An informal poll...

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1) No and yes: Blow things up for Uncle Sam, and run my own business' after hours.

2) 37

3) 19 years, 6 years in college, 13 years in life.

4) Christian

5) Rebellion, I was never allowed near guns, even cap pistols as a kid, and I found something I love. Oh yeah, I learned about the rock of this country, the 2nd amendment.

6) No.

Freedom is not Free
Interesting poll. Here goes:

1. No.
2. 44 years young
3. AS, BS+45 sem hrs.
4. Christian
5. Raised around firearms.
6. No.
1: No
2: 33 (Although I don't feel that different than when I was 25.)
3: BS Chemical Engineering
4: Non-practicing (CE) Catholic (Currently re-evaluating (all) religion's role and improtance in human life.)
5: Freedom. Freedom to go, do, say, think, believe where, when, how, what I want to go, do, say, think, believe (within moral and ethical limits). This includes the use of whatever tool I think I need to use to have have fun and defend myself with.
6: No

1. Yes
2. 47
3. M.D.
4. Christian
5. I enjoy shooting and appreciate the engineering of firearms. I value individual freedoms (including RKBA) and security, and resent the interference of Big Government.
6. No

"Potius sero quam nunquam."
1. Yeah, but retired.
2. 65, come July.
3. BS in Mech. Engr; some say BS in BS.
4. Well, He's up there...
5. Got my first Daisy Red Ryder in 1941. It's been downhill from there.
6. Four years, three months, and 22 days in the Army, but who's counting?
1. Nope. Work as a network specialist.
2. 30
3. B.A. Enlgish Lit - want fries with that?
4. Wiccan/Pagan
5. Personal responsibility for individual safety and defense.
6. Nope.
1. No.
2. 52.
3. 3 college degrees.
4. Christian.
5. Family tradition of gun ownership + belief that the American people can be trusted with the power of arms.
6. No.

Please let us know what you infer from our responses.
1. No
2. 29
3. AA in CompSci
4. Atheist
5. Self-defense
6. Yes, USAF '87-'92

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
1. Yes (Communications software consultant)
(Retired software engineer for Federal government and also private industry, also have been a gunsmith, deputy sheriff, etc.)
2. 65
3. B.A. in English Literature (Do not even try to reconcile with (1) above; I can't.)
4. Catholic
5. Gun "nut" for 50 years
6. Yes (US Army)
1. No, I'm a Senior Technical Writer on a consulting basis for an outside agency.

2. 29 years old

3. BBA in Marketing with a minor in English from Texas Christian University (TCU)

4. Catholic

5. Self defense and recreational shooting

6. No military time
1. No

2. 48

3. 5+ years (BA Int'l Relations)+

4. Christian (Roman Catholic)

5. Competition, support of 2d Amendment

6. Yes (Currently in 27th year!)

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship


[This message has been edited by Michael Carlin (edited March 30, 1999).]
1. was, now retired.
2. 62
3. 1 yr college, tech school(eng.drawing)
4. Christian, Baptist, in that order.
5. Raised with guns and hunting, also I just like 'em.
6. No. Drafted in '59, but sent home from Ft.Jackson before induction due to pregnant wife. (they went pretty easy on us between Korea and Vietnam)
1. No.
2. 40
3. Five years College
4. Atheist
5. I like guns. The more they offend David Bonior, the better.
6. Air Force ROTC, but nothing real.
1. As a side job, repairing computers. My main income is from a technical support job.

2. 26

3. Associates Degree

4. mine

5. I've always had a facination with weapons of all types, and becoming proficient with them.

6. no
1.)Yes, and no
5.)Grew up with guns, think it is a right not priv.

1. Nope. CAO of Public Company

2. 48

3. BS, hold three professional certifications, CPA, CCP, CMA

4. No religion is better than another, but any religion is better than none.

5. Defend the means to defend our liberty.

6. No
1)No, I don't have an emergency department.


3)BS in nursing, BA in psychology

4)none of them including atheist and agnostic

5)Tyranny protection, self protection, hunting, recreation, enjoyment of fine craftmanship.

6)6 years US Army Reserve
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