Your favorite trigger? (among the handguns you currently own)

The single action pulls on my three S&W DA revolvers are all great; light, and with virtually zero movement prior to the break.
1. Norinco tt Olympia, trigger job by Larry Leutenegger. This is such a good little gun after being Slicked Up.
2. Ruger .44 Blackhawk, trigger by Hamilton Bowen

The thing about a trigger job from a top tier pistolsmith is you never know what real quality is until you experience what you didn’t know was missing.
The Gen 1 Charter Arms Target Bulldog. DA is super smooth from the decades of trigger pulls it has seen and the SA is probably a bit heavier than necessary, but the travel to break is minimal.

That Charter has me convinced that used revolvers are superior to new ones, so long as the timing and lockup are good.
Benelli MP95 Gen 1 that has a roll trigger. I prefer roll triggers on handguns, and "break like a glass rod" triggers on rifles.
My Freedom Arms Model 97 357. Crisp and clean, not too light. It's my only gun where I don't have to think about the trigger pull. It also has a quick lock time for a hammer gun, makes for my best offhand shooter.
Ruger Speed Six. Original grips with a Tyler T-grip added. Everything fits just right, which helps a lot with the operation of the trigger. Plus the internals are excellent.
All of my custom 1911s have outstanding triggers, even the couple that are factory original are quite good. If I had to pick the best I'd say either my Colt ORM 1991A1 Commander (done by Marc Krebs), or my Les Baer Boss (done by Joe Chambers). The Colt is just a wee bit lighter otherwise it's a toss up.
I prefer a good DA revolver trigger. Among factory triggers, the DA trigger on my 3" M65 is a rare gem:


With a little tuning, the trigger on my 4" M686 turned out nicely:


Among semi-autos, my MkII with a VQ trigger is tough to beat:
Ruger MKII Standard Stainless Steel 22 LR with a professional target trigger job done by Clark Custom Guns....
I don't know what they do but the trigger is a magical thing , just thinking of shooting it puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart . Shooting it is like making sweet .
I have done my own " trigger jobs" , polished surfaces and swapped springs etc but until you have a handgun with a really good first rate professionally done trigger job haven't experienced true love.
Life is short , have at least one of your guns done by a top pro...experience the pleasure.
ATI Titan 1911 45... light 3lb, crisp, I know exactly what it's gonna do. Was that way right out of the box, never touched it other than put about 500 rounds through it so far and clean it occasionally.
No contest - either of my Walther GSP Expert target pistols. Two-stage trigger, infinitely adjustable for just about everything.
My best triggers are on a S&W Model 28 Highway Patrolman and a Ruger Security Six. Both of these revolvers are 1979 vintage. Very crisp breaks with each having about a 3.25 pound pull. Neither trigger has ever been worked.

I recently had a Cylinder and Slide trigger kit (CS0226) installed on the Ruger SR1911. This brought the trigger pull down from 5.25 pounds to a bit under 3.5 pounds with no creep. Very enjoyable to shoot. I don't have any other 1911s to compare this against, though.
Don't mean to drift the thread, any nominees for best milsurp trigger off the rack?

I shall nominate the CZ 83 mines in 9mm Mak. Double action is smooth and not heavy at all. Single action is ok, and correct for it's service pistol role.
Swiss Schmidt-Ruben , K11 , straight pull rifle. The Swiss make rifles and triggers like fine watches, they must be hand fitted . I have shot just about every rifle from WWI and WWII and those K11's win the trigger contest hands down .
My Bad....I forgot I was in the handgun section....K11 is a rifle.
Best handgun trigger was a 1917 S&W 45 acp , time and use had smoothed it out nicely .
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Best triggers would have to be:

Sig P210 Target
Heckler & Koch P7M8
Les Baer Thunder Ranch Special
STI Edge

I'm sure my other Les Baers have great triggers, but I haven't broken them in yet.
The single action pull on my old S&W model 66 no dash is the best that I have ever felt on any revolver. I suspect that it has had some work done at some point in its life. It is that good.
The best semi auto trigger that I own is a Cz P09 that has a CGW spring kit and roller installed.
Handgun; High Standard, any of their competition models.
Rimfire rifle, easily my Anschutz 54 2 stage.
Milsurp, Swiss K31, hands down.
AR, High Speed, national match by Giessele (Guy zel ee)
CF rifle, Rifle Basix in my .222 Remington.