Would you vote for Bush in 2008, if he could run?

Would you vote for Bush in 2008, if he could run?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 24.4%
  • No

    Votes: 149 75.6%

  • Total voters
YES The country is safe from terrorists attack. No new taxes. Low unemployment. Taking names and kicking butt on foreign soil. The sky is not falling every day as the press wants us to think it is. In other words I HAVE GOT THE BEAR, The bear does not have me.:D
Yeah, I’d vote for Bush over any of the current mainstream candidates.

That was a tough one! I had serious trouble writing that sentence, but considering the alternatives, there would simply be no choice.

Demonstrates that this really is a sad time in the history of this country.:(

To you RP folks: I bashed him from the beginning, but have come to respect him a good deal. That said, while he has a pretty good idea on how we should conduct foreign policy in a simpler world, he has no clue how to get us out of our current situations. And some of the predicaments are too important to simply turn our back on.
I don't think I'd vote bush if he was against the GOP. If it was him or rudy I's probably vote for him. He's the devil I know. Rudy... meh... Against hillary or obama or any of the dem nominees I would definitely have bush a third time. But I would pick the huckmeister or RP over Bush anyday.
Not a chance in either a frozen or really toasty warm hell. I didn't vote for him the first two times. IMHO the list of things he's done right would fit on the inside of a matchbook cover.
I have great resentment about the 2000 election and how a president was appointed by the supreme court. It wouldn't matter at that point who won, but that they were appointed. Having said that, consider the following:
An appointed president who's family is too close to the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia, whose family is in the oil business, and who is in a position to affect the price of a barrel of oil just by saying "world war three" in a speech. How much money was made just on that statement alone?
As far as I'm concerned, these "people" have Hi-jacked the US Govt, and are all traitors to our country.
I don't even know if I will vote in the next election. Someone is really going to have to impress me at this point to go to the polls. I am truly disgusted.
Would you vote for Bush in 2008, if he could run?
You mean, running against Hillary or Obama ?

Absolutely. Look at the RKBA voting records.

And, as was mentioned earlier here, I would much rather have another Roberts and Alioto on the Supreme Court than the gun banners Hillary and Obama will nominate.
He promised smaller government and a humble foreign policy. Instead he created a whole new department, gave us no knucklehead left where they should stay, and started two wars that were being fought in an almost stupid fashion until recently. I agree the surge is working, but it still doesn't make us going in there right. Afghanistan would have been great if he had committed instead of leaving it to a skeleton crew while he played in Iraq.
He promised smaller government and a humble foreign policy. Instead he created a whole new department, gave us no knucklehead left where they should stay, and started two wars that were being fought in an almost stupid fashion until recently.

Of course that was before a little thing called 9/11 happened.

While its understandable that Bush isn't everyone's cup of tea, our nation hasn't suffered any attacks, the economy is good, he cut taxes like a mofo and we got some great judicial nominees.

He's not the second coming of Reagan, but I think some intellectual honesty is in order here.
Please re-read the original post.... I was referring to the Republican Primary.
Sorry 'bout that. :o I read too fast.

Ooooookay ... that changes my answer.

Nope; I'd still be voting for Ron Paul in the Republican Primary.

Still ... there's a something of value in my answer. No matter who the Republican nominee is (of the current candidates), he is still better than Hillary or Obama !
our nation hasn't suffered any attacks, the economy is good, he cut taxes like a mofo and we got some great judicial nominees.

I am not sure how much of that statement is actually true.

While we haven't had many major attacks on US soil (assuming you don't count the Beltway Sniper, who was a muslim), we have lost over 3,000 soldiers in Iraq, to little avail, since Iraq is still a very disorganized mess.

The economy is doing OK for the most part, and it is doing extremely well if you are lucky to be in one of the Bush-related industries such as oil, arms production, or mercenary outsourcing.

He has cut taxes, and I see that as the only positive thing he has done. Unfortunately, he has spent more than we saved on taxes, and some day the bill will come due.

The jury is still out on the justices he has appointed. Given the fact that his first preference for SC was Harriet Miers, you must forgive for viewing Alito and Roberts with a skeptical eye. I suppose we will know more when the DC gun case goes to the Supreme Court. I hope we are not surprised by a bad outcome.
It's interesting that a lot of us voting no (including me) are Republicans. Personally I have never seen a Republican President so throughly disliked by many members of his own party. To bad we did not have an added category to show if you are Republican.

Yes, I voted for him the first time. My dumb mistake. I did not vote the second time. First time in my life I did not vote in a Presidential race. I just could not get myself to pull the lever for Kerry or Bush. Kinda like the choice between being shot or stabbed.

Without going into a long list, my general complaint about Bush is that he is just not very smart. It's good to be smart when you are President. He made decisions that most average people could have seen were disaster in the making.
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