Fighting dirty?

It is my understanding that, for some people "to get into a fight" is actually a state of mind, rather than the physical act itself triggered by instinct.
People who are trained in fighting sports, and people are who trained to "survive, no matter what", can enter this state of mind quite easily. For they are trained to do so. Then follow the steps. Try and control the fight etc. etc.

For the average person it is not a decision. Both the survival instinct and the physical act itself comes to be at the time of the actual fight. Therefore desperate.

However, I believe either one will fight "dirty", if taken by surprise. That is no question at all...:)

All the best
The title of this thread caught my eye. Being an "old guy" but one who still travels a lot internationally, I am from time to time faced with the usual assaults and muggings that are part of our world today.

I suppose I look like easy prey, an old grey haired foreigner, to the street punks.

I know I cannot turn back the clock 40 years, so I start a 30 second timer in my head. IF I have not won this engagement in that 30 seconds, I will loose...pretty good motivator to do what it takes. 40 years ago, I was an instructor in a dojo, in Korea Town (Los Angeles), my main clients were cops and hookers, both wanted the same training, how to put the maximum amount of pain on somebody, in the shortest time possible. (The cops wanted it without marks, the hookers did not care).

When I am faced with these situations, (and it seems it happens at least once a year), when I have done what I will do, I just walk away. There is absolutely no reason to stay and discusses the mess you left behind. In the case of multiple attackers, choose one and get him screaming, I have never had a situation, that the rest did not retreat out of my reach, rather than press the attack.

I try to attend a 2 day edge weapons class, or a Krav Maga refresher every year. (Boy does that remind me how old I am). But if you do not train, you are at a huge disadvantage, and if you cannot accept pain, your chances of walking away are cut 75%. I am a natural born competitor, so my reaction to anyone trying to make me submit is suck it up and win.

One of my favorite says used to be:

Sex and violence, you cannot enjoy one if you don't survive the other
A "fair fight" is something of sports, fantasy, and the whinings of the losers. I do not fight for sport or fun, I will only fight if I'm given no other recourse. If someone is willing to put me into a situation that I have no other option but fighting my way out of, then that person had better be ready to face the most dire consequences of his actions. As George Patton once said, "May God have mercy on my enemies because I won't."
I love how so many of you say you've never been in an actual fight. Many say you train hard in "gunfighting". Some of the older guys say they don't want to be caught in a fight they know they'll lose, so the gun comes into play. Only one mentioned Mace.

Ideal situations get ideal solutions. Yes, the gun may even your odds. Even, because they may have the jump on you with someone behind you. For all you know, they aren't even the "young punks" most of you mentioned. It could be a husband and wife in their 40's. Practicing against people who are afraid to wrench a gun from your hand, or no one at all won't help you much either.

It seems a lot of people forget that martial arts training was built on necessity, not sport with rules. For modern times it's not always the best choice, but it's all in how it's applied. Kicking the knee, groin strikes, stomping the toes, and hitting the throat were all taught by my instructors.

Me personally, I enjoy a good fight. However, if attacked, I will do what I practice to eliminate the threat. If a weapon is presented, or there are multiple opponents I may consider bringing my knife into play. I don't carry a gun 99% of the time. As far as I'm concerned, if they draw a gun on me from a distance I can't defend against, I'm dead no matter what.
I will do anything, and I do mean anything to defend myself, my family, pets, and home. If that involves the bad guy being killed, maimed, mutilated, I don't care. I'll worry about the legal and ethical aspects later.
"shoot him in the balls". LOL! Jelly Bryce a famous F.B.I. agent of the mobster era once gave a young man the following advice, "son if you shoot a man in the balls he won't bother you no more"! He knew from experience.
I was always taught that there is no such thing as a fair fight, you simply do what you have to to win. This is what I was taught and even though its been quite a few years since I have been in a fight this is what I believe in. I always try to do my best to avoid physical confrontation, however if a situation arises that I can not avoid I am prepared to do what it takes to win. Now obviously if the guy is unarmed I would never bring a firearm in to the situation.
When I was little I said to my dad, "but you aren't supposed to kick a guy when he 's down."

Dad, "Why not? If he can't get back up he can't fight."

"But it isn't nice."

"Nice will get you killed or worse. If they want to fight, make sure they tell all of their friends it was a bad idea."
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A fight isn't over until you've won. You just need to remember the other guy might be thinking the same thing and he might have a long memory.
When you're fighting for your life, there's no such thing as fighting dirty.

There's only fighting to survive.

And to survive, I'm willing to do anything it takes to win.
I can't think of a better place to say this but here. Sometimes you have to fight even when there seems little chance of winning. You used to hear it a lot in the movies, with lines like "they won't take me without a fight," or "I'm at least going to go down fighting." This isn't the same thing and in real life, which some people live, there are other things. Sometimes you have to fight simply for the sake of your honor. That generally amounts to street fighting, sort of, when you're younger and trying to make (or keep) your place in the world. In the situation I'm speaking of, it isn't a question of fighting, it is a question of behavior under what are less than nice circumstances. It usually isn't a matter of protecting someone else, either, it's all about "standing up for yourself." You may get beat up a few times, as I was, but your self-respect and the respect you get from others goes up a few notches. And it isn't about making someone afraid of you either, by no means. As the song says, "The bad guys know us and they leave us alone."
The term fighting dirty probably came from the losers.

Way back when I was younger, guys didnt fight dirty, gentelmen fought fair. Why get a tv and watch ol John tell it right in McLintock before the guy gets a fight on with the uncle of a guy he whupped. No hair pulling, no kicking, no eye gouging etc. John doing every one to the uncle :) guy playing the kid was his real life son too.

If I was getting into it and someone did any of those it got real bad real quick cause my cousins taught me every foul bad gross thing to do to a person is tryiong to beat on ya. I was arrested age 12 for doing one to a guy was 17 and was taking my money and beating on me every day. My cousin said do this and he will never bother you again, it worked and is my secret, I wont tell. But if you really need to find out come over and we will get it going, after, you will never wish to fight anyone ever again. Expect a lot of pain too, it really really hurts.
I haven't fought in a long time. I've recently in the last couple of years avoided a few by sheer bravado. If pushed into it I will use any means at my disposal to hurt you as badly as I can as fast as I can with the least amount of pain to myself. I will kick you in your balls or knees, punch you in the throat and if I get you down I will repeatedly kick you in the balls and head till I'm sure you're no longer a threat. I will use any object I can get my hands on to hurt you as badly as I can. I will throw sand or gravel in your eyes. If I find a 2x4 I will try to break it on your face. If I find a stick I will try to put your eyes out. FAIR? A fair is where you go to buy cotton candy and watch pretty girls.
I never said you shouldn't fight to win. I said that sometimes you have to fight whether or not you have a chance of winning. Sometimes that makes all the difference.