AZ to Drop CCW Permit Requirement

Opponents argue legalizing concealed weapons will make it easier for criminals to carry them, endangering police.

Yeah, and it'll make global warming worse, too.

Some people aren't happy unless they're bullying other people.

I'm glad to see Arizona adopt constitutional carry. I believe I'll have to spend some vacation dollars there. I'd been thinking about taking Highway 50 across Nevada again, but that state doesn't recognize my Colorado permit.
Where? Take I-10 to I-8, take I-8 towards San Diego, get off on Trekell Road, go south on Trekell about 2 miles to Arica, left on Arica, turns into a dirt road, bear right at the Y, (right at the trap club, nice looking place that has a bunch of RV hookups for members), follow the road down about 1/2 mile, and go past the FIRST range on the left; that's the LE only range. The NEXT left is the Elzy Pearson Memorial public range, 1 80 yard bay, one 275 yard bay, one 100 yard bay, two 25 yard pistol bays, all covered, and all but the 100 yard have concrete pads with concrete shooting benches, bring your own chairs and target holders. One porta potty, bring your own water. :(
:DUnsupervised, well maintained by the city of Casa Grande, and 100% FREE. :)
ArmoredMan, I think you just became my best friend. That range has full Trap and Skeet??? I have been craving some good shotgunning ever since Red Mountain Skeet closed and Picacho Sporting Club is just too dang far and expensive.

I dont suppose that range might have a website?
Thanks man. I will be there when I am around. That sure looks like a great treasure.

also, these gun liberty laws shine my day:

"HB 2543, Firearms Preemption. HB 2543 strengthens state firearms preemption laws, adds firearms storage and accessories to the list of things political subdivisions cannot regulate, and removes the prohibition on carrying a firearm in public parks without a concealed weapons (CCW) permit. The text of HB 2543 can be found here: .

HB 2307, the Firearms Freedom Act. HB 2307 exempts from federal law or regulation firearms manufactured and sold in Arizona as long as they remain in Arizona. This bill sets the stage for some interesting court action. HB 2307 is the latest in a multi-state challenge to federal authority to regulate firearms. Arizona just became the sixth state to pass a Firearms Freedom Act. About 20 other states have introduced similar legislation."

Freedom never seems so sweet.
And he was arrested for breaking the law. The second that sidearm left that holster with no threat in that store he was in violation of the law. I wish someone had called PD at that moment, before he had that stupid negligent discharge. He was also wearing a DOC uniform shirt from when we apprently kicked him out of the academy.
qcpunk, sorry, the Trap Club is private, have to join that one, though there is an uncovered section at the free public 275 yard range where I have seen people set up throwers, straight out only. Sorry, no website, just a mere mention on the Casa Grande Parks and Recreation website. If you became a member of the trap club, then you could park your RV there, shoot trap and skeet, then drive your towed car down to the rifle/pistol range, and shoot there, then come into town for some food at Olive Garden, which is a non posted resteraunt, if you have an AZ CCW permit, as is and will be required by law to carry into a resteraunt serving open alcohol.
SB1008 was transmitted to the Senate, waiting for it to be sent to the governor.

Wow ArmoredMan, Thanks again buddy. I think I definately owe you a few Alaskan Ambers now. I'm out in QC and it's not hard for me to get to 10/8 from Riggs, probably a 45-75 minute drive for me. I'll have to go check it out sometime.

PM sent to avoid sending the thread off topic.
Oooooh, Alaskan beer ever....ONLY WHEN NOT CARRYING A FIREARM! Just got to throw that out there.:cool:
Back to topic, looking forward to bill movement tomorrow, signature by weeks end.
i live in phoenix. todays news headline, feelings mixed on new law requiring no license to cc. todays morning tv news, who is opposing the new law? some of the most vocal against the law are those that profit from cc classes. gun stores, cc instructors anyone that rides the cc class gravy train and stands to lose money by not making a cc license mandatory. i guess these 2nd amendment right advocates are 100% behind your gun rights as long as they can profit from them but when faced with losing revenue suddenly they become the judge and jury of who is qualified to carry and who is not. i don't remember anywhere in the 2nd amendment where it says someone has to profit from you and decide if you are qualified for your 2nd amendment rights. it makes me ill to see gun owners disagree on who is qualified to own and carry firearms based on how much money the stand to make or lose on your gun rights. have any of the "elite" instructors ever charged a person for a cc class and then failed them?
I live in Gilbert and I really do not have a dog in the fight. It looks like the law will be signed but once again I am not sure how good a law it will be.

Everyone has an opinion and I am as entitled to mine as anyone else. Those who illegally carry now will not be affected by this law one way or the other unless they do something stupid and get busted.

I do not think it will make as big a change as many seem to believe.

Personally, I took the class and profited from it. There was a lot of good information and I tried to absorb as much as I could.

I do not want to see the Second Amendment abridged but people do need to know the repercussions of an intended or unintended weapon discharge that hurts or kills someone.

The class gives you some insight to that. Those consequences are serious and they can bankrupt you.

People need to be aware just how serious this issue can be for the careless or unwary.

I live in Gilbert and I really do not have a dog in the fight. It looks like the law will be signed but once again I am not sure how good a law it will be.

Everyone has an opinion and I am as entitled to mine as anyone else. Those who illegally carry now will not be affected by this law one way or the other unless they do something stupid and get busted.

I do not think it will make as big a change as many seem to believe.

Personally, I took the class and profited from it. There was a lot of good information and I tried to absorb as much as I could.

I do not want to see the Second Amendment abridged but people do need to know the repercussions of an intended or unintended weapon discharge that hurts or kills someone.

The class gives you some insight to that. Those consequences are serious and they can bankrupt you.

People need to be aware just how serious this issue can be for the careless or unwary.


People SHOULD understand such things, and most people DO understand them. There's never been any doubt in my mind...

I took the CCW class as well; first in early 1995, then I renewed in 1999. I renewed again in 2003, and again in 2007. The renewal in 2007 was the first one that didn't require me to take a class and requalify with a handgun.

I don't think I've ever heard anything in a CCW class that I didn't already know. There were certainly things said in a class or two that raised questions in my mind, and that resulted in more study, and therefore better understanding of the subject on my part.

That said, I've learned more from exchanging information on the 'net. It works the same way, only in more diversified ways. More opinions, more questions asked, and therefore more study on more subjects for a better understanding.

Bear in mind that anyone who can legally own a gun can open carry in Arizona without any permits whatsoever. It's been that way since Arizona became a state in something like 1912. For that reason, it's really not a matter of people not knowing how to use a gun; those who can carry, and want to carry, already have the legal means to do so.

The only thing this law will/would change is the WAY people without permits can carry in places where they can already legally carry. A handgun in open sight is little different than a handgun with a jacket covering it IMO, yet the latter will get you arrested, and possibly cause the loss of your firearms rights if you don't have a CCW permit.

The blood has never really ran in Arizona streets with legal open carry, and I don't see that changing if someone's allowed to wear a jacket or shirt over their handgun to keep things more "discrete".

This law will not make any difference whatsoever in my life and means of carry. My wife and I both have valid Az CCW permits, and we'll maintain those regardless of this law. I'm very pro-rights, however, and I see absolutely no reason for not allowing law abiding citizens their full constitutional right to keep AND bear arms.

daryl +1

there is nothing they teach in a ccw course that is not available to you on your own thru the internet or free govt information. one day a month at the range will serve you better than a few rounds fired at a class. granted ccw classes can be informative specially if you have little or no firearms experience and IF you get a good teacher but they also get paid well for their efforts and don't want to lose that income. a few shots on a range does not qualify you as a marksman any more than a few hours in a ccw class qualify you as a lawyer but it can be time and money well spent. there are other advantages to a ccw permit, no backgroud check when buying a gun, reciprocity with some states, expanded areas you can carry so getting a ccw permit does have some advantages.

the point of my post wasn't the value of taking the class or the added benefits. it was the division between gun owners who supposedly believe in the second amendment. some instructors seem to think the 2nd amendment was put there to enrich instructors and they are very vocal they don't want to lose that right (income).
There is one thing that you may get in taking the class, that you won't get anywhere else.

Case law.

How it affects you, in regards to the statutes that your legislatures pass, may well be different than what you think the written text says. Not saying you will get this info, but if the class is good, the instructor is good, then you will benefit by knowing how the courts are interpreting the laws.

Something to ask about, if you decide to take CCW classes.

Please call Governor Brewer TODAY and ask her to sign this bill! (SB 1108)

You can reach her office via tele here:

Telephone (602) 542-4331
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