You are DEFINITELY a gun nut when......


New member
My in-laws like “cute” gifts. :(. So recently they got me a cheap plastic toy gun/bottle opener because I like beer and guns. Well they are in town so I pulled it out to be polite.

So I am sitting here drinking beer that I have opened with this thing and I realize OH MY GOD AM I A GUN NUT!! Why you ask? 2 reasons.

1-I carry this thing around very cognizant of my finger off the trigger.

2-I find myself sitting here dry firing it feeling for the break and the reset all the while taking care to make sure it is in a safe direction.

When you are trying to learn the break and reset on your bottle might be a gun nut. :)

For the record it has a long creepy, yet light take up with a surprisingly crisp break. Crappy long reset though. :)
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You are Definitely a gun nut when - Your wife's sister and her husband come from Europe to visit and when showing them the house and the sisters husband asks what in all the ammo cans ? and my wife and I say at the same time AMMO .
AKA Rifle Loony;

AKA Rifle Loony: Build up a rifle because you have the odd ball reloading dies. This topic can take some people out of their comfort zone....PDQ.:D
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When you hear the time "9:45" spoken and you think "Good grief, will that 9mm vs .45 debate ever end???"
When some other shooter keeps asking me whether I'm "camping out in a tent behind the outdoor gun range.":)

Though I'd rather be called a "gun enthusiast" instead of a "gun nut," because of gentlemen conduct protocol on the range.
When your neighbor gives you a .40 S&W die set and you buy a .40 S&W pistol so you can load for it.

Gun nut? already said, prefer gun "enthusiast", but get the point. I say you're a gun "nut" when you buy yet one more 1873 SA in 45 Colt almost identical to the ones you already have because...
1) you can
2) it IS a different manufacturer
3) that trigger DOES feel a tad different than your other ones
"I bought a gun because I had ammunition for it. "

I have done this. Somebody gave me about 400 round of WWII 45acp surplus. I bought a 1911

".Always notice when the time is 3:57, 5:56, 2:23, etc"
I do this also.
When your wife walks in to find the dog, named Ackley, licking a barreled action soaking in mustard and shaved onions ... and she doesn't even bother to ask...

...You bought a gun only because was reported to be so terrible that you had to find out for yourself.