Would you vote for Bush in 2008, if he could run?

Would you vote for Bush in 2008, if he could run?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 24.4%
  • No

    Votes: 149 75.6%

  • Total voters
I think Bush is a moron, but I would still vote for him over John Kerry. I might possibly vote for Gore, but wouldn't be exactly overjoyed by it.
I thought he came across as respectable in the beginning, but not enough to vote for him. Since then he comes across as a robotic puppet so no.

OT but eh, and I still don't buy that highly educated Cheny had a ND with that SG...that was a warning shot.
*reads this....scrolls up to the poll results......reads it again*


Rather than driveby sarcasm, why don't you actually respond to some of the facts if said.

If for nothing else, I find it ironic that you scoff at the positive things Bush has done since your plan of action consists of ensuring a liberal runs government, which means none of the above is accomplished.
I voted twice for him however would not do so again simply because I no longer believe any thing he says. I'm really suprised there are 19 votes
While we haven't had many major attacks on US soil (assuming you don't count the Beltway Sniper, who was a muslim), we have lost over 3,000 soldiers in Iraq, to little avail, since Iraq is still a very disorganized mess.

Malvo was a crime problem, not a terrorism problem. Losing 3000 soldiers is not being attacked. Making mistakes in running a war is not being attacked.

Bush's number 1 job is to keep the homeland safe. Thus far post 9/11 he's batting 1.000.

The economy is doing OK for the most part, and it is doing extremely well if you are lucky to be in one of the Bush-related industries such as oil, arms production, or mercenary outsourcing.

With oil prices near 100 a barrel, the housing bubble popping, uncertian foreign policy, and the potential for further conflict, the economy is doing very very well. There is a reason why Bush got a standing O when he made an unplannned visit to wallstreet.

He has cut taxes, and I see that as the only positive thing he has done. Unfortunately, he has spent more than we saved on taxes, and some day the bill will come due.

True, but that really doesn't have anything to do with cutting taxes. Spending is inevitable when in war. Its something you cant get around. While Bush has spend too much on other things, he at least had the foresight to cut taxes as well.

If given the choice between a president who doesn't spend and doesn't cut taxes, and one who does spend and does cut taxes, I'll take the latter. More money in my pocket is always better, and its more money that goes back into the economy.

The jury is still out on the justices he has appointed. Given the fact that his first preference for SC was Harriet Miers, you must forgive for viewing Alito and Roberts with a skeptical eye. I suppose we will know more when the DC gun case goes to the Supreme Court. I hope we are not surprised by a bad outcome.

Thus far, the conservative voting block is just that, a conservative voting block. There hasn't been any indication that any of these justices will pull a Souter.

Like I said, bush isn't everyones cup of tea, and he's been a huge disappointment in my eyes. However that doesn't mean everything he's done is a disaster.
Yes I Would,

As someone else pointed out, not everything he has done is bad. But what do I know? Im just another Republican "war monger":cool:
thank GOD that we will not have to decide but if it were possible i would not. albeit, he did step into a hornets nest when he took office but...that is something he should have prepared himself for. and he should have reigned Cheney in tighter. too many conflicting interests there what with making heavy profits personally from the conflict in the middle east.

"reform", "reform", "reform". its all the same. that's all we ever seem to hear. i'm sick of hearing "reform". like they're convicts trying to get paroled. every new President makes "reform" the foundation for their platform but inevitably, they all seem to go out the same way they came in, with the next promising "reform". why can't someone actually fix something for once?!
Don't ya want to give him another chance to sign the AWB? With a Democratic Congress it might go easier this time!

What are you kidding?
Did it twice. Would do the same again given the same choices. Would vote for him over HillObamEdwards any day. That all being said, I would rather have different choices.
Going back through this thread, found this again and thought it should not go unaddressed.

Jkwas said:
….how a president was appointed by the supreme court… It wouldn't matter at that point who won, but that they were appointed…

So you somehow hold the winner in contempt regardless the loser falsely claimed election fraud and it needed to be straightened out by a court?

...and this

Jkwas said:
…who is in a position to affect the price of a barrel of oil just by saying "world war three" in a speech…

Bush certainly has many flaws and I’m completely disgusted with how he has managed (or not managed) a number of issues and while I agree a president making such a statement can influence the price of oil, implying that his statement was made for that purpose demonstrates nothing but blind hatred, devoid of factual support.
Unregistered said:
Well, bush has certainly given people reason to dislike him.

True and there are plenty of things he can be criticized for where factual evidence to support the criticism exists. The post I refer to included no such facts.
I agree, no facts. But he consistently has mislead us on numerous issues, and it is only natural to be suspicious, and try to draw conclusions as to why he would do that.
Well, unregistered, when you and the demos can provide some (any?) facts demonstrating that our President has lied to us, please let us know. Perhaps you can assist Chuckie Schumer, Waxman, Hillbama, and the other democrats who have conducted investigation after investigation and have found....nothing. :)

P.S. make sure you tell Hillbama and the rest of the congressional demos that they'd better do something about Bush's rising approval ratings (36%), because the congressional approval ratings are still stuck at, what was it, 22%? You guys need to get to work on that.
Wow... never thought anyone would ever brag about a 36 percent approval rate, but you know for Bush thats actually damn good!

By the way, you apparently were not able to correctly interpret a statement i made earlier that Bush made Hillary look better and better.. I am no fan of the Democrats. The point of that statement was that Bush has sunken to a level almost indistinguishable from a liberal democrat on many issues.
Hey, not bad at all, right?!? :D Interesting that he's doing better, and the democrat congress is still stuck in mudville. The demos certainly need to rev up the bashing and attacks on our President. That is, if they can get organized enough to do anything at all.
No the Democrats don't need to rev up the bashing, the CONSERVATIVES do, because our president has not followed conservative agenda. The Democrats should be very happy with him, because he is acting like them.