Fighting dirty?

Clean and dirty in fighting is pretty much like clean and dirty in language. It's what someone else says it is. Nothing more, nothing less.

What I was trying to say, among other things, about fighting when you're still a schoolboy, is that you have to stand up for yourself and sometimes for others whether or not you have much of a chance of overcoming the other guy. It's apparently a difficult concept to understand for some people and there is a cultural slant to it, at least for adults. Supposedly American Indians might not fight one day because, as my father might have said (in speaking of something altogether different), the signs weren't right. And supposedly other Indians understood and did not think less of them for it. But for some "primative" people, there came a point when they had to go out and prove themselves by doing something like killing a lion with a spear.

I wonder if people like that got into fights among themselves like we do?
I havent been in a fight in a while. However my fighting mindset was much like my SD one is now. I want the threat to go away as fast as possible and that involves hitting them as hard and fast in the 'button' (Open Jaw or Nose) FIRST. If you want to get the edge just like in SD you got to hit 1st. You want an immediate incapacitation knockout like SD, unfortunatley, unless its a lined up shot its hard to do. So when people run there mouth and threaten you up close in your face, DROP THEM.
Rite of passage

Mr. James:
I have a good friend who insists that what's most ailing our society is that not enough people have been on the receiving end of an incoming fist.

Man, I couldn't agree more! Consider what passes for "leadership" today: I'm thinking of one guy in particular, who loves to talk about "kicking a**" and "knowing whose a** to kick", but take one look at the guy and you can tell that
a) He's never kicked anybody's a**, and
b) He's probably never even had his own a** kicked!
How hard and dirty are you willing to fight in a street fight?

Now if we are talking fighting for my life, well as dirty as I can!

Kicks to the knees, groin kicks, eye gouges, elbows, thumbs in eyes, palm slapping the ears, throat punches, biting, stomping on feet, knees in groin, any useful object as a weapon, sand/dirt thrown in face, and much much more!

If we are talking about actually accepting an offer to fight, HECK NO!

I've seen plenty of people who got into fights after arguments in a bar and they 'took it outside', and then someone gets knifed. The other one gets manslaughter charge!

No. I fight only if forced to, and then I fight wicked.

Nice Post, Ringolevio people need fights. It gives them valuable experience on winning and defeat. Every person needs to win a hard fight and get their A$$ kicked in their life, both have happened to me. I believe it has helped my general outlook on life. I think I might know who that 1 GUY is and Id like to teach him :D.
This is an incredibly strange thread. In a life or death situation what is dirty, and who is concerned about it???
I always carry one of my Kabars just in case, Better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it. I was trained by TDCJ and I wont resist using any technique, and or hitting any pressure point if I need to.
I carry a Buck Quickfire 2 3/4" blade on me at all times, especially when I dont have my piece. It's a handy knife for cutting things and would work if I needed it for something serious, springs out in a flash.
It's seems like a strange thread, because it is. I started it because I have heard some talk about how you should conduct yourself during a fight and I found it rather absurd that people would limit themselves under serious threat of injury or death.

I find it ludicrous to not fight dirty and I have since I was young. I got some good early lessons in fighting and how to approach it, hit first, hit hard and make sure they stay down. I also learned what it's like to lose and win, got that lesson weekly for a few years while training with grown men at the age of 11-14. It's tough to win against men when you're a boy, but it taught me some valuable lessons.
History may be written by the winner but different histories are written by the different elements in the story. Right after the way, the generals write their stories. The privates write their stories another 30 or 40 years later. But Churchill said, "History will be kind to me, because I intend to write it."
@Irish52084 I completley agree and believe every person should have one good whoopin in their life time. I have had more than one and it did teach me valuable lessons. I have grown up alot since those days but have learned a lot from them too. Now I can put my knowledge to good intellegent use for SD.
IMHO a "fair" is a place to look at horses, sheep and goats, eat cotton candy and ride the ferris wheel. A fight is a bit different. I prefer fairs myself.

Had my Nieces kid over the other day, he likes horses, sheep, not so much goats.

dang near put me down, he's taking Kung /Tia/ chung something other.

I'm an old and sneaky Bosun, I won, the kids got 3" and 40lbs on me.

I'll teach him the Not-So-Fair stuff later. :)
I don't know how many of us have thought about this, so I thought I'd bring it up.

How hard and dirty are you willing to fight in a street fight? ...

I don't fight. I haven't been in a fight for decades. I just want to be left alone.
I'm 57 years old, and have been in a wheelchair since I was 28...I don't mess with anyone and expect the same. My fist fighting ended years ago, so if anyone is stupid enough to grab or hit me they get shot...period.

If they have arms and legs that work, they are armed as far as I'm concerned. A jury can do whatever the hell they want to do with me...I'm too old to give a crap. I never fought "fair" anyways, Dad told me to never start a fight and if some one else did, do whatever it takes to get him off ur ass. If he's bigger get a damn baseball bat, brick bat, or anything else you can get your hands on. I did and not many people made the same mistake their buddies did.
Like most other posters have stated " No rules "

I try to avoid confrontation at all costs, I don't want to get hurt and I hate seeing other people hurt...That being said if I am forced into a physical altercation I will probably be sued and have to buy the guy a new set of eyes, ears balls and whatever else I rip off.

But I will try to avoid fighting at all costs.