and such... My Homer slipper solved that and I thought it looked pretty neat too... Note the "tactical" position that the grip is presented... It is just a .22 but it would take down the "Rebel Bunnies" that would taunt the yard dogs...

Slight thread drift here, but I would like to point out that Grandma is showing proper finger placement. Her hand gun looks like it is Arminius Titan Tiger.
I don't sleep with it per se,,,

But there is an Uncle Mike's holster screwed to the rail of my bed,,,
A Colt Trooper in .357 Magnum lives in the holster.

I live alone so there is no danger to anyone but me,,,
It is usually covered by the bedspread.

I positioned it so that when I am lying on my back,,,
My hand falls naturally to where it is placed.

Some people think I am paranoid but I really don't think I am,,,
I was a Boy Scout and I never forgot our motto.

I'm not paranoid,,,
I'm simply prepared.

They always said my wife is a pistol :) she just tore off the top 1/3 of her middle finger left hand. She dumped her dirt bike in the field, top of the finger went pop. I call her 9 and 2/3rds now :) she can still shoot tho....
Yes A Glock 23 right beside the bed on the night stand next to my alarm clock .I occasionaly hit the snooze for me and if any uninvited persons wake me up with ill intent, it will be SNOOZE for them!.....LOUD
Back several years ago, prior to air conditioning in commercial vehicles, it wasn't unknown for a driver to take a nap with the window down and the door latch unscrewed.

I had a PPK. It had about a 15 lb 1st shot DA trigger pull. The PPK was 'kinda' safe to keep close to/in hand.

It should be no surprise that courtesy was important. Heinlin nailed it. Never heard of him then.

Not many recklessly jumped on the running board. Even the 'working girls' knocked on the door. You might be surprised how a swat from 4 cell Mag light forcefully applied across the knuckles would alter the thinking of a would be intruder.

There was no defense against Mosquitos though.

Too risky at this point in my life. The alarm would give me enough time to get one unlocked though. I have small children.
Just received my mini gunvault deluxe today.
With a baby on the way, we no longer have one on the nightstand.
No kids in the house, so the nightstand drawer has, from right to left, my carry pistol (loaded and chambered), a spare mag, and a small LED flashlight. In hotel rooms, I arrange them the same way in the nightstand drawer so that I can put my hands on them without thinking.
I keep a Smith & Wesson, .357 Magnum, K-frame, 4” barrel, DA, six shot revolver, Serial Number 69069, made in 1956, with some holster wear on the tip of the barrel, some scratches on the grip, with traces of the indexing pawl around the cylinder, with the finish showing wear but still in good shape, which I got for a decent price from a pawn shop in 1982, loaded with Winchester .357 Magnum, 110 gr., JHP, which I bought at Wal-Mart, in a nightstand drawer.

haha sorry but this made me laugh, I thought the description of your firearm would stop after every other word but it just kept going. I think I know more about your firearm than my own.
ClayInTx said:
I keep a Smith & Wesson, .357 Magnum, K-frame, 4” barrel, DA, six shot revolver, Serial Number 69069, made in 1956, with some holster wear on the tip of the barrel, some scratches on the grip, with traces of the indexing pawl around the cylinder, with the finish showing wear but still in good shape, which I got for a decent price from a pawn shop in 1982, loaded with Winchester .357 Magnum, 110 gr., JHP, which I bought at Wal-Mart, in a nightstand drawer.

Which pawn shop? :D
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