Fighting dirty?

Kicking someone in the balls is fighting dirty.

Shooting him in the balls - well there's just no phrase to adequately describe that.
Well, I expect this to be closed shortly, and not without reason (only the least of which is the attempt to evade the language filters- thanks "tape").

But the fact is that if someone attacks you, they are already fighting dirty.

This 2011. Not 1011. There is no honor or chivalry in modern society. There is law. Well established and well enforced law. And if you break the law, expect to be punished by the person you attack firstly and the state secondly. This is not England. While you may be arrested for defending yourself, self preservation is every man (or woman's) right.
IMHO a "fair" is a place to look at horses, sheep and goats, eat cotton candy and ride the ferris wheel. A fight is a bit different. I prefer fairs myself.
I'm all for defending myself to the end. But, every situation is different. Sometimes, I would avoid groin kicking, etc. I don't want to be on the ground hoping for mercy from a guy(s) with sore XXXXs.
There needs to be a really good reason for me to fight someone. 99.9 percent of the time I will walk away from any conflict. However, if I am attacked, I will do whatever necessary to incapacitate the attacker, preferably within 30 seconds. If you are involved in a fight any longer than that, you shouldn't be fighting, you should be running.
Fighting "fair"

I want to expand on what a number of others have said, and which we discussed in the thread on "Non-lethal Weapons".

Fighting with nothing but your hands belongs only in the ring and in the movies.

My generation was raised on movies and TV that taught us that only a bad guy would pick up a chair and break it over his opponent's back. We were also taught "No hitting below the belt" and "You don't kick a man when he's down."

But in the real world, the first rule of streetfighting is "Have something in your hand." And when a man is down is exactly when you should kick him. If you put him on the ground, you have to make sure he doesn't get up under his own steam. And kicking him makes more sense because if you kneel down to punch him (like in the movies), that's when his partner will kick you in the head.
Fighting dirty is a concept reserved for the ring, where there are rules.

A better idea is to fight smart. Learn the basics of self defense, practice them, and keep in shape. You'll be better than 90% of the guys out there.

Of course for those of us over a certain age weapons make things easier.
in a hand to hand combat fight there is only one rule in my book...there are no a small guy at 5'10" 180 or so and not in the best shape...i used to be pretty heavy in martial arts back in my early my 30s now and got fatter and lazier...aint no fight fair dont care what it is...i dont ever plan on fighting fair...ever...ill use whatever possible to win weather it be a rock or a twig dont matter to me...if its there and i can get it ill use it...period
I like the way egor20 put it:
egor20 said:
IMHO a "fair" is a place to look at horses, sheep and goats, eat cotton candy and ride the ferris wheel. A fight is a bit different. I prefer fairs myself.

I'm over the hill, out of shape, and haven't been in a physical fight in about 30 years. I have a wife and daughter who depend on me. I think we can all do the math from there. An attacker forfeits any right to claim, "No fair!" Fair takes a backseat to survival.
There is something about using your head first.Best to not be in the situation.
But,you can get unlucky enough get attacked.
If you find yourself in a fair fight,your tactics sock.
I will not sport or ego fight.The rules are pretty much the same as for deadly force self defense.And then,the whole point would be inflicting grave damage by any means possible.
if someone is meaning to be wrong to me i am going to give them every chance they will allow me to to go away.
that has worked for me and up until the 1st thing i have to do is the last thing i want to do--shoot to protect me & mine, I'll continue to be that way.

besides, what BG wants to be in a 'fair' fight. they pick the fight cause they think they have the upper hand. the trick is to show them they are wrong before they are too close to you to wave off. situational awareness is your job--all the time.
In a street fight there are no rules so I dont belive there is dirty fighting. I will do what I have to do to take my opponent out as quick as possible and be the last man standing. I try not to fight anymore and havnt been in one in a while. Although me and my buddys do like to box a lil bit just to mesure our egos I reckon. Usally on a friday or saturday night after a few cold one go down. Its all in fun and we shake hands when the gloves come off.
Well said everyone. No rules in a real fight. As my martial arts teacher is fond of saying, Making it home to your family alive, that is what counts.
But you have to keep in mind the jury fight for your freedom later.

This means that if you've put the guy out for a bit you still can't kill him. Even if you're still really, really angry and he really, really deserves it.

When the fight hits pause, it's time to run away/get help/call 911.
How hard and dirty are you willing to fight in a street fight?

Most folks wont fight me, they get hurt too bad. Heck I could trip and fall on someone and darn near kill em. Grew up fighting nasty, rip off a ear guy will leave you alone, or make em do the chicken, they will leave you alone. (To learn about the chicken, read the choirboys)
Better leave the nice stuff to the ring guys, in the street there is no ref to stop it once someone gets hurt.
At my age anyone who attempts to fight fair, what ever that is, is a fool. The last fight I was in was 10 + years ago, we ended up on the ground and it was not ending as fast as I had hoped for, so I bit the son of a bitch on his right arm. I mean BIT drew blood and all. That ended the fight then. Cops arrived he called me a sissy for biting and I called him lefty.
If you are involved in a fight of any kind where your (or somebody your defending's) life even appears to be at stake I believe in using every method possible and as much force as I have available to me to viciously and quickly win the fight and incapacitate and stop the attacker(s). This follows many other opinions, just stated in a different way.