FBI Raids Liberty Dollar – Confiscates All Ron Paul Dollar

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USA Today said:
"We have no connection with that," Jesse Benton tells AP. "He was using Ron as a marketing technique. We didn't have anything to do with that or sanction it or give permission in any way."
Really? Then why didn't Ron Paul or his campaign do something to distance themselves from this? A cease and desist order was the least that could have been done.

The "head" of the coin is clearly marked, "RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT 2008" and the implication of that is pretty plain. What makes this particular case worse, is that the on the obverse side, there is a portion that reads, "VOTE FOR TRUTH" and is a plain reference to RP's campaign. "888 LIB DOLLAR,*" may or may not indicate some form of cultism that is associated with Ron Paul.

Also, take into consideration that RP and/or his campaign took no action to mitigate the damages. It would be fairly easy to make a case of conspiracy, on its surface. What would that do to RP's campaign and chances at any of the primaries? Doesn't matter a bit if the charges stick. I find it hard to believe that him or his people are that naive as to not consider the consequences of this.

If however, he (and/or they) are that naive, do you really want someone like that in the White House?

* A gnostic teaching of certain fundamentalist Christian sects.
If however, he (and/or they) are that naive, do you really want someone like that in the White House?

My point exactly. I don't see any planning or such here, just absolute and complete naivety. On this, on foreign policy, on the gold standard 19th century stuff.

This is just the latest example. I just think that he and his campaign had no idea what damage this would do, or that they should distance themselves.

Who wants someone like that dealing with manipulative leaders of places like Venezuela and Iran? :confused:
Geez... this is all so stupid on the part of the folks at Liberty Dollar (and to some extent the RP committee).

Several companies have manufactured precious metal "coins" over the years, legally. They do it by not specifying the value of the coin in dollars, euros, pounds or loaves of bread. They simply put the grade-quality of the metal (99.999 fine) and weight (1 ounce) on the coin -- thus letting the coin's value be known. Then you can stamp just about any symbol you want on the coin as long as you don't infringe on a copyright or a person's privacy. Heck, you could put an Eagle on one side and the White House on the other.

It used to be that U.S. money was backed by gold. If you collected, say 250 pieces of government-issued paper script, you could turn it in for one ounce of gold. Of course, the gov't made the process somewhat difficult and time consuming to discourage the practice too.

But the way the rules are, the government is about the only entity that can issue a metal coin worth less than it's face value legally. I think it you were to make a 1/4 ounce gold-alloy coin who's intrinsic value was $25 and stamp on it that it was "$250 payable through Liberty Dollar, inc." it would be classified as some kind of security or banking instrument - the same as handing a clerk your personal promisary note (check) for $250. The paper is worth maybe 50-cents on it's own, but it promises payment in excess of it's own value.
If however, he (and/or they) are that naive, do you really want someone like that in the White House?

Well, I think the main thing this shows is that Ron Paul has many of the same faults that other occupants of the White House have had. Naivity may be nothing more an unwillingness to accept the truth and take responsibility. Many presidents have claimed "they had no idea" when something bad happened during their administration.

Why haven't the Feds seized the Ron Paul Dollars being sold on Ebay? Why is Ebay still allowing something that is apparently illegal to be sold?
I can see the conspiracy theories now

"RP is secretly gaining in the polls and is set to sweep the republican nomination. The establishment can possibly tolerate an insurrection so the <insert conspiracy committee of choice> set up a hit to take down RP and merry band of righteous libertarians". How you may ask? By sniping RP secret flood of money, that's how!

I give it three days before some variant of the foregoing appears on some gun board.
Ron Paul supporters have conspiracy theories.

Other Republican supporters have conspiracy theories about conspiracy theories.

No wonder the Democrats are leading right now.
Wow, a nutball scheme connected to Ron Paul? Imagine that.

Oh wait, I'm only saying that because "he's such a threat." :barf:

Ron Paul was done the moment he opened his mouth. This just heads the insanity on. It's too bad. He has some good ideas. But the rest of him and his ilk are just too out there to have any real chance or appeal.

Its been kinda quite here. Where are all the Ron Paul supporters? They should be all over this by now.

For real. I'm waiting to be told that I'm just jealous and paranoid that Ron Paul is set to sweep the Republican primary and Presidential election.

Is it any surprise that RP worshipers would print money of him?
Really? Then why didn't Ron Paul or his campaign do something to distance themselves from this? A cease and desist order was the least that could have been done.

I suspect Ron Paul didn't act to stop this because it flatters his ego.

He wanted to be Julius Ceasar for a day, with his likeness on a coin.

Paul's tacit approval for this coin is not a good sign as far as him keeping his word not to run as a third party candidate.

He really seems to be running on pure ego now and is unlikely to give up his daily fix of flattery.
If I coin gold, silver and or platinum and call it currency , I circulate it and it carries the value of it's content! Not a Promissory Note! I can call it anything I want to , The Dollar! The Royal Fifth, the Money of We The People!

The Federal Government does not have a monopoly on Items of value.

They must have done something like Declared it U.S. Government Currency or some off the wall thing. The Therm U.S. Currency would have been O.K.

A Bag of Beans or Salt can be considered Currency! :D
Your Right! If they hit it with the $ sign, they stamped it with the Government insignia! The words Dollar and they would have gotten away with it! "$" Is a trade Mark!:barf:
Homefires, you cannot call it "dollar" and you cannot put the $ on it.

If I coin gold, silver and or platinum and call it currency , I circulate it and it carries the value of it's content! Not a Promissory Note! I can call it anything I want to , The Dollar! The Royal Fifth, the Money of We The People!

No, you can't. You're ignorant of the laws here.
Homefires, they stamped this coin as being "$20". It is not. This is fake money.

Was it an ounce coin? Because, as I understand it, "dollar" just means "one twentieth of an ounce"; We call our currency a "dollar" because each bill used to be backed by that twentieth of an ounce of gold.

If it was an ounce, stamping twenty dollars on it is just truth in advertising.

Use of the "$" sign is on thinner ice, though the US government doesn't have a monopoly on that symbol, it's used by other countries that call their currency "dollars".

As I understand it, the feds were in a legal fight with these people, and had just suffered some setbacks in court. Responding to legal setbacks with armed force is, unfortunately, not an unknown tactic for our government.
Ron Paul or his campaign never authorized the use of his image on the liberty dollar and it was never authorized by the campaign. Get my popcorn and drink and watch the trail.

If however, he (and/or they) are that naive, do you really want someone like that in the White House?

Well at least the donation wasn't from a convicted felon like Hillary's. Giuliani and his man Kerik who he recommended for head of Homeland Security. Do we want these people in the White house? Are they that naive?
Fascinating story here.
Dr. Paul was just here yesterday and strongly denounced the government's behavior in this matter.
Not surprising that the largest counterfeiting scheme in history should be so touchy.
I don't have any Paul Dollars, but now I wish I did.
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