FBI Raids Liberty Dollar – Confiscates All Ron Paul Dollar

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Was it an ounce coin? Because, as I understand it, "dollar" just means "one twentieth of an ounce"; We call our currency a "dollar" because each bill used to be backed by that twentieth of an ounce of gold.

Um, nope. They were encouraging the "dollars" to be spent like real money. That would be counterfieting.

The U.S. dollar was originally specified by the Coinage Act of 1792 to be a unit of weight (471.25 grains of troy silver (about 30.54 g of silver)). 471.25 grains is about 0.982 troy ounces, or about 1/10 of an ounce and not 1/20.

Later, it was 1/20 of an ounce of GOLD, not silver.

Even if you were correct in suggesting that "dollar" only means "1/20 of an ounce," Liberty Dollar's web site says that they are making "inflation proof currency." In other words, they claim to be making (printing, stamping) money.
They were idiots on many levels to stamp that coin as $20, and to suggest that people spend it as if it were worth $20. A coin like that is generally valued by weight, but also by subjective appeal, and it looks like these are worth a lot of money now. If they're selling for $220 on eBay, I'd sure take one for $20 worth of merchandise.;)

Should Ron Paul have stopped or denounced this? The part about the dollars, yes. If precious metals prices continue the current trend, the value of the metal will soon exceed $20, and Ron Paul should have pointed out that fact, and the fact that inflation is the result of artificial attempts to create wealth by printing money.

He also should have stopped it because it's an ugly coin. He should have demanded that they hire JSG Boggs. :D
And by the way, some other leaders have been pretty unaware of what was going on around them. Hillary doesn't know about Chinese money or planted questioners, Rudy has no idea Kerik is a mobster thug, Ronald Reagan had no idea that his minions were running the Iran-Contra operation and used to sleep through cabinet meetings.
Should Ron Paul have stopped or denounced this? The part about the dollars, yes. If precious metals prices continue the current trend, the value of the metal will soon exceed $20
You mean, of course, that the value of a dollar will soon fall below 1/20th of an ounce of silver. :D
Precious metals don't gain value, but baseless currency definitely loses value.


What inflation looks like

Sad that a dollar that used to be valued at 1/20 an ounce of gold will soon be worth less than 1/20th an ounce of silver. (i.e. less than half a nickel)
Really? Then why didn't Ron Paul or his campaign do something to distance themselves from this? A cease and desist order was the least that could have been done.

The "head" of the coin is clearly marked, "RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT 2008" and the implication of that is pretty plain. What makes this particular case worse, is that the on the obverse side, there is a portion that reads, "VOTE FOR TRUTH" and is a plain reference to RP's campaign. "888 LIB DOLLAR,*" may or may not indicate some form of cultism that is associated with Ron Paul.

Also, take into consideration that RP and/or his campaign took no action to mitigate the damages. It would be fairly easy to make a case of conspiracy, on its surface. What would that do to RP's campaign and chances at any of the primaries? Doesn't matter a bit if the charges stick. I find it hard to believe that him or his people are that naive as to not consider the consequences of this.

If however, he (and/or they) are that naive, do you really want someone like that in the White House?

This would be pretty hilarious, Antipitas, if it weren't so convincing that you were actually serious about it.

"888 LIB DOLLAR" is a toll-free phone number! :D They introduced the 888 area code for toll-free lines in 1996, and Liberty Dollars were introduced in 1998.

Has any political campaign, anywhere in the country, ever in history, issued a cease and desist order to someone who, without consulting or coordinating with the campaign, makes a batch or bumper stickers or signs with the candidates name and image on it - "Joe Blow for President" - and sells them to fellow supporters of that candidate?

There's a term for this in campaign finance law, they're called independent expenditures. In order to qualify as an independent expenditure, the campaign can have no knowledge or input into them. And unlike Hillary Clinton, Republicans have to be convincing in their denials of coordination.

Do you really want an administration in the White House where the response to a lawsuit against the government is to have the same judge overseeing the lawsuit sign a search and seizure warrant against the plaintiff?

The consequences have been a very sharp uptick in the hit rate on the Ron Paul campaign website. Ron Paul has been for sound currency for decades - he's the one who introduced the legislation for the US Mint's highly successful "Eagle" bullion program, for that matter, back in the 80's.
Dr. Paul was just here yesterday and strongly denounced the government's behavior in this matter.

Good! Maybe he'll blow his own campaign out of the water faster. What an idiot he is!

He doesn't have a legal leg to stand on! :D Wild conspiracy theories don't hold up in the courts, sorry.

Mvpel, a coin marked $20 and dollars, with posted instructions on to how to pass them off to merchants is not the same as a bumper sticker.

As to your attempted counter to Antipitas with false semantics, well, it's public record you're a member of that "free state" anarchist miltia that's had the feds investigating them for supplying weapons to the Browns, ("Feds seek Brown sympathizers", Union-Leader, October 10, 2007, citation: "Marshals have questioned members of the Free State Project, who deny they're violent.") so we know where you stand. :rolleyes:

(Note, that's not slander, his posts are all over http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/, a pretty scary place.)
Good! Maybe he'll blow his own campaign out of the water faster. What an idiot he is!
Or at least you certainly hope so :p


Doesn't matter what Dr. Paul's legal grounds are. He's not the one in trouble.
Ron Paul doesn't stand a chance.
Looks like he is in plenty of trouble according to the polls with or without the liberty dollar.
And you can wash your hater-tots down with some haterade. :cool:

Can we at some point get back to discussing the raid?

Anybody familiar with the history of this case and what legal setbacks the government was having prior to this?
I remember they ran into a wall trying to shut down some artist who was making his own $20 bills and using them as tender a few years back. I'll have to root around to find it....

(edit) just saw the video. "evil fiat empire" is used way too much, but underneath the rhetoric is the absolute truth; inflation is theft.
hammer4nc, you keep posting that silly conspiracy video as a drive-by post. Didn't you read the new rule about drive-by posts?
drive-by posts
You mean like post #67?

That video (produced by the guy who got raided) is central to what we're discussing in this thread. You might know that had you actually looked at it.
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What really should piss everybody off is that these numb-nuts were sitting on 1.5 tons of copper and we're paying .40cents a round for ammo because of the so-called shortages in copper.Yea,they want freedom from oppression but they are doing everything to keep it going.:p
I'm still wondering why this guy had bank account the evil empire could freeze. Anybody? somebody?
IMO the guy is a con man and anyone who believes his conspiracy theory bunk deserves to be taken.
I'm still wondering why this guy had bank account the evil empire could freeze. Anybody? somebody?
IMO the guy is a con man and anyone who believes his conspiracy theory bunk deserves to be taken.

Conspiracy theorists are some of the current best "easy marks" for scam and con artists, because they don't bother to check facts, and literally leap at hyperbole meant to whip them into a frenzy. :)
This "conspiracy theory" thing is something I'd love to discuss in another thread.

I have no idea how one goes about getting rich off a "scam" pressing bullion at face value (or what will soon be face value in any case)
Have any of you tried purchasing precious metals? The dealers screw you pretty good in the exchange.
Bernard von Nuthouse is a nut.

I like how he says that we all know that politicians are pathological liars and that Ron Paul is a politician. So Ron Paul must be a pathological liar. But he says Ron Paul tells the truth. So Ron Paul isn't a politician?
Have any of you tried purchasing precious metals? The dealers screw you pretty good in the exchange.

They do? They must see you coming, then.

I just went in a local dealer the other day and bought a bunch of Silver Eagles for ten cents over spot price, which I held up my phone to show them the current spot.
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