An informal poll...

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1. No
2. 43
3. 25 years. Some of it was even in a class room :). Never stop schooling yourself.
4. What? You don't know? :)
5. Protection of the Constitution, shooting, defense of self + others, self reliance Etc.
6. 3 yrs U.S.Army {I learned the first time ;) } 19 years LEO

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited March 28, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited March 28, 1999).]
BA Criminal justice/Minor Industrial Security/Minor Data Processing- - Various and often classes and training on security and "Stuff" :D
Does it matter?
Self defense, pin shooting, CBA ideas,
No, they decided they needed me as a cop more than they needed me as a grunt. (VN - Draft and all that)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum


B.S. agriculture Ed.

I follow the Son

My 4 boys


Keep the Faith and the Constitution
3)100 hrs towards BS in Industrial Technology
5)Born & raised in firearms family
1.No, still trying to win the lottery.

2.41,going on 82

3.Law enforcement techology diploma.

4.Open mind,will listen but may not agree.

5.Raised with them,2nd amendment.

6.Didn't want me,told me I was to crazy.
5)Defense first, everything else secondary.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
1. No, Corporate Executive
2. 35
3. BA-Anthropology (emphasis in human osteology and paleopathology), Master's Candidate Bio-archaeology. Gave up on thesis at page 330; (I got a job)
4. agnostic
5.RKBA, hunting, self defense
6. None


3.Trade school, business college


5.Self-defense, RKBA, hunting, love of guns and shooting in general. The way I see it, self-defense also includes defense of country and RKBA by default.


Shoot straight regards, Richard
1) Retired.
2) 59
3) 3 yrs
4) Diestic pagan
5) Preserving Bill of Rights, like guns.
6) Yes.

Shoot carefully, swifter...
1. Are you self employed?

- No. Retired.

2. How old are you?

- 44

3. How much schooling beyond High School do you have?

- GED (finished 10th grade), 1 year tech school

4. What particular set of beliefs do you subscribe to?

- raised Presbyterian, not very religeous

5. What is your main reason for your interest in the "Gun" topic?

- like shooting
- issue of individual freedom
- keeps me off the street

6. Have you served in the military?

- No. The army was sending kids home in body bags (Vietnam) when I was 18. When they said I didn't have to enlist I took 'em at their word.
OK here goes:


2 51 (ouch!)

3 BS in Entomology 1969

4 Graduated from Catlick School...haven't been back since.

5 Recreation and because the punks are younger and stronger.

6 Yes US Army 7 years 2yrs as Combat Engineer (Enlisted) and 5 years as Signal Corps officer.
1 Automotive Tech
2 24
3 2 years Tech school 1.5 College
4 Protestant
5 RKBA is the cornerstone of liberty and damn it's fun
6 3 years active Army 12B Combat Engineer 3 years and current Kentucky National Gaurd 19K Tanker
1. Both, have a corp. gig, do some consulting on the side
2. 50 (Had I known I was going to live this long, I'da taken beter care. However, it's never to late to have a happy childhood.)
3. BS in Busines/Marketing 1970, life is an ongoing education
4. Lapsed Catholic, now Pantheist within Judeo-Christian tradion
5. Self-defense, traget shooting, 2nd amendment
6. 3 yrs. U.S. Army

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited March 29, 1999).]
1. No, I'm currently an Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic for the airlines.

2. 35

3. Bits and pieces. Was working on an engineering degree. Ran out of $$ and was killing too many brain cells, so I gave it up.

4. Former Catholic (even went to St. Mary's parochial school). Now I'm an Episcopalian. It's really a matter of drugs. I'm drugged there by Mrs. Dan every sunday morning.

5. I like flash, noise and recoil. I also feel that the ownership and mastery of arms sets man apart from the rest of the food chain. Besides that, guns are really cool!

6. Oh yeah... 8 yrs. in Uncle Sam's Misguided Children.


Check me out at:
1. no, QA manager
2. 56, dedicated to "not growing up"
3. 4+ BA and then some
4. Native American & Christian
5. Gun nut
6. yes, retired major usaf&r

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