An informal poll...

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1. Well, That depends. I Consider myself self-employed, yet I don't have the nightmare of all the bookkeeping, I ciontract, usually through an agency that handles that for me

2. Going to be 44 this month

3. A year of "real" college, and two years of tech school - no degree.

4. Christian

5. 2nd amendment rights dominate my interest, but somedays it's just the shooting that interests me.

6. They don't think I have, but I did (made it through basic, and knees gave out - didn't make the 181 day cutoff)

Well, I know you didn't ask for specifics, but I gave 'em to you any way. My resume is like that too. I always hope for the interview to elaborate...

I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! - RKBA!
1. Are you self employed?

2. How old are you?

3. How much schooling beyond High School do you have?

4. What particular set of beliefs do you subscribe to? (Christian, Athiest, Jewish, etc...)

5. What is your main reason for your interest in the "Gun" topic?

6. Have you served in the military?
#1. No. construction worker

#2. 45

#3. I just began my first six hours of college.

#4. I believe the BIBLE is the true word of GOD, and that a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus is the only way any of us can escape eternal separation from GOD.

#5. I believe the Bill of Rights are GOD given rights that can't be violated by any government or agency there of, and the 2nd amendment is the means to insure that they don't. No 2nd, no guns, no freedom, no way.

#6. Iwas in the Navy but I didn't serve my country, I served myself. I was one of the very people who bought the lie that has driven us to the brink of the eventual destruction of the USA. I appologise to any one who has served their country or is serving now.

My word! Who dug this up?! :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Talk about a blast from the past!

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
1. Yes

2. I'll be 29 for the 4th time in a few weeks

3. Over a decade in the school of life

4. Humanist

5. Part of my job

6. Proudly serve as a military wife for 5 years.

Geri Weaver

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
1. No
2. 35
3. Too much
4. My inner voice
5. Just plain enjoy shooting, RKBA
6. No


1. Managing Director of own Electrical E
ngineering Company.
2 55 (but feel like a 30 yr old.)
3. Diploma in Elec. Eng. (4 yrs)
4. Quasi-Christian
5. Guns are Good. Builds Technical skill. Hunting and Targets are good for the Body and Soul.
6. Negative

1. No, Software Quality Assurance Engineer
2. 35
3. BA Computer Science, minor in philosophy
4. Buddhist
5. Self-defense, it is my right to own and carry guns,
6. No
1. No, retired contract programmer
2. 66 3 days ago
3. 2 yrs college + life's experiences
4. Agnostic - somebody runs the show, but
5. Like wood and metal, means to an end
6. Yes -- 3 years, 8 months, 24 days

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
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