Anti-gun Romney as VP?

Playboy, your attacks on Romney have been extremely underhanded and unfair. You have failed to provide one single bit of evidence to support any of your lambastes against him.
Did you not watch the republican debates? Have you not read his own campaign provided information on his stances?

Like I said, I agree with the founding fathers. I will never elect a church official to government office.
I see you are up to your old tricks, answering a question with a question.
Old trick? You are the one playing ignorant on information you could find with a few keystrokes...or do you make a habit of defending people just because they wear a cross on their lapel regardless of their history or actions?

PS: You might want to re-read my previous post. I think you skipped a line.
He is both a bishop and a stake president within the LDS church.

He is presently neither. Perhaps it is you who needs to do a little research before putting others down.

For three years, from 1982 to 1985, Mr. Romney served as the bishop, or lay pastor, at his church in Belmont, Mass. After that, he served nine years as "stake" president, overseeing about a dozen Boston-area parishes.
He is presently neither. Perhaps it is you who needs to do a little research before putting others down.
I am sorry you feel so attacked by my agreement with the ideal of religious officials being bad for civil liberties but Romney only resigned his church positions to enter politics. I do not see anywhere that I "put him down" I just express the opinion that the country does not need a pature, it needs a president.
Nothing wrong with Romney being a Morman.
The Mormans generaly are really good god fearing family people that believe in marriage between a man and a woman. (Sure it used to be lots iof women.).
PBP obviously you never took a Comparitive Religon Course in College?
I myself could never be a Morman due to my addiction to caffeine and alcohol but more power to them.
Romney is ANTI-GUN that is the kicker for me and should be an issue for everyone who ownes even one gun.
So Playboypenguin, if Romney was an atheist you'd say he was better qualified to be a president?
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Romney is ANTI-GUN that is the kicker for me and should be an issue for everyone who ownes even one gun.
I don't think he's anti-gun. I think he just doesn't give a @#!@! about gun owners and will do anything and say anything that he thinks is politically advantageous.

Obama, on the other hand, is worse. He's big-time anti-gun and will encourage gun control efforts. Romney may go along with gun control efforts, but he won't be a cheerleader like Obama.

So Romney isn't good for us, but Obama is far, far worse.
The fact that Romney has changed positions on a number of issues shouldn't present a major concern for conservatives.....since those changes have all been toward conservative principles. Noteworthy to remember that Ronald Reagan also made fundamental changes during his political career to become the conservative he was. Same with Phil Gramm and many others. No one was born with conservative DNA, those principles evolve over a lifetime of experience and core beliefs.

Some will argue Romney's position shift was done for vote pandering, time will tell if those changes are genuine or not. Change in a persons core political beliefs can be made only once....waffling back and forth sends the wrong message and creates voter doubt, credibility is lost forever.
So Playboypenguin, if Romney was an atheist you'd say he was better qualified to be a president?
If Romney was an atheist I doubt he would have the political opinions he does...and if he did he would have better justification for his opinions than "the bible says so."

I wouldn't care if he was baptist, mormon, catholic or long as he did not base his opinions regarding civil liberties on his religious text. If he stood up and said "The constitution, the bill of rights, and law of man is my guiding light and what I base my actions upon" I would consider him worthy of office. He has not done that. I have seen him give speechs where he clearly says that "the laws of man are second to the word of god." He is not being elected to enforce religious scripture or protect the countries spiritual well being.

This is the very reason the founding fathers said no citizen is well served by electing a holy man. They said that the holy man will always serve himself and his church before he serves the welfare of the people. I completely agree with them on this and many other issues.
Anti-gun Romney as VP?

If that gets anyone but Obama elected then it will have to be OK with me. As much as many would disdain McCain, with or without Romney on the ticket, the next POTUS is likely to nominate three or four SCOTUS justices. It may well be time to put all our high minded principles aside and try to make lemonade out of the lemons with which we are presented. "Sending a message" by voting third party has it's place, but not now.

I am sorry you feel so attacked by my agreement with the ideal of religious officials being bad for civil liberties but Romney only resigned his church positions to enter politics.

I don't feel "attacked" in the least. I was merely responding to your mischaracterization of Gov. Romney being an "official" in his church. It is arguable that he ever was an "official" to begin with, and whatever you feel about the posts he held at one time, he holds neither one now.

You just don't like that fact that he is a Christian...........bottom line, tho I doubt you'd ever admit it.
I don't feel "attacked" in the least. I was merely responding to your mischaracterization of Gov. Romney being an "official" in his church. It is arguable that he ever was an "official" to begin with, and whatever you feel about the posts he held at one time, he holds neither one now.

You just don't like that fact that he is a Christian...........bottom line, tho I doubt you'd ever admit it.
He was a church official. No doubt about it. He only resigned when he entered politics. It is still as bad an idea now as it was in the days of the founders to elect holy men to office.

Obama is christian too. Are you one of those people that tries to deny that fact? I have no problem with his faith. McCain is christian too. I have no problem with his faith. Romney is a minister. I have a problem with that.
Playboypenguin said:
...It is still as bad an idea now as it was in the days of the founders to elect holy men to office.....Romney is a minister. I have a problem with that.

Penguin Romney is being characterized as the "Holy man"? Secular Progressives are prone to exaggeration.
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Secular Progressives are prone to exaggeration.
Yes, how could anyone call a minister who has held high positions inside his national church a holy man. Boy, that sure is far fetched. :rolleyes:

Face it...some of you guys may love the idea of living in a theocracy since that would be forcing everyone to live by your personal narrow view of morality, but that is one of the ideals this country was formed in opposition of and most people realize that.
Roger, You are wrong... You will have the priesthood bestowed upon you BEFORE you go on a mission... Both the Aaronic and Melchizedek;)
What anti gun measures has Romney supported?