FBI Raids Liberty Dollar – Confiscates All Ron Paul Dollar

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Insightful article:

Ron Paul "sound money" fears halt air traffic
Written by Earnest A. Peal
Story written: 23 November 2007

500 Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Denominations (FRAUDs) represent--nothing actually.

WASHINGTON D.C.--In a dramatic case of miscommunication, the Department of Homeland Fear halted all flights to Washington D.C. on Thanksgiving morning after an order was circulated to the secret police services warning of the "extreme danger of capital flight", as American citizens realize their money has no actual value.

The alert originated from the office of Ben Bernanky, Chief of Printing at the US Federal Banking Cartel and was sent to the Secretive Services, formerly an arm of the Treasury, but now lumped into the monster bureaucracy, the Department of Homeland Fear. Mr. Bernanky was concerned that Americans would abandon the dollar and buy gold stored abroad, after the government's seizure of the alternative currency, the Liberty Dollar, which is coined of, or backed by, real precious metals.

His memo, warning of an "extreme danger of capital flight," was picked up by a quick-acting section head who promptly cancelled all inbound flights to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport and Dulles International Airport.

Approximately 45,000 holiday travellers were delayed as a result of the temporary airport closure. When the department found out it had goofed it announced, "We are glad to learn that this is just about some claim that the government absconded with 280 million ounces of gold in 1971 and has been effectively insolvent ever since. We're pleased that Americans can go back to business as usual and enjoy their holiday giving thanks for the blessings of this great nation."

In addition to the concerns over competition from "real money", reaction to a viral video on YouTube of Ron Paul, head of the House Banking Oversight Committee, lambasting Bernanky over the Cartel's devaluation of the dollar to just 7 cents from the currency it began with, was a factor leading to Bernanky's warning. Rep. Paul has frequently argued for a return to the gold standard through allowing alternative currencies.

Bernanky said after the incident, "The Fed is exercising those powers granted it by the Congress. Our primary goal is to ensure the stability of investor profits, and deflation is the biggest threat to investor profits. The government in a fiat money system owns the physical means of creating money and this implies that the government can always avoid deflation by simply issuing more money. Why then, not just use a 'helicopter drop' of money into the economy to fight deflation?"

Asked about the cost of inflation to ordinary wage earners and those on fixed incomes, he replied, "It goes without saying that this will involve a certain amount of loss to individual holders of the currency. However, I would like to remind anyone considering investing in gold that the Secretive Services can and will confiscate it-whether or not the holder has broken any laws."

It is not the first time that the recently installed head of the Cartel has inadvertently caused an over-reaction. Soon after he was selected by the banking community to lead the agency, he sent markets reeling with the offhand comment, "If the Chinese don't buy more bonds, we'll just have to devalue the **** out of the greenback."
I picked up some nice crisp "Berkshares" bills yesterday while visiting my in-laws for Thanksgiving. I'll scan 'em and post pics when I get home.

They exchange at a 9:10 ratio with Federal Reserve dollars - that is to say, if you pay 90 FRN you get 100 Berkshares.

Merchants can also deposit them for the 9:10 ratio in participating banks.
. THE US currency is not backed by anything and the us cannot let anybody else present a currency that is. That is why eventually all gold and silver will be confiscated, just like in the depression.

Right before JFK was shot he passed an action to take the monetary power away from the Federal reserve, and back it with USA owed silver…than he died. This is no different.
Fremmer said:
Now, here's an interesting question:

If there are no indictments, or findings of guilt, when does the seized property have to be returned? Or is there a civil action that the government could file to retain the property? That issue has to involve the Fifth Amendment right to due process.

In civil asset forfeiture actions, the "guilty" property is subjected to the process, not the owner. At least, that's the argument the govt uses to justify using civil forfeiture to punish crimes without the bother of proving a person guilty.

I've always found that point interesting re civil forfeiture. The government essentially steals real property from an individual UNCONVICTED of anything, then with a straight face, claims that the individual in not being punished via the loss of property, for it is some inanimite object that was proceeded against. What a load of crap, yet one that they somehow get away with.
the gold standard?

how in the world could we ever go back to a gold standard? please explain cause that seems so miraculous that it equates to getting wine from a stone and feeding the masses fish and bread pulled from a basket. i mean there is a lot of gold out there but not enough to cover the so-called "wealth" out there.
We do have some options to minimize the suffering. If we decided to, we could permit some alternatives to the current system of money and banking we have today.
Already, we took a big step in this direction. Gold was illegal to own between 1933 and 1976. Today millions of Americans do own some gold.

Gold contracts are legal, but a settlement of any dispute is always in Federal Reserve notes. This makes gold contracts of limited value.

For gold to be an alternative to Federal Reserve notes, taxes on any transactions in gold must be removed, both sales and capital gains.

Holding gold should be permitted in any pension fund, just as dollars are permitted in a checking account of these funds.

Repeal of all legal tender laws is a must. Sound money never requires the force of legal tender laws. Only paper money requires such laws.

These proposals, even if put in place tomorrow, would not solve all the problems we face. It would though, legalize freedom of choice in money, and many who worry about having their savings wiped out by a depreciating dollar would at least have another option. This option would ease some of the difficulties that are surely to come from runaway deficits in a weakening economy with skyrocketing inflation.

Curbing the scope of government and limiting its size to that prescribed in the Constitution is the goal that we should seek. But political reality makes this option available to us only after a national bankruptcy has occurred. We need not face that catastrophe. What we need to do is to strictly limit the power of government to meddle in our economy and our personal affairs, and stay out of the internal affairs of other nations.
-Dr. Ron Paul, R-TX

So solutions like these Liberty dollars should be encouraged rather than punished. Deflation should be encouraged rather than staved off. Sound economic policy can help that along temporarily, and a competitive market system could help force the guarantors of our current system to behave more in line with gold.
A "dollar" was originally worth 1/20 an ounce of gold. Inflation now has it down to $0.04 and dropping. If a new currency were introduced (call it whatever name you like) it would be possible to cover America's assets in gold, silver, and platinum.

(edit) Of course, I don't speak for him personally.
A "dollar" was originally worth 1/20 an ounce of gold. Inflation now has it down to $0.04 and dropping. If a new currency were introduced (call it whatever name you like) it would be possible to cover America's assets in gold, silver, and platinum.

Imagine that, since the 1700s, prices have increased. Gold is no longer worth $20 and ounce. Most of us now make average hourly wages that are higher or comparable to that which was paid in the 1700s for a week's worth of work.

Yeah, like minting a new currency and paying debts with metals would not further devalue the dollar or whatever currency we had.
Imagine that, since the 1700s, prices have increased. Gold is no longer worth $20 and ounce. Most of us now make average hourly wages that are higher or comparable to that which was paid in the 1700s for a week's worth of work.
No, since the early 1900s prices have increased. Prior to that there was no such thing as inflation. And no, most of us now make hourly wages much less than preceding generations in terms of real assets, which is why most households require both parents to work outside of the home and still struggle to make ends meet.

Yeah, like minting a new currency and paying debts with metals would not further devalue the dollar or whatever currency we had.
How do you devalue something that is already worthless? :confused:
What's silly about this whole thing is that there's a full-page ad in USA Today advertising fake gold coins replete with all the symbols that supposedly make them Federal bullion and ambiguous wording to lure the unwary into thinking they're genuine and actually Federal minted bullion right in the advertising.
The same USA Today that reported the .999 pure Ron Paul Liberty dollars as being "Fake". :rolleyes:
Where's the FBI on this one?
While we do not have the gold to back up our "notes" we got a pretty good fake money system running.
I know countless folks that prefer to invest in gold and have never seen one lose a single troy ounce to the feds in a confiscation.
This liberty dollar thing sounds like a fanatical loony version of the "sons of patriots" group I knew in the mid eighties. And to claim it is a "$20 dollar piece" to a shop keeper is an utter fraud and is an outrage. If this Ron Paul feller backs this behavior he is no one I want in the white house!
If the 20 dollar "barter" is only offered to folks in the barter "network" is not fraud. But to try to use it anywhere else is obvious fraud.
I was in a barter club in orlando in the 90's and we traded paper coupons to other club members. The only threat we faced was that we were not paying sales tax but beat that in court. This liberty dollar thing is beyond barter club as they have provided directions on how to SCAM shopkeepers into taking it when the bank won't honor the face value. Every coin in America is worth less than face value but is accepted by every American bank at that value. That is why the US mint is not committing fraud.
"The US Mint sells one ounce of silver for $30, so how is offering $20 barter for a similar ounce a fraud?"

And they are clearly marked as $1 coins.
Not $20.
You can take them to the bank for a paper note and get a dollar bill.
I don't know if someone has brought this up yet, but does it strike anyone as funny that the Paul camp had no idea this was going on?

If thats true, that means that this guy was voluntarily subjecting himself to a huge lawsuit.

That doesn't sound right to me.
If thats true, that means that this guy was voluntarily subjecting himself to a huge lawsuit.
According to the affidavit for the S&S warrant, he was.
He thinks he can beat this and is looking forward to his day in court.

"I see my arrest and trial as a golden opportunity to win and return our great country to a value based currency. ... I believe the Liberty Dollar will win and become one of the great institutions in America. I have devoted the past 10 years to the Liberty Dollar and am willing to risk a few years in federal prison to vindicate it."
-Bernard Von Nothaus

So you're saying that because you can purchase $15 worth of silver directly from the government for $30 and exchange it for a $1 bill, that's less of a ripoff than buying $15 worth of silver from Liberty Dollar for $20 and exchanging it back to Liberty Dollar (or anybody who accepts it) for $20 or sell it on EBAY for upwards of $200?
All because you can take it to any bank and get ripped off? Something does not compute...

I'll tell you what: Anybody who has a Liberty Dollar who doesn't want it can contact me. I'll gladly take it off your hands for face value. :)
I don't know if someone has brought this up yet, but does it strike anyone as funny that the Paul camp had no idea this was going on?

LibertyStickers.com prints Ron Paul for President bumper stickers. Von Nothaus minted Ron Paul medallions. Same idea.

It's called an independent expenditure in campaign finance law, and in order for something to qualify as an independent expenditure it can't be coordinated with or orchestrated by the campaign in any way. Especially if you're not Hillary Clinton.
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