FBI Raids Liberty Dollar – Confiscates All Ron Paul Dollar

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The OP himself stated that Ron Paul "agreed to it." And I believe him. Alternatively, Ron Paul put on blinders and ignored the fact that his name and face were being used in the scheme, which is just as bad. This is the kind of judgment being exercised by someone who wants to the President of the United States?!? If a looney group trying to defraud people had used any other candidates' faces and names as part of its scheme, you can bet that every one of them would taken legal action to prevent it. Or at least return the campaign contributions from the looney group. But not Ron Paul. :rolleyes:

I encourage all of you to review the Affidavit. It specifically refers to Nuthouse's instructions about how to pass off the FAKE Ron Paul dollars as legal tender by using the "drop" method. It specifically states how Nuthouses' organization lacked sufficient amounts of real precious metals to back up investments. It specifically refers to how the FAKE Ron Paul dollars are designed to appear to be legal US tender. It specifically states how Nuthouse manipulated the prices of the FAKE Ron Paul currency.

P.S. I laughed when I saw the part of the Affidavit that stated that Nuthouse had established a legal defense fund for himself, and had requsted donations in the form of genuine US dollars. :p Apparently, Nuthouses' lawyers won't accept the FAKE Ron Paul dollars for their retainer.
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After laboriously reading this entire thread, I have a few thoughts:

Nobody, I repeat NOBODY, knew all the facts behind this entire story BEFORE they started immediately criticizing von Nothaus. Misconceptions and falsehoods abounded for the first four pages. It's astounding how much ignorance was displayed. For example, on Glenn Beck tonight Bernard von Nothaus declared that Ron Paul did NOT know about the Ron Paul dollar. How many of you blurted out that he had knowledge and had legitimized it? And you knew this based on what source?

I've read the affidavit and all the search warrants. I doubt that most of you who posted negatively did so or will do so. That is irresponsible and ignorant. It's people like this who give the blogosphere a bad rep. You know the saying, "Opinions are like <blank blanks>..."

If this had been a gun maker who was suing the BATFE for the right to manufacture a new gun which hadn't been declared illegal, and the BATFE had, in response to a legal setback in said lawsuit, openly and blatantly raided and seized everything that business owned WITHOUT arresting anybody, the people on this site would have been up in arms. I guess you won't get angry until they do get around to something that you care about personally, eh?

Are any of you aware that there are hundreds if not thousands of people who had standing orders that were about to be fulfilled and now cannot be due to the confiscation of Liberty's property?

Why are Amero Dollars, Disney Dollars, and all gift certificates and gift cards that are sold online not confiscated as well? These are, after all, circulated and represented and used as LEGAL TENDER, are they not?
Why are Amero Dollars, Disney Dollars, and all gift certificates and gift cards that are sold online not confiscated as well? These are, after all, circulated and represented and used as LEGAL TENDER, are they not?

No they aren't. Disney sells disney dollars that are good at disney. You know, they are like gift certificates, they don't give you instructions about how to pass disney dollars at walmart.

The amero
Rumors of "Amero coins"

In August 2007, rumors and conspiracy theories began circulating across the Internet regarding alleged United States Treasury issued "Amero" coins.

The inspiration behind these rumors may have the posting of images of medallions created by coin designer Daniel Carr.[3] Carr, who designed the Maine, New York and Rhode Island statehood quarters of 2001, sells medals and tokens of his own design on his commercial website, "Designs Computed" (also known as "DC Coin"). Among his designs were three fantasy issues of an "Amero" coin, with the legend "Union of North America" on the back, with his company's logo, a stylized "DC", in small type.[4] Concerning his "Amero" designs, he mentions on his website:

"My goal with these coins is not to endorse a Union of North America or a common "Amero" currency. I fully support the United States Constitution, and I would not welcome (in any form) a diminishment of its provisions. I expect that these coins will help make more people aware of the issue and the possible ramifications. I leave it up to others to decide if they are in favor of, or against a North American Union. And I encourage citizens to voice their approval or disapproval of government plans that impact them."[8]

Unauthorized postings of images taken from his website have been reposted widely across the Internet, often being used as supposed "proof" of the Amero coinage. Notably, Internet radio talk show host Hal Turner ran a full article on the "Amero coin", claiming to have arranged for a United States Government minted "Amero" to be smuggled out of the Treasury Department by an employee of that organization.[9]
Following Turner's assertions of federal minting of Ameros, a web site marketing the curio coins released a statement debunking Turner's claims of a government cover up regarding Daniel Carr's Amero products.[10] The debunking website Snopes also ran a further debunking of Turner's claims, stating "Neither the U.S. Mint nor the U.S. Treasury has a hand in creating these 'Ameros'. These coins are merely collectibles offered to the buying public by a private company in the business of manufacturing such curiosities."[11]

Also the website selling these makes no claim about them being legal tender.
Disney dollars are not circulated as cash. Disney Dollars can only be used at Disney and I am sure have a disclaimer on them that states no cash value, much like coupons and such. You can go to Chuck e cheese and get coins for the games there, the games only take chuck e cheese coins but you can't spend them any where else.

The continued comparrisons of Disney Dollars and such to Ron Paul liberty Dollars is absurd, it is like comparing apples to oranges.

Just because no arrests have been made YET, does not mean the government doesn't have a case. THis is not going to hurt Ron Pauls chances for the Republican nomination because quite simply he had no chance to begin with.

Passing a coin off that states 20 dollars on it when it is really worth 15 dollars is a problem IMHO.

The OP himself stated that Ron Paul "agreed to it." And I believe him.

The man mints what you decree as FAKE money, designed to DEFRAUD the people, and you imply his dishonesty in every one of your posts, yet you BELIEVE him? Please for the sake of anyone taking you seriously take a stand one way or another on this man's integrity.

Also, "I believe him" is not a citation of fact. That's what is needed here to carry on the debate.

specifically refers to Nuthouse's instructions

Name calling doesn't really help either, just makes you look like a (your word) looney. It has no place in intelligent discourse, no matter which side of the debate you're on. That applies to all the others here who've said it as well.

FAKE Ron Paul currency.

There is quite a difference between "not legal tender" and "FAKE". They were made of appropriate amounts of precious metal that could legally be traded on specie/commodity markets. That is not FAKE. They were not legal tender, to be sure, but certainly not valueless or false. In addition, although they took inspiration from several forms of legal tender currency, the fact that they did not copy any specific peice means it's neither counterfiet nor forgery, either.

Ron Paul "agreed to it."

Ron Paul put on blinders and ignored the fact that his name and face were not being used in the scheme, which is just as bad. This is the kind of judgment being exercised by someone who wants to the President of the United States?!?

Or at least return the campaign contributions from the looney group. But not Ron Paul.

Based on these comments and other posts you've made in this thread, it appears your issue is more with Ron Paul himself than the coins or their maker, which are the topics of the thread.

Leave the Paul-hating for another thread and stick to the topic. That is Mr. NUTHOUSE:rolleyes:, the coins he made, and the trouble he may be in. That applies to all of us. There are plenty of other Paul threads if you want to go bash the man.

I'm not trying to be an arse at all, but this thread has veered of topic, and people are beginning to act childish. Let's all rein it in and not look like ranting "looneys" to the general public. Mmmmmkay?

BTW, thanks for the word looney. Hadn't heard it in a while. It may be tomorrow's "word of the day".:D
You can get silver for today's spot price of ~$14.50 an ounce if you show up with about $7,500 in cash to spend on a 500-ounce ingot of silver in New York City first thing tomorrow morning.

That's what the "spot" price is.

You are basically asserting that manufacturing and minting has no cost or value, and that a PCGS MS69 should be priced the same as a PR69DCAM, which should be priced the same as an ounce of the blobs of silver scraped off a jeweler's bench.

More specifically:


Or consider this glorious specimen of the minter's art.
It is interesting that the neo-cons in the Republican party have turned all their frustration on Ron Paul. The Republican Party is sinking because of failed neo-con policies. They have lost the House and Senate, and are on the verge of losing the Presidency next year.

Rather than fixing their own house, and then competing against their true enemies, the Democrats, the Republicans have become focused on discrediting Ron Paul, a man who is polling in single digits and poses no threat to the status quo. They will blame him for losing in 2008, even if he doesnt run on a third party ticket. I will predict that the neo-cons, when they lose in 2008, will say its because Ron Paul supporters boycotted the election.

I would encourage Republicans and conservatives to be less divisive as a party, quit spending so much time arguing over phantom candidates, reform their platform to one of true conservatism, and then focus on the true task at han: defeating the Democrats. If the party fails to do this, then you can be assured the Democrats will win and have complete control of Washington.
It is interesting that the neo-cons in the Republican party have turned all their frustration on Ron Paul. The Republican Party is sinking because of failed neo-con policies. They have lost the House and Senate, and are on the verge of losing the Presidency next year.

And a lot of folks "who were gonna show them republicans" are now scratching their heads wondering what happened when the utopia they were promised from the dems failed to materialize.

Rather than fixing their own house, and then competing against their true enemies, the Democrats, the Republicans have become focused on discrediting Ron Paul, a man who is polling in single digits and poses no threat to the status quo.

I can't speak for anyone but myself. I don't hate the guy, I just can't see him being an option for me since he hasn't accomplished a whole lot thus far in his career as a legislator. Voting on hopes and promises means nothing without a history of performance and he doesn't have it. IMHO
And a lot of folks "who were gonna show them republicans" are now scratching their heads wondering what happened when the utopia they were promised from the dems failed to materialize.

I don't think many people were expecting Utopia. In fact, I don't think the Democrats have done much of anything bad since they took over the House and Senate. If anything we are better off, as most of the neo-conservative Bush agenda has been stymied. I don't relish the idea of them winning the presidency though, as this would give them complete control in Washington, and I am sure they could foul things up at least as badly as the Republicans did when they had complete control.
I don't think many people were expecting Utopia. In fact, I don't think the Democrats have done much of anything bad since they took over the House and Senate. If anything we are better off, as most of the neo-conservative Bush agenda has been stymied. I don't relish the idea of them winning the presidency though, as this would give them complete control in Washington, and I am sure they could foul things up at least as badly as the Republicans did when they had complete control.

My point being many people voted for them on a hope and promise of pulling out of Iraq, not only are we still there, they continue to fund it which was another of the promises they said they wouldn't do, but once in office they crawfished on it. Health care reform, didn't happen, welfare reform, didn't happen, social security reform, I think you got the idea.;)
Yes, but I don't think you are getting my point. The people who voted for Democrats didn't care about the Democrats plans as much as they just wanted the Republicans out of control.

Everything bad that happened during the Bush administration happened before the Democrats took control of the Congress. By bad, I am talking about Medicare Reform, No child left behind, Campaign Finance Reform, Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, etc.
Yes, but I don't think you are getting my point. The people who voted for Democrats didn't care about the Democrats plans as much as they just wanted the Republicans out of control.

I understand that, I just don't have any confidence in converting people who would vote with that much carelessness. Do they really care about Ron Paul or any other candidate? I don't think so, they care about the easiest road to travel, not research. I could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time.
The central question has yet to be asked and debated:
What, exactly, does Title 18 USC ss 486 mean?
That's the central dispute between Nothaus and the treasury. The feds don't seem to want to take this to court to find out.
And if it means what they say it means, is it unconstitutional?

Section 486. Uttering coins of gold, silver or other metal

Whoever, except as authorized by law, makes or utters or passes,
or attempts to utter or pass, any coins of gold or silver or other
metal, or alloys of metals, intended for use as current money,
whether in the resemblance of coins of the United States or of
foreign countries, or of original design, shall be fined under this
title (!1) or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

Nothaus' argument from his lawsuit against the treasury:

Plaintiff von NotHaus and, to the best of his knowledge and belief, individuals
bartering the Liberty Dollar, have not represented the Liberty Dollar as “coin”, “legal tender” or
“current money”. Liberty Dollar has encouraged persons who utilize the barter currency to offer
it to merchants as barter payment for goods and services but not as “coin”, “legal tender” or
“current money”. Furthermore, the Liberty Dollar does not resemble “coins of the United States
or of foreign countries.” Thus, the use of a gold or silver Liberty “medallion” as a “private
voluntary barter currency” does not violate 18 U.S.C. § 486.

Judging by their actions, Nothaus is much more confident of the outcome than the feds, but that doesn't mean he's right. What will a judge say?

To that end a criminal charge might do him good. Beyond a shadow of a doubt is harder for the government to get than for Bernard to show preponderance of the evidence. This action by the feds really increase his chance of winning, but with major inconvenience in the interim.
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