An informal poll...

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1. No

2. 17

3. uhh how bout negative one years?

4. Christian (Lutheran)

5. Family of gun owners and hunting.

6. Not yet. Am in the Civil Air Patrol (USAF auxiliary)
1.No, student
2.18 in 2 months
3.None yet
5.just always loved the feel, the smell,...well everything about them!!! :)
6.Ship out Aug. 30.
1. No
2. 30
3. 2
4. NRP (No religious preference) except when being shot at.
5. Grew up with them.
6. Yes, 6 years USMC
1. Croaker (MD) retired.

2. 54

3. 9 years beyond high school (really).

4. Christian (lapsed RC).

5. Have never NOT been interested in guns.

6. No, but have great respect for those who
have served (head bowed for those brave
men and women who have paid a huge price,
sometimes the ultimate price, to preserve
our liberty). Walt
1 yes and no, own realestate but work for the man

2 28 going on dead

3 three years

4 Agnostict I believe but not sure in what!

5 Interest in young age love to shoot!

6 Yes enjoyed it got out when time was up.

Phantom Menace May 21st! Star Wars is back.
1. does not apply
2. 40
3. 1 yr. tech. schoolin'
4. mostly Christian
5. because i'm paranoid & they're out to get me. and i like 'em!!
6. no, but like someone else said, i respect
and hold in high regard those who do, and
those who did. those who paid a high price
both alive and dead, for the freedom i have and enjoy, and sad to say, see eroding.

fiat justitia
1. No
2. 49
3. 6 (BS in Criminal Justice, MS in International Relations).
4. Christian
5. Self Defense, 2d Amendment/RKBA, competitive shooting (IDPA), hunting.
6. Yes (Will retire from US Army on 30 June 1999 w/25 yrs enlisted and commissioned service at rank of Lieutenant Colonel).

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited March 30, 1999).]
1, yes and no - fulltime with THE major internetworking firm, and freelance writing for online magazines - and internet consulting.
2, 29
3, 4
4, Christian
5, Cause I am a full blooded American Guy
6, Yes I have - US Army 11B, & 95B... Light Infantry and MP, as well as National Guard units in Virginia and Utah.

"I got a bad feeling about this..."
1. No
2. 33
3. BS in PSY & CRJ
4. Christian
5. I'm in Law Enforcement
6. Yes, I was with a Psy-Ops unit.
1. No-Industrial maintenance manager-30 years
2. 51
3. 2 years
5.hobby and self-protection
6.yes-U.S. Coast Guard
1. I work part-time with my Father.

2. 18

3. I'm a Freshmen at George Wythe College.

4. Christian

5. I hunt and its my God given right to own firearms.

6. I refuse to fight for the U.N. or NATO. I will fight for my country and will not stick my nose in other peoples business.
The results are in!

First of all please understand that this poll's margin of error is +/- 50% (NOT!) :D But, it is a very casual poll generated by pure curiosity.

The tallies from 73 respondants are as follows:

1. Are you self-employed:

Yes:19 No:54

2. What is your age:

Greatest years of experience: 67 (GLV)
Fewest years of experience: 17 (Andy)
Average age: 39.7
Total represented years of experience from respondants: 2897

3. How many years of schooling beyond high school do you have? (For those of you who just put degrees, I entered a "number of years" value for them, so this certainly has more of an error factor.)

Most years of formal education beyond high school: 9 (Walt Welch)
Least years of formal education beyond high school: -1 (Andy)
Average years of college education: 3.5
Total years of college education: 258.5

4. What particular set of beliefs do you subscribe to? (Christian, Athiest, Jewish, etc...)

This question, of course, recieved a wide variety of answers. I'm listing them with the number of respondants. Because Christianity spans so many different religions, those I was not familiar with I list individually.

Humanist: 1
Pantheist: 1
Philosophist: 1
Naturalist: 1
Wican/Pagan: 1
Agnostic: 2
Diest: 2
Athiest: 3
None: 14
Christian: 47

5. What is your main reason for your interest in the "Gun" topic?
I should have known that there be more than one answer for most of the respondants!

Hobby: 39
2nd Amendement: 35
Self Defense: 22
Family Tradition: 14
Hunting: 4
Job: 3
Education: 1
History: 1
Insanity: 1 (thanks Mikey!)

And lastly:

6. Have you served in the military?

Yes: 36 No: 35

Oops, I'm missing 2... Oh well. Like I said, "An Informal Poll." ;)


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited April 01, 1999).]
1) Nope, if I were I wouldn't be working shifts.
2) 45 or so.
3) Various technical training courses.
4) Protestant, no denomination.
5) Been around them all my life. "A pickup ain't a pickup without a gun rack in the back".
6) Aye.
1. Make mucho megawatts of elecricity as cheaply as possible. Stationary Engineer

2. 45 going on 30

3. Enough to have a Masters but never added it up or cared about the paper.

4. Used to be a Methodist until they became anti-2nd Amendment. Tried several others similar. Usually hang out at the chruch that has the best looking weomen. Thinking about becoming a Nazis Quaker so I can go around declaring wars,but still refuse to go to them :)

5. Gun Nut who refuses to go quietly into the night and understands just how important the 2nd Amendment is.

6. Six years in the Marine Corps and then seven years in an Airborne Ranger Company. You would think I would have learmed my lesson the first six years. I guess I just love sleeping outdoors and eating C-rations & MREs
1. Make mucho megawatts of elecricity as cheaply as possible. Stationary Engineer

2. 45 going on 30

3. Enough to have a Masters but never added it up or cared about the paper.

4. Used to be a Methodist until they became anti-2nd Amendment. Tried several others similar. Usually hang out at the chruch that has the best looking weomen. Thinking about becoming a Nazis Quaker so I can go around declaring wars,but still refuse to go to them :)

5. Gun Nut who refuses to go quietly into the night and understands just how important the 2nd Amendment is.

6. Six years in the Marine Corps and then seven years in an Airborne Ranger Company. You would think I would have learmed my lesson the first six years. I guess I just love sleeping outdoors and eating C-rations & MREs
1. Make mucho megawatts of elecricity as cheaply as possible. Stationary Engineer

2. 45 going on 30

3. Enough to have a Masters but never added it up or cared about the paper.

4. Used to be a Methodist until they became anti-2nd Amendment. Tried several others similar. Usually hang out at the chruch that has the best looking weomen. Thinking about becoming a Nazis Quaker so I can go around declaring wars,but still refuse to go to them :)

5. Gun Nut who refuses to go quietly into the night and understands just how important the 2nd Amendment is.

6. Six years in the Marine Corps and then seven years in an Airborne Ranger Company. You would think I would have learmed my lesson the first six years. I guess I just love sleeping outdoors and eating C-rations & MREs
1. yes
2. 27 (as of yesterday)
3. BA Poli Sci
4. Still haven't figured out how this could be relevant
5. too many reasons to list: mostly, I enjoy it.
6. Yes, Commissioned Officer, US Army.

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