Autoloader vs revolver..again

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The problem is, you won't know if there is a possibility of gangs (anything more than one or two) until you're in the middle of it.

Living in the metroplex presents that opportunity in a surprising number of legitimate "places to go"... the State Fair is in a less desireable part of town. The Ft Worth Stockyards are the same. Deep Ellum, which is an artsy, upscale, edgy place to eat and go to clubs. People get assaulted in that area on a regular basis.
We went to what was supposed to be a localized Easter egg drop for kids, that turned into a 10,000 people zoo... the drop was cancelled because the crowd was getting out of hand, and not responding to requests from the organizers regarding safety. We had already left, because we could tell where it was heading...

The point is, it can happen in the least likely of places. You don't have to hang out in the barrio to experience it.
Kraigwy...that "real old cops" comment was funny...sounds like she'd rehearsed it, or something..

Like I said, though... I love my 64.. and if that's all I had to carry, I wouldn't be worried at all.. I'd just figure out how to carry and use speedloaders....

"Better to have it and not need it..."

My intent was to show that in pretty much the same sized package, there is a dramatic increase in firepower....which, I imagine, is never a bad thing. Hope I never have to find out..
It appears that for "firepower" the autos win, easily..

Depends what you mean by "firepower". The upper end of the power scale is dominated by revolvers.

Other than saying that, I don't feel like participating in a this iteration of an endlessly repeated gunboard wrangle.
(QUOTEl lee n. field Depends what you mean by "firepower". The upper end of the power scale is dominated by revolvers.

Other than saying that, I don't feel like participating in a this iteration of an endlessly repeated gunboard wrangle. END QUOTE)

But you just did and don't you feel better for it. :)
Revolvers are better FOR ME because I am more used to them, shoot them better, like them more, am more comfortable with them, etc.

I don't really care what other people carry or have in their nightstand; that's their business.
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Depends what you mean by "firepower". The upper end of the power scale is dominated by revolvers.

Other than saying that, I don't feel like participating in a this iteration of an endlessly repeated gunboard wrangle.

Well, as I said, a sub-gun would be more firepower, as would a Benelli 12ga autoloader.... but, since this is the "General Handgun Forum" I figured those wouldn't fit in the discussion. :cool:

And, this was not intended to be a "wrangle".... I was trying to help shed some light on the differences between two similarly powerful handguns. You know, just in case someone reads this forum that doesn't know everything about handguns. "For information purposes only":rolleyes:
might be more like apple vs McDonald's hamburger. You can eat both but other than that, they have little in common.

??? I don't understand that, at all....

Nothing in common?

Both are handguns, both shoot projectiles of essentially the same diameter, at essentially the same velocity.
One is an autoloader, the other is a revolver.
Is that not a comparison of two common things?

Good grief, this is a tough crowd...:D
Revolvers are better FOR ME because I am more used to them, shoot them better, like them more, are more comfortable with them, etc.

I don't really care what other people carry or have in their nightstand; that's their business.

That's the best qualification I can think of for a carry/SD handgun.

I really don't care what others carry, either, but I've always thought it's better to know than to not know, so if the comparison helps someone, "my work here is done".... :)
"I really don't care what others carry, either, but I've always thought it's better to know than to not know, so if the comparison helps someone, 'my work here is done'...."

Agreed. I just thought that maybe putting it in the perspective that I did might settle down the "wrangling" a bit. :)

I was walking my dog at 4:00 this morning and the 44 snub in my back pocket made me feel pretty comfortable.
hornetguy said:
It appears that for "firepower" the autos win, easily..

As long as you're very careful to limit your discussion of "firepower" to the lower powered cartridges that are capable of being accommodated by semi-auto mechanisms, it's easy to make a case that the autos win.

My personal thoughts on the scale of "firepower" is that it obviously takes a lot of it to stop something like a grizzly bear or a moose. You'll notice that when people are discussing "firepower" in these situations that the autos don't even enter the discussion.

I would say that for real "firepower", the revolvers win easily .....
You'll notice that when people are discussing "firepower" in these situations that the autos don't even enter the discussion.

I read the linked article, and while interesting, it's hardly a discussion of anything, just the author's opinions. And, it leads one to wonder how anyone survived in Alaska before 300, 400, and even 500gr bullets were available for handguns! :eek:

Auto loading handguns in the .44 Magnum power class exist, but there aren't many of them. If you are going to discuss handguns with the power for moose and bear, and don't include at least a mention of the semi autos, you haven't done your homework.

I have 4 (four) different semiauto pistols in .44Mag power class.
Auto Mag, Wildey, LAR Grizzly, and Desert Eagle.

Some of the reasons they don't get included often are, #1) not many people even know they exist, outside of Hollywood and video games they are not common.

#2) they don't "fit" the usual semi auto shooter's thinking, which generally stops at the (modern) duty class sized pistols.

Endless comments from people who don't own one, and (usually) have never shot one, about how they are too big and too heavy to carry, and therefore essentially useless....

They are big, and heavy. Bigger and heavier than revolvers in the same power class, and way beyond service size semis, this is true. The rest is just opinion...

Where does a semi auto .44 magnum that holds 9 rounds full up fit in your revolver vs. semi firepower discussion??
"They are big, and heavy. Bigger and heavier than revolvers in the same power class, and way beyond service size semis, this is true. The rest is just opinion...

Where does a semi auto .44 magnum that holds 9 rounds full up fit in your revolver vs. semi firepower discussion?? "

I"ll bite.

Probably 'cause, as you state, they're not well known outside of Hollywood and video games.

At least in my state, they're of limited interest as Semi-auto's aren't legal for hunting, so a 44AutoMag is just an expensive range toy.

More powerful than the typical Semi-Auto but you still run into the "reliability" argument.
There are too many stories of gangs of thugs attacking folks, and multiple assailant break-ins to think that more than one attacker is not a likelihood.

Yep and just as many stories of when 1st one takes a bullet .Others are looking for a exit. Getting shot mean possible hospital = POLICE .

Maybe a 5 or 6 revolver be not good If taking on Dillinger gang. But odds are enough for crud you run across on street or home.
I have no hi cap pistols . I have a 10 shot 9mm 1911 rest are 5 to 8 round pistols.
Sorry Hornetguy for thinking that this is a tough crowd. On this point you are 100% correct. This is one of the most professional forums you can be on and the two weapons are not similar and will never be similar.

So, what ever makes you feel safer and more secure, then that's what you go with.
Good Luck!
44amp said:
Auto loading handguns in the .44 Magnum power class exist, but there aren't many of them. If you are going to discuss handguns with the power for moose and bear, and don't include at least a mention of the semi autos, you haven't done your homework.

I've done my homework many times over. I didn't include them for the same reason that things like the Mateba and Webley-Fosberry semi-automatic revolvers aren't typically included in a discussion of revolver vs semi-auto. They're weird birds that aren't common enough to be worth discussing.

44amp said:
I have 4 (four) different semiauto pistols in .44Mag power class.
Auto Mag, Wildey, LAR Grizzly, and Desert Eagle.

I have almost the exact same set, except my Desert Eagle and Grizzly Mk V are .50 AE, and the Wildey is a .475 Wildey Mag. The 44 Auto Mag is the runt of the bunch. They're all big heavy beasts, I find that I prefer my .460 S&W and .500 S&W X-frames to any of them.

44amp said:
Where does a semi auto .44 magnum that holds 9 rounds full up fit in your revolver vs. semi firepower discussion??

I'd probably take the 1910 Maxim on the wheeled carriage before any of the semi-auto boomers.
I'm a revolver guy. Only have 357 mag revolvers. Semi's let me down too any times with jamming. The only time my revolver jammed was because a small section of a reload broke off and fouled up my trigger. I don't use reloads anymore either. Stick with American ammo like Remington,Hornady,Speer etc.
This thread does make me chuckle, sorry.
''Professional thugs?'' Is there a school somewhere for this? Bobbing and weaving counting rounds? This is good stuff!! :rolleyes::D
^ had to chuckle over that myself but based on my track record Grouse hunting I'd have to say they attend some bob and weave classes:p
They're weird birds that aren't common enough to be worth discussing.

Since several of the magnum autos have "nested" with me, I don't entirely agree. Certainly not about the Desert Eagle, which is still in production, (unlike the others) and wildly popular in movies and video games.

I've found the Auto Mags to be very tempermental, not unexpected so, considering it was a totally new design at the time, and total production between several different companies was less than 10,000, and most sources I can find put it at about 5,000 units. They never got the bugs worked out.

My Wildey (.45Win Mag) runs great, and the adjustable gas system allows it to shoot ammo like a revolver. Basically anything from full power down to bunney phart loads can be run by adjusting the gas system.

My LAR Grizzly (have had 2, one .44 Mag, which I traded for the .45Win Mag) runs like any good 1911 pattern gun.

I've had 3 Desert Eagles, 2 in .357, and one .44Mag. Fed the RIGHT ammo for the gun, they run great. Held wrong, fed wrong, not so much.

Are they my first choice for defensive use? no. My handgunning world has more in it than just self defense. I find magnum autos to be a way of shooting magnum loads accurately and more comfortably than revolvers.

Not for everyone, and not the best choice for some situation, but they are out there, and they should be considered when you make blanket statements about "semis".
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