Feeling Undergunned

I'd move. If it's not an option, make it a priority. Where I live I can (and have accidentally on several occasions) leave the garage door open all night long and the doors unlocked with nothing missing. Not recommended, but I don't worry about it here. Usually a neighbor will call, stop over, or simply close it themselves. I've had to move before out of necessity (layoff), so I know it can be done. I understand everyone's situation is different, but I'd figure out a way to make it happen.
Bake said:
We are allow to carry only the firearm listed on the permit.Silly, but that's the way it is....
Ouch! May I inquire as to the state this applies? Also, is there a procedure to change the permit should you wish to change your gun?
I carry a G23/19 daily, open or concealed depending on my mood and I can conceal it appendix carry in shorts, a normal t-shirt, and sandals, concealed is more a state of your mind than someone else seeing the gun, nobody looks that close at you unless you act weird.
If the 19/23 platform can't get you out of trouble then you have ignored your surroundings and wandered into deep do-do land, if a glock isn't your cup of tea look at its competition for something that you can live with and make up your mind to carry it no matter what.
Actually it sounds to me like you need to relocate. If you can't:

*Shotgun and good security system (aka get a pair of dogs from a shelter-they will be grateful forever) for the home.

*Carry. Height is not an issue. I'm not a big guy, but I carry an M&Ps with spare mag. Thats 30 rounds of 9mm. In the summer I IWB when its windy otherwise OWB when its not. Dress around the carry, and have it in an easily accessible holster.

And practice drawing.
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Your neighborhood sounds like my parents'.
They only ever owned one house and lived in it all their lives, even when the area went from nice to nasty.
Active drug dealers were in the apartment complex that was built all around their original neighborhood homes - with the usual mayhem.
My Dad used to fall asleep on the couch with the tv going and the front door wide open.
When I chastised him for it, he'd just say, hell, nobody was shooting at them.
He had the popular five shot revolver, always unloaded of course.
Only paranoid people kept loaded guns around, don'tcha know.
He must have been right, as nobody ever did bother them, all the years they lived there.
Ya' just never know, and the kind of neighborhood doesn't guarantee anything.

Our second home was in an upscale neighborhood, not a slum in sight.
One night we were awakened by a gunfight taking place just down the street, between the local police and a wanted fugitive they had chased from another part of town.
25 shots in the air, zipping around the one and only gas station for the area, and bullets bouncing off of homes and parked cars.
No telling when or where it can happen.
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Its life, your number might get pulled no matter how much you try to prepare yourself for it. Just accept it.

Not I.

Nor I. A defeatist attitude has no place in a gunfight. If you really believe that, no matter how hard you prepare or what gun you choose to rely on to save your hide, pulling "your number" means "just accepting" your fate, there's really no reason to carry a gun at all. You might be better served by packing a peace dove on a lanyard and a bouquet of flowers. After all, it's just life...
Its life, your number might get pulled no matter how much you try to prepare yourself for it. Just accept it.

Not I.

Nor I. A defeatist attitude has no place in a gunfight. If you really believe that, no matter how hard you prepare or what gun you choose to rely on to save your hide, pulling "your number" means "just accepting" your fate, there's really no reason to carry a gun at all. You might be better served by packing a peace dove on a lanyard and a bouquet of flowers. After all, it's just life...

Please judge me more and act like you know everything about me and this world. Please indulge us more on how you know this attitude does not belong in a gunfight. How many have you been in? How many others do you know who have been in gunfights who dont have this attitude. You speak like a true warrior who knows nothing about war.
I know nothing about you but I do know somethings about "this world". This world is unforgiving and it will countenance little in the way of a fatalistic mind-set. If you plan on throwing your hands up and accepting the "inevitable", at least as you see it because your "number is up", then it's sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can accept your "fate" without a fight; that's your business. Me, "the true warrior who knows nothing about war", will fight to the death to keep staying around and being the best husband, father and grandfather I can be. We all have choices and I opt to survive.
I would hold on to your revolver and use it as a back up. I would get a larger framed primary gun.

For me I always have 2 guns on my. S&W 640 in the pocket and a NAA 22 short in a necklace holster. Occasionally my job requires me to go to bad areas and when I do I still carry those same guns but also carry my Coonan and 4 extra mags in a shoulder rig.
Posted by Moomooboo:
Please judge me more and act like you know everything about me and this world. Please indulge us more on how you know this attitude does not belong in a gunfight. How many have you been in? How many others do you know who have been in gunfights who dont have this attitude. You speak like a true warrior who knows nothing about war.
I think it advisable to avoid making analogies between war and self defense. The objectives and tactics, and therefore the mindset, are diametrically different.

The 'warrior' is charged with seizing an objective, seeking and destroying an enemy, or defending assets.

The person who intends to defend himself will avoid conflict, or if necessary, use the minimum force necessary, and only as a last resort. He most certainly does not set out to find or harm anyone.

To resign himself to accepting his "fate" would be completely inconsistent with his purpose.
Posted by Moomooboo:I think it advisable to avoid making analogies between war and self defense. The objectives and tactics, and therefore the mindset, are diametrically different.

The 'warrior' is charged with seizing an objective, seeking and destroying an enemy, or defending assets.

The person who intends to defend himself will avoid conflict, or if necessary, use the minimum force necessary, and only as a last resort. He most certainly does not set out to find or harm anyone.

To resign himself to accepting his "fate" would be completely inconsistent with his purpose.

Some people have been through different experiences to learn to accept things they cannot change. I cannot dodge bullets, i cannot stop someone from stabbbing me from behind if im unaware. Ive accepted that. It doesnt require war to realize this. People have different mindsets and have come to them on their own.

Do not confuse with what you think war is and what it can be. Its not always seizing yhe objective, sometimes its doing patrols through a city or manning checkpoints. No real objective to seize but danger all around. I dont know what youve experienced and understand yhat you may at one time defended this country. You may have had clear objectives, but others have not.

I dont appreciate people who judge me and the resolve ive come to, from people who dont know me then say i have a defeatist attitude.

Ive just learned that you can carry around a m16 in full body armor and kevlar and be prepared, but if the stars align and one bullet makes it through your armor, youre dead. You can walk around with 5 guns all day, but a sinkhole can open up beneath you and you may die. Who knows?

War and self defense are not diametrically opposite, everyone wants to live and has the right to self defense. ROE may differ, but everyone wants to live.
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Get some good loose, big pocket pants and a good heavy belt from Cabela's or some other good outfitter and carry the Glock 26.

Carry a Glock 17 mag as a spare and you're ready for a war.

Pop the 17 mag in at night and you're ready for home defense.

The most beautiful girl in the world is right in front of you and you've been blind to her.


Oh, it works out fine in summer, too......they have the same style pants in a shorts version. No problem. There's usually a smaller pocket on top of the front pocket and that conceals your carry. Good pocket holster is a must.
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Originally Posted by Bake
We are allow to carry only the firearms listed on the permit.Silly, but that's the way it is....

Posted by Shooter
Ouch! May I inquire as to the state this applies? Also, is there a procedure to change the permit should you wish to change your gun?

In California, the permit is issued by the local P.D. Chief, or County Sheriff, and the permit has room for three guns...
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"Can you provide a link to your big-pockets pants?"

Limnophile, check these out.


I'm tellin' ya, these are the most comfortable fitting jeans you'll ever find and have huge front pockets. When standing, you can conceal a full size BHP in the front pocket. Not that you'd want to walk around all day with one. But a compact sized gun would be no problem. Check out their site for other stuff too, like belts. They have good ones.
I get mine (both shorts and long pants) from Cabela's.

They're called something like "Seven Pocket Hikers" and come in both short and long.

What I like is that the front pockets have a smaller button or velcro pocket layered over the top of them to help disguise the bulge.

I carry my wallet left front and the 26 right front to even things out.

Works great for me.

I'm going to check out that Duluth Trading Company link, too.
Just carry both your J frame and LCP.
I carry a J frame on my hip and my LCP in my back pocket, with spare magazine, and speed strip in my watch pocket.
When I lived in the Detroit area, I carried what I do now, a 3" 1911 in .45 ACP as primary and P32 BUG. Many said I was paranoid, I laughed these off, and many actually said I was undergunned. Whatever feels right to you, I found over the years, is best. I would change with the environment on special occasions, such as when going to an especially seedy area to pick up a neighbor that had fallen off the wagon. I (don't laugh) carried my PLR-16 around my neck with a 40 round mag, under a trench coat that time, and felt far better than with my normal carry. Wife said, "Seriously? What are you expecting?" Told her I was expecting nothing, but was preparing for the worst. Now, where I live, MOST would consider me paranoid, for my carry habits, but for my money, they are living in an area ripe for giving them a rude awakening, and the ratcheting up of criminal activity is beginning to support this.
Carry two guns. A j-frame/LCR in the pocket and a semi on the belt. The little 5shot is great as a roving type gun. Winter coat pocket and you can have your hand on the gun as you walk.