.327 Federal Club thread

If they use a standard BB profile barrel I'm sure it will be pretty chunky. A slimmed .312 bbl would make it more handy but probably drive up costs. We'll see where it goes.
Well, Henry's slogan is "Made in America and Price Right" so I don't think Henry will do any extra work on the barrel or receiver that's unnecessary that will increase costs.

Idk, I'm starting to think there's little hope for a .327 or other .32 H&R chambered rifles in the market. The .41 Mag had been around for over 50 years and built a very small niche crowd, but .327 hasn't been around long and .32 Mag has been viewed as a weak revolver round barely adequate for self defense and only to be used if the shooter can't handle .38 recoil.

And I can only imagine the words that have been exchanged over the past 30 years about the .32 revolver between lgs clerks and casual shooters or newbies looking for their first revolver.
Idk, I'm wondering if Henry is looking at sales projections for a .32 lever action and are getting cold feet. I find it hard to believe that Henry can't manufacture a trouble free Big Boy in a cartridge smaller than .357 Magnum.

Speaking of the Big Boy, I'm wondering how clunky the rifle is going to feel. Maybe that's another reason Henry is taking so long: maybe they've gotten a lot of negative feedback during testing about how the rifle feels and are looking at putting .327 in the rimfire lever actions instead.

While I do agree that they are putting it in a "chunky" platform, I suspect they might need to for the pressures of the the .327 FM. I also would prefer a less hefty rifle, but we might have to settle. I would like to feel one in hand first.

As far as getting cold feet; I doubt it. Sale projections, marketing, and design would be (or should be) done well in advance of making any type of announcement let alone development, release dates and listing it on their site.

Its going to happen, unless something absolutely catastrophic is discovered at the last minute, which is possible, but unlikely.
Speaking of the Big Boy, I'm wondering how clunky the rifle is going to feel. Maybe that's another reason Henry is taking so long: maybe they've gotten a lot of negative feedback during testing about how the rifle feels and are looking at putting .327 in the rimfire lever actions instead.
In all honestly I would prefer a ruger 77-327 bolt action to the henry lever. But ruger has already killed production of the 77- line so dont think thats going to happen.

Just went to ruger's site. I guess they brought back the 77- line of rifles. I remember reading that they were discontinued. Maybe there is hope for a 77-327.
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I don't want to derail the thread too much but my understanding was that Ruger was only temporarily shutting down the M77 line, but they are back up now. They are still listed on their website, but with a higher price than I remember.
Yes the price of the m77 has indeed increased.

I just called henry and now they are saying late summer. Said they had a bunch of new rifles coming out using the machines needed to produce the 327, typical excuse.
Yes the price of the m77 has indeed increased.

I just called henry and now they are saying late summer. Said they had a bunch of new rifles coming out using the machines needed to produce the 327, typical excuse.
That's talk that means, "We have orders for other rifles that are in greater demand." which means that Henry is indeed looking at the bottom line and they're seeing that there is far less demand for .327 than there is .22, .357, .44, etc.

So, maybe no cold feet, but they just aren't interested in making them anytime soon.

Hey, it's not like those who really want a .327 aren't going to buy one if we have to wait another year or two before they finally come out and it's not like Henry has any competition.
The (baseless) speculation serves no purpose.

If you want one, wait.
If you don't, then why doest thou continueth to beat the horse?

The speculation is not baseless. The story keeps changing with the Henry .327, it's not finished yet, the machines are producing other rifles, it's shipping late June, now it's late Summer when in December it was going to be Q1 2017.

So, since this post will forever be on the internet, if the information that superspirt in post #1606 is said is accurate, then it seems that Henry is saying that they have worked out any bugs and can produce problem free .327 Big Boy rifles, but just don't have the time to do it currently.

If by September/October the .327 is not out and Henry is making the same excuse of not enough time, then we need to re-enlighten them that the demand is there for the .327. If it's a different excuse, one owing to a quality issue, then Henry is lying to us because from what Henry appears to be saying as of July 5th 2017 is that the .327 is good to go.

I, for one, am not sure I want to support a company that can't give me a straight answer. They are from New Jersey, so the runaround is probably the typical disposition for people that work there.
I am looking forward to a 327 rifle, brass receiver, and 20 inch barrel. I like a solid, heavy rifle as they are much easier to shoot in both comfort and offhand accuracy. I also get that if you are selling rifles, you don't want to shut a line down to change over to something else as you lose production time during the change. Whenever the 327 gets produced, I am still in line to get one.
Here are closeups of the 45LC and 327 BB's. The 327 BBL looks a little slimmer than the 45. The step at the receiver looks larger for the 327.




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    henry BB 327.jpg
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  • BigBoy_Steel-45LC.jpg
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The speculation is not baseless. The story keeps changing with the Henry .327, it's not finished yet, the machines are producing other rifles, it's shipping late June, now it's late Summer when in December it was going to be Q1 2017.
Just because "the story keeps changing" doesn't mean that your ideas of what's going on are valid, realistic, or representative of the true situation.

Most of the people that participate in this thread on a regular basis have been in this game for 5+ years (some of us going back to the beginning [2009]).
While I will not declare your opinion invalid, I will say that I believe most of us have a better feel for the market than you do. In addition, your post history is all over the map in regards to 'expertise' and knowledge of the industry, and you constantly undermine yourself by providing what you portray as 'expert' knowledge in one thread, and then asking, in parallel, newbie questions in another thread.

Just chill out.
This is the firearms industry.
And as much as fans of .327 Federal might not like it, this is not a fast-moving, high-demand, popular cartridge (outside of certain, specific model releases - like the Single Seven and 4.2" SP101).
We have to wait our turn to get production time.

If you want to learn why most of us have gone (nearly) silent and are not flippantly spewing ridiculous speculation, then sit back and wait for the reveal.
Just wait.
Right now, the intro credits are rolling. Keep watching, and the main feature will be on shortly.

We've been here before - for more things than .327 Federal firearms. We're talking about the gun industry, not iPhones.
This is good news. Along with the new S7 in 3 1/2" barrel, the .327 may finally be coming into its own. I love it. Now, if Rossi or someone would come out with a Model 92 in .327 I could die happy.
The purpose of this club is to discuss the 327 and as a member I will not allow personal idiocy to pollute it.

Thus, cut out the whining about Henry. Period, that's it. If the gun comes out, great. If you have info - great. If you want to stamp your little feet - find another forum. I've been seeing a tendency to do that - that's a hint, someone.

If you say you are out of here - do it. We will be happy to ban you.

The next whine post - and you are out of here! That's the truth.

Lots of interest. 22 bids, $660 and 5 days left. I suspect the BIN will be used when the price gets within $100 of the $900. The other one is sitting at $650 with 3 bids and a reserve.

I will wait until my dealer can get me one in hand first without any shipping cost of course. The $660 bid up is a fair price in my opinion, though I am not sure how much more I would go. $899+shipping+tax+transfer fee is too steep for me. I'll just enjoy my SP101 and Single 7 until the right time.
This is good news. Along with the new S7 in 3 1/2" barrel, the .327 may finally be coming into its own. I love it. Now, if Rossi or someone would come out with a Model 92 in .327 I could die happy.
More .327 rifles would be nice, but I think what's needed to really get increase the .327's popularity is more small size revolvers from other companies besides Ruger.

I like the .327 LCR, I think it's hands down the best snub revolver on the market, but if Charter came out with another .327 for $375, if S&W came out with any size .327, it would really help.

What would help the most though? If somebody other than Federal made .327 ammo.
You can find Buffalo Bore, American Eagle and Gold Dot - granted it's not that common.

The other candidates to make a revolver would be SW, Charter Arms and Kimber.

SW did and stopped. The others - who knows. Tooling up for a less popular caliber may not be the best economic idea.
<snip> ...I am hoping Ruger has surprise, and announce they have a nice bolt action (M77? or American) they are releasing before Henry. I notice they seem to release in that fashion (very secretive until the day of release).
Did you witness Ruger in the 1980's/1990's and beyond with their past model "release" face-in-the-dirt new model releases? :eek:

Ruger built a reputation beyond all others for dumping press releases and magazine print articles about upcoming models that ended up being several months out, not even beyond early test phase way WAY before actual production, generating too much hype and a long-delayed delivery, upsetting just about every potential buyer. Was basically a running joke.

The way they roll now is very precisely engineered to be 180 degrees from their old reputation, and this way works far better! :D