Would you vote for Bush in 2008, if he could run?

Would you vote for Bush in 2008, if he could run?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 24.4%
  • No

    Votes: 149 75.6%

  • Total voters
he has granted himself more unchecked power than any previous president, and milked the fear of the American people to do it.
So, what was he supposed to do after 9/11 when the entire country is screaming "ATTACK!!!"

Congress has authorized his use of military force, AND Congress has continually authorized the funds and continue to do so.

Sometimes, I think some people would like to see a few more big terrorist hits on the US.

What he has done is pretty much prevented another terrorist attack, and he's done it without taking away any of my civil liberties so I'm happy. The vast majority of Bush hating has come from the liberal media continually pounding into the heads of the American people that Bush is BAD! (although, I do agree that his inability to speak the English language doesn't help him much)

Maybe we'll get a soft Prez this next go around who will undo some of the things Bush put into place to protect us and maybe this time we'll get a nuke lit off in New York City!

I dunno, maybe those yankees up there deserve it...
I voted yes. Let's see...

1) good, strong economy
2) awsome judicial appts.
3) not Kerry
4) I still have all my guns (and have added some)
5) there is NOT a terrorist in my kitchen
6) govt. is tied in knots (what have they accomplished? That's a GOOD thing)
7) nothing else looks discernably better at the moment
Another vote for Bush or Bush II/Guilianni would bring this nation one step closer to ruin. The threat of terror perpetuated by these men is nothing more than an enemy image created to unite our society so that the government can strip all of our rights away in the name of national security. It's used to profit the elite. How many billions have we spent since 9/11 fighting terrorism? Every $ that we have borrowed to fund the wars in Iraq and Afhganistan has to be repaid + interest. Who lends us this money? The federal reserve does. The fed is owned by international bankers who profit from our ongoing wars against an emeny that doesn't exists. The war on terror is not meant to be won. Where does our government get money to pay back these loans+interest to the fed? From our federal income tax. Our federal income tax is based on income from our labor or time. When it comes down to it all we have as human beings on this earth is time and energy. That makes us nothing more than slaves by paying our federal income tax. We work 25% of the year to pay for our governments loans + interest to profit international bankers. If you can tax a man's energy 25% whose to say you can't tax it 100%. These days there's more important issue's concerning Americans than terrorism and it's who are the men behind the curtain?
This man could be the worse President ever
He's no worse than any other prez we've had in recent history.

You guys forget what happened on 9/11 demands that we start protecting our country and to do that we have to get tough on terrorist and criminal activity because they're all gunning for us now that there has been a successful attack on US soil.

Or, we can listen to some of you guys and not protect our country and have more terrorist attacks. I'll bet some of you hate the US so bad you'd like to see that wouldn't you???

You need to support the US of get out!
He's no worse than any other prez we've had in recent history.

Oh I think he has done way more harm than his father or Clinton.

You guys forget what happened on 9/11 demands that we start protecting our country and to do that we have to get tough on terrorist and criminal activity because they're all gunning for us now that there has been a successful attack on US soil.

And how do we do that when we have our military half way around the globe? How do we do that when our borders are just as porous as they were on Sept 10 2001 and the deficit has skyrocketed? And what the heck did Iraq have to do with 9/11 again, I seem to have forgotten where in the 9/11 commisssions report that is.

Or, we can listen to some of you guys and not protect our country and have more terrorist attacks. I'll bet some of you hate the US so bad you'd like to see that wouldn't you???

Yeah let's listen to the people that have been wrong with every prediction to date like Wolfowitz, Perl, Rumsfeld, etc. Let's keep buying into the fear mongers and go shopping like Bush asked, well when we aren't cowering in our basements waiting for the predicted terrorist in every kitchen. Cuz lord knows if we left the middle east and quit thinking their natural resources were ours those backwards goat lovers would be here blowing us up because they hate our freedom.

You need to support the US of get out!

Can I just disagree with being afraid of the bogeyman and get on with telling my government my opinion as I am allowed too and work to vote for the candidate that best reflects my views instead. That is one of my methods of supporting the US in the traditions of my forefathers. Don't like it, too bad, so sad.
He didnt give the Chines the upper hand with Preferred Trade or Provide them with the mean to place a man or nuc in orbit! His wife has not tried to force Socialistic reform into our system!:D
I don't see him as the worst, more run of the mill. And, he is probably better than some currently running, including Rudy and Hillary.
My problem with him is that he has not supported Constitutional principles. A prime example is his signing campaign finance even though he thought it was unconstitutional, leaving the Supremes to sort it out.
I am finished with supporting anyone that does not actively support the Constitution. I don't necessarrily have to agree with their conclusions, but they MUST look to the constitution on deciding about federal legislation.
Our foreign policy has caused most other countries hate us now. The dollar is so low that the Canadian is almost 1 to 1 and the Euro is almost 1.5 to 1. China owns like $1 Trillion of our debt and there are no signs of improvement. We will probably lose considerable amounts of coastline if we don't get serious about global warming and reduce CO2 emissions.

Bush is a stick to your guns and stay the course kind of guy, but when you on the wrong course, you need to change. I seriously think we need some change (for the better).

All you guys talking about gun laws and candidates... if our economy tanks, many of us will probably end up having to sell some or most of our guns to survive.
In the primary?

No, I'd be voting for Hunter, Tancredo and anyone else who understands that Border Security is crucial. Even Huck or Romney would be preferable.

Against Ghouliani or McCain? Yep, 'fraid so. They are even worse on that issue (as well as others).

Against RP? Well, if RP shared about half of that $6 million he allegedly collected a few days ago... :) They say every man has his price. Guess we just determined mine.

In the general election, if GWB were the candidate against EdwardsHilBama?

Yes, while holding my nose.

Too many "ifs"...
Let me throw a monkey in the ointment.....what if it was Bush vs Hillary in '08? What then?:D

Talk about a conundrum!

Given the above scenario, I'd go Bush.
The reason we are worried about the RKBA is that:

1. Bush, with a GOP House and Senate, did little proactive for gun rights. He took the vote for granted. The AWB expired, not with him helping. There were some minor things.

2. He is just a nincompoop that the country is turning away from even reasonable GOP candidates. If we get Hillary and a new set of AWB, etc. it is clearly because of his miserable performance as President. One can post fantasies about the WOT, but that makes you part of the problem. The GOP instead of being a lock step, must follow the leader, worry about stupid issues for PR (like Schiavo), should have stood up to this nincompoop before he so damaged the cause.

3. If the Dems loose, it will because they did something stupid (again) - not because the Bush Legacy helped anyone.