You are DEFINITELY a gun nut when......


You buy ammo, but do NOT have a firearm for it.

You have a demilled .50 BMG cartridge notched to form a bottle opener.

You got a thermos for Christmas about the size and a fair replica of a 50mm antitank gun.

And my favorite age 10, you spent your lunch money to buy a .50 BMG
AP projectile from another kid.....and still cherish it!!!!!
When you buy a new pistol chambered for .45 LC because you received .45 LC ammo as a gift and didn't already have one.

When you set your gun safe between the garage and kitchen door so you can unload new guns without your wife seeing.

When the company your wife works for flies a German counterpart in for business and is asked what he'd like to do while in the USA? He says "Shoot guns", and the office immediately looks at your wife.
Only 17 firearms, and only 8 that I reload for, but I guess the bottle opener made from the 50BMG cartridge makes me a gun nut.
When even your wife can't understand how other people live without at least two larges safes in their house.
Naming the firearms in a TV sho

When I name the firearm that is being used one the TV. Wife tells me to be quiet. Actually; Shut-up. ….. ;)

Again, while watching TV, get worked up when I hear the words; Drop the gun.
I think it started when John Wayne threw a Winchester-94 onto the desert floor. He never was my favorite Cowboy …… :rolleyes:

Now Matt Dillon was the man. When He does that fast draw I do the same. Wife tells is to quit and then shut-up. …. :)

Be Safe !!!
When you simply can't fathom the reality that there are good, intelligent people who *don't* have guns - by choice!

You are a gun nut when you make your children substitute macaroni shells for spent primers and brass so that they can make their mother a Mother's Day gift.
You buy toner for the company copy machine to make targets.
When the guys at the recycling center know you by name.
you're a gun nut when you already have 6,000 rounds of loaded 9mm ammo and the guy next to you at the range asks if you need any 9 mm brass and you say "yea, thanks buddy" and help him pick it up.
When you buy yourself a new gun for Christmas, wrap it, and put it under the tree for yourself to unwrap on Christmas morning.
Oh boy, some of these are really funny and no doubt true!

These don't necessarily apply to me, but here are some more. . .

When everyone you know says you're a really good shot, but in reality, you know that they all just stink at shooting.

When you think about closet space and the last thing on your mind is using it for clothes.

When logic tells you that if you make a real effort, you could shoot enough 22s to gather enough recyclable brass to buy yourself another 22.

When you walk in to the shooting range and everyone yells out "Norm!"

When your FFL dealer consults you on their personal firearm purchases.
When you have . . .

When you have 13,000 rounds of 22 ammo on the shelf, but can't stand it that there is still room for another brick.

Life is good.
Prof Young