Would you vote for Bush in 2008, if he could run?

Would you vote for Bush in 2008, if he could run?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 24.4%
  • No

    Votes: 149 75.6%

  • Total voters
The Democrats should be very happy with him, because he is acting like them.

Good way to put it. Brings back memories of the Bush/Kennedy immigration bill.:barf:

I already voted, so I guess I have to stop adding more in this thread. But suffice it to say that 78% is a very high negative number.....considering many answering are Republicans.
Well, bush has certainly given people reason to dislike him.

I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall. I really do.

What is so hard that people cannot differentiate between liking the man generally and acknowledging good things that hes done.

I don't care if anybody here likes him. Thats not the point. What is the point is that people who are painting him as the antichrist, or saying he's the worst president ever, isnt supported by the facts.

Asking for a little intellectual honesty here shouldn't be that difficult.
[QUOTEsaying he's the worst president ever, isnt supported by the facts.][/QUOTE]

Perhaps but I suspect history will consider him the worst.
I had to choose between Gore and Bush. I chose Bush
I had to choose between Kerry and Bush. I chose Bush.

Fortunately, I will not have to choose Bush, ever, ever, again. :mad:
I was a republican until Bush became president. I voted for him once. I consider it a big mistake. I voted against him the second time, and I'd vote against him were he able to run again. Personally, I liked Bill Clinton much better, and I didnt like Bill at all! :barf: Until the republican party can get their act together, I doubt I'll be voting for any traditional republicans anytime in the near future either.
Shame there's no option that's more negative than a mere "no".

No the Democrats don't need to rev up the bashing, the CONSERVATIVES do, because our president has not followed conservative agenda. The Democrats should be very happy with him, because he is acting like them.

Dems will always hate him. This is a non-issue.
I have heard (and feel) more hate for the man BECAUSE I'm a conservative....and I have watched him blow off conservatives and what we believe in for seven years. He split the base. period
I had to choose between Gore and Bush. I chose Bush
I had to choose between Kerry and Bush. I chose Bush.

Fortunately, I will not have to choose Bush, ever, ever, again.

My feelings exactly. It seems no matter how low the Republican candidate can sink the Dems still manage to find one who is worse...
Voted for him 2 times, if Huckabee wasnt running I'd vote form him a third, I'm with burn4, Like how things are on the domestic side, except for immigration, Pres. Bush had little to do with the cause but isn't doing squat to fix it either, and I think we need new ideas in foriegn policie, but over all better then anything the Lefties have! Gay weddings and gun control...NOT!:rolleyes:
Considering our options for president right now, I'd vote for him twice if I could. At least we know where he stands, and what to expect from him.

The only candidate I even remotely like is Paul, and he has no conceivable chance.
Rudy's administration will be loaded with the same types of globalists
So, we should bring all our troups home and ignore the rest of the world and dig in to get ready for them to come here and attack us???

How selfish!
defjon Hmm, let me check...


You need to try some of my dads Horseradish to get that.:D

Asking for a little intellectual honesty here shouldn't be that difficult.

This is L&P, you'd be suprised.:rolleyes:

I wouldn't vote for him again and regret the first two times. Not for any specific event, but rather for the fact that he has granted himself more unchecked power than any previous president, and milked the fear of the American people to do so.

He has also forced point on some issues I don't agree with, and ignored some that I hold in higher concern. His inattention to issues within our borders is a disservice to all Americans. Even moreso because his attempts at global governance have created many of the domestic issues we now face.

I just don't think I could take 4 more years of watching him tear our military apart. I also can't stand the billions upon billions that get sent to the pentagon at his urging for use on projects we never see on the ground.

I think we're overdue a president who is less impulsive and much more receptive to the will of the people.
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