Anti-gun Romney as VP?

There's nothing you can do for McStain that's going to change the outcome of this election. He's doomed and so are we..

Obama is just too much of a rock star for him to be defeated. When the debates between them eventually take place, and people compare McCain to the much more youthful and handsome Obama, it will be a utter disaster for McCain. You will see a huge swing towards Obama at that time.

The only point at which the American people will become disillusioned with Obama is after he his elected President. Then, reality will sink in. Right now, Obama is a dream for a better future.

And you cannot defeat a dream.

Old trick? You are the one playing ignorant on information

This is another tactic that Playboy often employs on these forums, claiming that he is the educated person, and that anyone who disagrees with his positions is ignorant.

Of course, he also manipulates words like he did here, saying that you are "playing ignorant". That way, he can them come back and say that he was really not saying that you were ignorant. However, doing that is very disingenuous of him.

I find these sort of remarks by him to be extremely condescending in nature, despite his fancy wordsmith to try to get him off the hook. He doesn't argue points, he just is basically saying: I'm educated, and you are an ignorant person.

He really has a most offensive air of superiority about him at times. I believe that there is a word that describes a person with that sort of personality.

All men in the Latter Day faith obtain priesthood after their Mission they go on as young men in their late teens.

Shush, quiet. You are forgetting that those who argue against Playboy are ignorant, and that he knows everything.

Obama is christian too. Are you one of those people that tries to deny that fact? I have no problem with his faith. McCain is christian too. I have no problem with his faith. Romney is a minister. I have a problem with that.

So then all Mormon men should be prevented from holding political office?? Wow, that is exactly the very same sort of religious bigotry that John Kennedy faced in 1960 because he was a Catholic. People said back then that no Catholic should ever be allowed to serve, as they were beholding to obey the Pope.

If this is the only thing that you have been able to come up with to document your religious arguments against Romney, well, no one is going to see your words as being anything more than a religious vendetta against him.

Of course, he also manipulates words like he did here, saying that you are "playing ignorant". That way, he can them come back and say that he was really not saying that you were ignorant. However, doing that is very disingenuous of him.
You need to look up the word ignorant. I was saying they were ignorant. No doubt about it. The only question is whether they were so deliberately or legitimately.
So then all Mormon men should be prevented from holding political office?? Wow, that is exactly the very same sort of religious bigotry that John Kennedy faced in 1960 because he was a Catholic. People said back then that no Catholic should ever be allowed to serve, as they were beholding to obey the Pope.
Are you saying all Mormons are Bishops and stake presidents? That would be like saying all christians are preachers and all catholics are priests.

Romney is a minister. I have a problem with that.

Gov. Romney is not a "minister". He was once a lay pastor, or bishop, over 20 years ago. Do you know what being a "lay pastor" means in the LDS church? You do like to play word games, don't you?
As I said earlier
Nothing wrong with Romney being a Morman.
The Mormans generaly are really good god fearing family people that believe in marriage between a man and a woman.
Vice President Whitman?

I recently heard McCain speak effusively about Meg Whitman, the billionaire CEO of ebay. She most recently served as finance chairwoman of both Romney and McCain's campaigns. Possible VP choice?

Aside from Ebay's deplorable firearms policies, which would be a huge negative for us gun owners, she has no political baggage, and would be regarded as a business wizard. A complement to McCain's admitted economics weakness? Plus, doesn't McCain claim to not know how to use a computer? :o

Nominating her would be like throwing the gun owning community under the bus, but, aside from that, who better to help bring federal government into the 21st century, from a technology/business point of view?

A certain cabinet choice, IMO; if not vice president.