Chemical imbalances. :barf:
My wife is a psych nurse, I am a cardiac nurse. We argue this point over and over. She says human behavior is caused by chemical imbalances. I believe she is wrong.
Some behavior is caused by chemical imbalances. A heart beating is caused by chemical imbalances. A diaphragm rising and falling is caused by chemical imbalances. A beer foaming is caused by chemical imbalances.
A man raping a woman is caused by a desire to inflict violence on another person using sex as a tool and it is exacerbated by a society that does not do anything but house and feed the offender for a few years. If you castrate the person, either with a knife or a chemical, he will merely turn to another tool for his violence. It is my belief that our society does not punish these offenders harshly or long enough. If a man was sure that he would swing from a tree at the end of a rope before the sun went down when he commited a rape, every one one of these offenders would find a way to manage their chemical imbalances. I would bet a months pay that if I lined up 100 sex offenders in front of their victim of choice and gave them the option of raping and dying immediately afterwards, or walking away, I would have zero takers.
The problem is impulse and desire control, not chemical imbalances. Chemical imbalances are an excuse for a problem society does not want to address emphatically. As a result, Pfizer pushes these chemical imbalance theories, sells more drugs, and makes the shareholders very happy. Pfizer is not in the business of helping society. They are in the business of making money. I don't buy the chemical imbalance line. If the human body had no chemical imbalances, synapses would not fire, blood would not circulate, oxygen would not be inspired, and life would cease. Even then, though, there would be chemical imbalances as the body decomposed. We are chemistry, and the nature of chemistry is imbalance.
Norplant is an implant. Depo Provera is not an implant. It is an injection with a half life of about 90 days. During this 90 day period, your parolee is thinking of a way to avoid the next injection. Don't expect him to be back for his shot in 90 days. Over half of the schizophrenics on Prolixin D never show up for their shot the following month. They are seen by the health care system again when they are injured or are to ill to continue on the streets. These schizophrenics want to stop their hallucinations, yet they still avoid the medication that will do it. The sex offender does not want to stop their behavior, nor do they want the shot. How sucessful do you think this would be?
There are two methods of insuring that a rapist will no longer impart violence on society. Incarcerate them for life, or execute them. Anything else places society at risk.