An informal poll...

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1) Self-employed engineer (military among etc) ; self-retired ; self employed writer (?)
2) 53
3)5 years univ. - engineering
4)God knows!
5)To ride, shoot straight and tell the truth? (at least do ones best :) most of the time)
6)Civilian consultant(see 1)
1. No
2. 35
3. Still working on my Bachelor's
4. Cynical Realist (I became immune to religion after spending the better part of a year in Bosnia...)
5. Love guns and shooting. I was raised with them and started shooting at the tender age of 4 (really). I come into it naturally: my Dad built his last two houses around walk-in gun vaults.
6. Active Duty U.S. Army Warrant Officer with 17 years of service.

"Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you..."

1.) Yes
2.) 38
3.) 2yrs college w/Police Science Major + Tech school
4.) Christian, Full Gospel/Pentecostal
5.) The right to keep and bear arms (self defence) is a God given right which our govornment needs to keep its grubby mits off of.
6.) No, unfortunately due to health reasons they would not take me when I voluteered.

Oh yes I like my Tupperware
VOTE YES April 6th on Prop. B, for a safer Missouri
1. No. Work for the nation's largest independent wireless co.

2. 27.

3. 2.5

4. Atheistic New-age freakiness.

5. Rabid freedom freak. Correlates well with personal defensive mindset.

6. No. Wanted to shoot guns and blow stuff up, but see #5.
1. Technically

2. 18

3. None, dropped out of one school was kicked out of two others(Once because my teacher made the mistake of laying his hands on me.)But, I did get my GED :)

4. I haven't found a religion I wanted to pretend I believed in yet.

5. Intimidation factor

6. No, I have a lack of respect for authority figures.

1. Are you self employed? Nope, work for the state.

2. How old are you? 51

3. How much schooling beyond High School do you have? College Degree BA, advanced degree MS, onr year beyond last degree

4. What particular set of beliefs do you subscribe to? (Christian, Athiest, Jewish, etc...) Christian, specifically Roman Catholic.

5. What is your main reason for your interest in the "Gun" topic? The mastery of the shooting arts as part of my ongoing efforts to master myself. I'm also very interested in guns as gadgets. And, I find guns emblematic of the individualism that founded our society and now our society seems to be trying to bury. And as our society seems to be downgrading self control the need for personal defense becomes stronger.

6. Have you served in the military? No

Jim in IN

John--have found this poll of yours and responses to it to be quite interesting!

My contribution:



3.)4 yrs. (B.S. in Atms. Sci. '98)


5.)many, but most importantly: RKBA, self-defense


1. No
2. old enough
3. 1 year of college
4. christian
5. The Second Amendment protects all the rest
6. yes

Have you hugged your Assault Rifle today?
1. YES

2. 38

3. BS – Business

4. Closed minded Baptist

5. Freedom

6. Yes USMC

[This message has been edited by Scott Evans (edited April 05, 1999).]
1.also a slave to the man

2. 29

3. 2yrs haven't got degree yet

4. christian

5. a way of life and preservation of freedom

6.4yrs uscg

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate (disabeld)
3.12 hours college
5. 1 its my right to keep and bare arma 2 i love to shoot hunt pink anythig wanted to but cant due to my disability (i tried to get a recruter to talk to me once he decided he was late for another appointment)

1. No
2. 53
3. 7 years (BA, MBA, and post-Masters at Senior Service School)
4. Protestant
5. Hobby, which requires thorough knowledge
6. Yes, twenty years as a Naval officer
1. No.
2. 21
3. Four years college in May.
4. Agnostic
5. Guns are neato. Also self-defense, hunting.
6. No.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
1. No
2. 24
3. Graduate with a BS in accounting in August.
4. Latter Day Saint (Mormon)
5. I just like them more than anything else.
6. No
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