Anti-gun Romney as VP?

They are hateful. There.

On another note, do you really think they would do something like this in the first term as prez? first four will be slow. By the next term coming up we may be able to do something about it. If leanings toward anti-2nd show to be a motivator later in the presidency (namely after there's no chance of being re-elected) he loses his position of power and gets booted out. Although then again it's in the hands of the electoral college, isn't it? How do we get the message across to them (come time to vote) what the people want and how can we get the message across that there will be consequences if they screw us over?
To take a stand of denying basic rights to certain groups and use the bible as your only defense is not acceptable.

Ah, so now we know why PlayboyPenguin really hates Romney so very intensely, because he is against Gay Marriage. That's most strange, because both Obama and McCain have the same position of supporting civil unions for homosexuals, but denying them the right to marry.

Ah, so now we know why PlayboyPenguin really hates Romney so very intensely, because he is against Gay Marriage. That's most strange, because both Obama and McCain have the same position of supporting civil unions for homosexuals, but denying them the right to marry.
No, you are taking one small straw from the haystack and trying to say this straw IS the haystack.

If you paid attention you would know that I am not pro-gay marriage either. I support equitable civil unions. I believe marriage is property of the church and that the government has no right to force the church to offer it to anyone whom they do not choose to offer it. Both McCain and Obama also support civil Union. Romney goes to the extreme to even oppose civil union with no validation except for his religious beliefs. Therefore he is placing his religion above the welfare of the people and considers faith more important than fact.
Your fear of Romney's faith is interesting but unfounded. I'm starting to understand why you're in favor of Obama. Obviously abortion and unisex marriage are on your concern list. Abortion is not a right nor a federal was only a court ruling which could easily be reversed.

You'll feel right at home with Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Ried, Teddy Kennedy, and Chucky Schummer.....seems like your beliefs are pretty much in line with theirs. :D
Your fear of Romney's faith is interesting but unfounded.
Really, how so? he has taken numerous stances in which he uses only his faith and religious convictions as justification. This is the very thing the founding fathers warned against.
Abortion is not a was only a court ruling which could easily be reversed.
Heller is a court decision too. Constitutions can be amended. What is your point? SO you believe the government has the right to tell you what to do with your own body? Then surely they have the right to tell you what to do with a gun.
I didn't take PBP was in favor of all those things carte blanche, and I can understand why he won't vote for McCain. But voting for Obama, that's another story. Rommney's religious basis for his politics actually scares me too, as my fear is his religion first approach connects him politically to far more than we may think.
and I can understand whay he won't vote for McCain
I will vote for McCain...but not for McCain and Romney. :)

PS: I am anti-abortion and have spent many hours volunteering for planned parenthood and other services that stress prevention or adoption...but I am pro-freedom of choice.
Playboypenguin said:
Heller is a court decision too. Constitutions can be amended. What is your point?

The Heller decision is based on a specific right as penned by the framers of the Constitution. There is no right to an abortion, you won't find it in written law or the constitution. Many assume it as a right but it's not, in reality it was a court ruling and nothing more.

Playboypenguin said:
SO you believe the government has the right to tell you what to do with your own body? Then surely they have the right to tell you what to do with a gun.

What you do to your own body is not a right when someone else (the unborn) has to be killed. An unborn has rights that can't be ignored because it's inconvenient for the mother.

If a pregnant woman and her baby are murdered.....why does the killer get charged with two counts of murder, rather than one?
What you do to your own body is not a right when someone else (the unborn) has to be killed. An unborn has rights that can't be ignored because it's inconvenient for the mother.
And you have decided what constitutes a living being? I myself have a masters degree in the physical sciences and I am not sure. I do know that I do not consider an early pregnancy embryo as a living being any more than I do a cluster of skin cells.

You also seem to be forgetting that the founders went to great lengths to ensure that the rights of the people are not limited to the ones spelled out in the bill or rights or the constitution. The courts have decided abortion is a right.

I came from Mass so I know some things about the state.Romney worked with GOAL in Mass to amend the previous AWB.yes he did raise the fees all of them rather than raise taxes as Mass needed money.the fees brought stability to Mass finances.I know him from his activity with Waters corp in financing the buyout from Millipore a swiss co.he made a number of visits to Waters where my Wife worked and met him many times.religious fanatics are the worst and he is not a fanatic.gun owners turned their back on best gov for Mass when they dumped ED KING a strong friend of gun they have Patrick a real ass.and mass people are sorry now.
go to and find out about Romney.if you dont vote for McCain you have no one to blame.think of the SCOTUS.thats my take and at 84 yrs I wont have many yrs to suffer but you will.:rolleyes::mad:
On the plus side, Romney has great hair, and looks good in a suit.
Yup. That's about the long and the short of it.

I live in MA. I can tell you flat-out that Romney is NOT a friend of gun owners. He doesn't give a !@!# about us. When he campaigned for governor he said he was in favor of the assault weapons ban. Now he says he is against it. Sure.

Is there any issue that Romney hasn't flip-flopped on? Let's see:

- abortion: he flipped
- gun control: he flopped
- gay marriage: triple gainer

Romney is desperate to be President or Vice President. He'll do anything and say anything to get elected. He wants to fulfill his father's dream.

I thought Romney would be good for the Republican party here in MA. But after a year or so, he lost interest and ignored it. As a result, we became basically a one-party state. We lost a lot of seats in the state Senate and House. And he walked all over Kerry Healey at the end of his tenure, undermining her campaign for governor. As a result, we are stuck with Obama's mini-me: Deval Patrick.

I would certainly take McCain/Romney over Obama/Anyone. McCain is mildly pro-gun and Romney just doesn't give !!@!. Obama is a major gun grabber who is giving lip-service to the 2nd Amendment. But he'll take our guns in a minute if he thinks he can get away with it.

PS: I am anti-abortion and have spent many hours volunteering for planned parenthood and other services that stress prevention or adoption.

Interesting. Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions and abortion-related info in the United States. I really don't see how someone who is "anti-abortion" would have anything to do with that outfit.
Interesting. Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions and abortion-related info in the United States. I really don't see how someone who is "anti-abortion" would have anything to do with that outfit.
Do you make it a habit of misrepresenting the stances of organizations?

Planned parenthood stresses non-abortion techniques such as safe sex, contraceptive drugs, and adoption first and foremost. They also support the right of a woman to control her reproduction.

I completely agree with the vast majority of their policies and opinions of personal responsibility and personal choice. I have had issue with them regarding reporting/notification practices and parental involvement but the good they do far outweighs the bad. They are definitely way, way, way more effective and less harmful than the faith bases abstinence programs.
Do you make it a habit of misrepresenting the stances of organizations?

Planned parenthood stresses non-abortion techniques such as safe sex, contraceptive drugs, and adoption first and foremost

Abortion is a safe and legal way for women to choose to end pregnancy. There are two kinds of abortion in the U.S. — abortion procedures and the abortion pill.
Abortions are very common. In fact, more than 1 in 3 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.

If you are trying to decide if abortion is the right choice for you, you probably have many things to think about. Learning the facts about abortion may help you in making your decision. You may also want to learn more about parenting and adoption.

Planned Parenthood was founded in 1916 (by Margaret Sanger) and now operates nearly 850 abortion clinics through its 123 affiliates in the District of Columbia and all fifty states. (Although not all clinics perform abortions, all refer and counsel for them.) Planned Parenthood killed 244,628 babies in its clinics in calendar year 2003, the highest number in its 89-year history. It is the largest single provider of abortion services in the U.S. -- Planned Parenthood took in $810 million in the 2003-2004 fiscal year (ending 6/30/04), with $306.2 million coming from "Clinic Income" and $265.2 million coming from "Government Grants and Contracts" (i.e., out of the taxpayer's pocket).

According to the 2005 service report, available at, Planned Parenthood performed 264,943 abortions in 2005, about 10,000 more than it did in 2004 (255,015) and nearly double the number it did just 10 years ago (139,899 in 1995). During that time, Planned Parenthood "market share" has almost exactly doubled--from 10.3% of all abortions done in the U.S. in 2005 to about 20.6% today.
What is that supposed to prove? That they do offer the option to women that have the right do seek such option. Than in no way means that is their primary focus. You do not have a leg to stand on in that regard and have NO IDEA what planned parenthood really does. You are simply repeating your pulpit inspired interpretation.
What is that supposed to prove?

It proves just what I stated, that they are the largest provider of abortions in the United States; one out of every four abortions in the United States is committed at a Planned Parenthood facility. Abortions are their major source of income, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

You do not have a leg to stand on in that regard and have NO IDEA what planned parenthood really does

I most certainly do know what they do. Anyone with two brain cells can Google Planned Parenthood and figure it out.
It proves just what I stated, that they are the largest provider of abortions in the United States; one out of every four abortions in the United States is committed at a Planned Parenthood facility. Abortions are their major source of income, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars each year.
And that proved what? That they are often the only local provider of a supreme court guaranteed and confirmed right? It does not in anyway mean that is their focus or their priority.

Churches are often the major providers of substance abuse counseling, does that mean their focus is drug treatment?

I would love to hear any first hand experiences you have with planned parenthood.
Seems to be much vehemence. I probably won't vote for McCain if Rommney is VP candidate, for reasons stated. I won't vote for Obama. Should be an interesting election. Wish the long hot summer of debate was over. Folks sure get hot under the collar.
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