Anti-gun Romney as VP?


It looks like you might now have anyone to vote I will once again push for my own write in candidate. :D

If he ends up with a substantial portion of the vote I am taking full credit. I wonder if he will pull more votes from McCain or Obama. McCain supporters might love the giant head/face and older than the hills thing but Obama supporters may love the whole "lives in a fantasy world" thing. :)

The VP is ever so important these days
The VP is very important. Especially with McCains health record and age. You might just be electing the VP to the presidency.

Also, just look at how much influence Cheney had on the country...and look at how negatively he has reflected on the republican party.
Playboypenguin said:
Planned Parenthod....the good they do far outweighs the bad. They are definitely way, way, way more effective and less harmful than the faith bases abstinence programs.

You may have a masters degree in physical sciences....unfortunately your education is inadequate (formal and real life). Explain how Planned Parenthood's good deeds outweigh the life of one baby? What about the rights of that baby? Shoot the child in the womb and you're charged with murder....terminate it in an abortion and it doesn't count?

You're saying (baby killing) Planned Parenthood is less harmful than faith based programs? Sorry, you just don't have a clue.

Doubt I'll convince you otherwise, sincerely hope you change your views someday. The greatest joys in my life were seeing two boys born into my life, from them came five grandchildren....all of whom could have ended up in a trashcan had I made a different choice.
What about the rights of that baby?
I wasn't aware that an early stage fetus had rights? Please point me to the court ruling that state this.
Explain how Planned Parenthood's good deeds outweigh the life of one baby?
Nice manipulative wording of the question there but the good they do is evident. They provide education, healthcare, and contraception to hundreds of thousands of people that would go without if not for their services. They prevent more teens from becoming pregnant and ruining their lives in the first place than any other organization.
In any case, back to the original topic, if McWeasel gets a reasonable VP, is there a way to pressure the party to make him drop out and the VP person take his place instead? Just what do we have to do to take one party or the other for us again instead of just voting for one half or the other of the same turd sandwich?
In any case, back to the original topic, if McWeasel gets a reasonable VP, is there a way to pressure the party to make him drop out and the VP person take his place instead? Just what do we have to do to take one party or the other for us again instead of just voting for one half or the other of the same turd sandwich?
That would constitute the party overriding the will of the people and "appointing" the presidential nominee. Do you want to go down that road?
The "will of the people" has been diluted and made irrelevent as it stands. The existing parties care not a pittance for the citizenry or they would not do as they do. The vote exists at best as a pathetic token gesture.
The "will of the people" has been diluted and made irrelevent as it stands. The existing parties care not a pittance for the citizenry or they would not do as they do. The vote exists at best as a pathetic token gesture.
I am not disputing the spirit of hat you said, but does it make sense to say "since they do not care what I think anyway I will just give them the authority to do as they please."
Certainly it does not, but I ask just what we/I can do to actually get that power back? Exactly what can we do THAT WILL WORK to where they will care what we think and obey it instead of the insulting token 5 second soundbyte then back to business as usual? It is exactly my displeasure and answer sought to the problem that they do as they please whether I care about it or not. No means no doesn't apply apparently when it's these guys raping you. There is no "No" vote...but we sure as hell need one.

Anyone got an answer? Didn't think so.
Certainly it does not, but I ask just what we/I can do to actually get that power back? Exactly what can we do THAT WILL WORK to where they will care what we think and obey it instead of the insulting token 5 second soundbyte then back to business as usual? It is exactly my displeasure and answer sought to the problem that they do as they please whether I care about it or not. No means no doesn't apply apparently when it's these guys raping you. There is no "No" vote...but we sure as hell need one.
Point taken...but you can always vote for Pufnstuf. That will show them something at least. :)
We know what this election means, and yes, some people believe there are no good candiddates that speak to their beliefs. I would not even hope to influence another's decision by bullying, sarcasm or put downs. I remember years ago, going to Planned Parenthood for birth control and a pap smear. I didn't even know they did abortions. It was not my reason for going there, nor, I would guess many other women. I do not believe in abortion for myself, but cannot speak to other's reasons. I can only be responsible for myself.
Your fear of Romney's faith is interesting but unfounded.

Really, how so? he has taken numerous stances in which he uses only his faith and religious convictions as justification. This is the very thing the founding fathers warned against.

Playboy, your attacks on Romney have been extremely underhanded and unfair. You have failed to provide one single bit of evidence to support any of your lambastes against him. Not one single verifiable citation, nothing at all. Not even one example of him doing anything at all while he served as Governor, where he put his religion above the good of the people, or the law.

All you are doing here is repeating the very same political smears that were made against Romney by the secular progressives during the primary campaign. You need to be more open minded about where you get your misinformation from.

For anyone who has already forgotten the campaign, Romney finally had to resort to making a speech on the issue of his faith and religion, in order to counter these very same vilifications that were made against him during the campaign.

Those of you who are so quick to condemn Romney on religion should have listened to that speech. It is still available online to read, here:

If you read Romney's speech you will see that Playboy's attacks on Romney are so extremely distorted and twisted to the point of being a totally inaccurate portrayal of what the man really believes.

^ It is not his Mormonism that is to be disparaged, but the more damnable doctrines of Massachusetts style leftism. Of that there is ample track record, the more detailed the report the blacker a spot it becomes.
McCain needs that Alaska Governor gal to light the fire. But from what I hear Alaska won't give her up, and she won't go.

She's needed right here for the time being.

Hitching her political wagon to McStain would be the kiss of death for any other political aspirations she may have. Besides, a pig, is still a pig regardless of whether or not there's a hot governor (governess?) chick standing next to it.

There's nothing you can do for McStain that's going to change the outcome of this election. He's doomed and so are we..........for the next four years.

I'd rather see Gov. Palin take Don Young's House seat or Ted Stevens' Senate seat anyway. She'll still be working for us and not have to worry about some mook dragging her down to their level.