AZ to Drop CCW Permit Requirement

Make me Benevolent Omnipotent Deity and no one shall ignore you again. Ever. I will make sure.

WildinbetweencreationofsupermodelsformypersonalservantsandmakingtbonesgrownonvinesindoorsalreadyagedAlaska TM
Maybe mayhem wouldn't ensue, maybe it would, we are all guessing

Not exactly. You're guessing, based on your personal prejudices. Others are making a prediction based on historical evidence, to wit the lack of mayhem that ensued following the passage of "shall issue" in states that contain Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Phoenix, Miami, Jacksonville... Large cities, not without crime problems, but almost wholly without crime problems related to the carry of firearms by the law-abiding.

And again, you have no moral right to decide who may defend themselves, and who must remain at the mercy of criminal attackers.
I wonder if they catch an illegal alien with a gun, under the newer law....will he get one of Sheriff Joe's pink jumpsuits?

The sky will be falling in Arizona because legal cits can carry legally? Doubt it.
I read alot here about imminent dangers(like National Park carry, Starbucks, or laws changing due to Heller and the like....and soon in VA restaurant carry, gun show or private unregistered sales....).

Do any of these things ever play out like the anti-gun crowd says they will, or can I assume that if they say something will happen....chances are that it definately won't happen on any large scale?
I hope this isn't a dupe but if Arizona doesn't require training to conceal carry how will they conceal carry when out of state?

Will there be a separate process where someone can still get a conceal carry permit?
RDak said:
I hope this isn't a dupe but if Arizona doesn't require training to conceal carry how will they conceal carry when out of state?

Will there be a separate process where someone can still get a conceal carry permit?

It is my understanding, from the Arizonians posting here, that the bill simply does away with the requirement for a permit, but does not do away with the permit itself - like Alaska. However, if Arizona does not offer a permit any longer, than a person would have to get a non-resident license from a state like Utah or Florida to at least be able to carry in some states that honor their non-resident permits.

Personally, I think it is a smart move to keep the permit as an option - it will still bring revenue into the state, it will provide exemption to the 1000' Federal school zone rule, and, your point of allowing carry in some other states.
Yes, the permit will still be an option, just not neccesary. It will be required if you want to legally carry in a resteraunt that serves open alcohol, by state law, (permitee cannot consume), to get reciprocity, ( we recognize all state permits now, IIRC), and to eliminate the Brady check during firearm pruchase from an FFL, which takes about 5-10 minutes, max. doesn't show any floor calenders yet for the week...odd.
Thanks, antipitas, appreciate the backup.:cool:
Current plan is to keep the CCW process, if one wants to go that route which allows carry in other states and faster firearms purchase.
And again, you have no moral right to decide who may defend themselves, and who must remain at the mercy of criminal attackers.
Nor do I want to. I don't see it as removing a right by requiring training. Maybe you do, but I don't.

Can it be used to "weed out" people who can't afford the training? Yes, possible. Is it now? No. My wife took her NRA class for 75 bucks. Reasonable in my opinion. I don't see it as restricting a right to require training.

For example, here in CT. we require the NRA safety class in order to get a pistol permit. Have to have it. Today was pistol permit day at my barracks. We have 2 days a week where people can renew their permit at my barracks, and not have to drive to DPS headquarters. The lobby was standing room only and there was a sign in list of people renewing permits. Nobody seems to have been stripped of the right to defend themselves by requiring a one time training class, at least here in CT.
I went and got my permit just to have another form of ID and also to be able to buy a long gun out of state without a hunting license. Wanted to buy a shotgun once in Maine and they would have let me walk out with it if I had a pistol permit or a hunting license, at the time I had neither.

I still dont have a hunting license, but I have bagged quite a few furry critters in my day. With my Ford:D.
Aaaaand the Governor signed the Preemption bill, AND AZ made firearms, so we are now on the Montana level. :D:cool:
Schedule for tomorrow doesn't show SB1108 on the House Third Read docket yet...soon.

Edit to add, anything you require a government permission for, i.e., "permit", is no longer a right and subject to government whim. That's why I hate the idea of having to go ask the government, no matter how benevolent, for thier written permission for me to excercise a right. My opinion.
Do any of these things ever play out like the anti-gun crowd says they will


I generally see exactly opposite

I wonder if they catch an illegal alien with a gun, under the newer law....will he get one of Sheriff Joe's pink jumpsuits?

God I hope not...First of all I don't think ANY taxpayer should have to pay to incarcerate ANY illegal alien...deport their ass plain and simple...regardless of where they import from.

You want to come to the U.S. then do it right!!!

(side note: The pink jumpsuit/underwear/handcuff idea is the funniest thing I've seen in ages...KUDOS!!)
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This was posted on another forum:

Aaaaand the Governor signed the Preemption bill, AND AZ made firearms, so we are now on the Montana level.
Schedule for tomorrow doesn't show SB1108 on the House Third Read docket yet...

I called Russell Pearce's office today and his aid indicated that they have received a lot of push back on this, even from the NRA lobby and this vote may never take place (in so many words). Everyone call their rep!

email him at:

It would not surprise me one bit to learn that the NRA does NOT support the Constitutional Carry Bill. After all, who gets paid most often to train CCW instructors.... :mad:
So, how do we go about telling the NRA to back off, and actually support this legislation? It's board election season, so that might help. Any other ideas on how to get them to do the right thing?
Folks, we've just had an important offer that shouldn't be ignored. T-bones growing on indoor vines, pre-aged. Any Diety with that kind of foresight would surely get the NRA in line, so we should consider this whole Wild Alaska for God thing. :D

Arizona closer to Constitutional carry

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

By a 20-10 margin, the Senate voted Monday to remove the permit requirement for those who want to carry a concealed weapon. The House already has given preliminary approval to an identical measure and should have a final vote later this week, sending the measure to Gov. Jan Brewer.

I'm game for a good NRA bashing, but let's make sure they deserve it. ;)
publius42 said:
I'm game for a good NRA bashing, but let's make sure they deserve it.

I looked on the NRA-ILA website and could find nothing indicating their efforts to support the bill, only reporting what was happening...