Would You Trust Your Life With a .380?

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I have carried a myriad of weapons over the years.

I trusted each and everyone of them, otherwise, I would not have carried them.

380 ACP is included in the mix.
I would, but it's not my first choice. I carry a KahrP9 soon to be replaced by a CZ P07 when my crossbreed super tuck arrives. But I have at times carried a Taurus.380when nothing else would fit
But would choose a large -ish frame and not a tiny tot gun.[/QUOTE

Speaking for myself, of course, but if I'm going to tote a pistol with a "largish frame", it's going to shoot a cartridge more large than a .380.
Just a few days ago I ordered an LC380. Wheel guns have been the only type of handguns in our house since day one. With Colorado legalizing weed (Marijuana) the number of whack jobs and panhandlers has increased in our area. So am planning to obtain a concealed carry permit and start packing. The 380 is the minimum IMO, but it is my choice at this time. 8 rounds, a slim profile, and a bit lighter than my 3" SP101 327 Federal Mag. It might change over time, but a new gun is making me haaappy.:D
I routinely carry Sig P 238 or Kimber Micro Or Colt Mustang or Star DK which all are basically the same pistol. I further carry FMJ ammo for total reliability in functioning of these small pistols. I have shot enough feral hogs trapped in Texas with the .380 and watched them drop like a rock, just need to shoot them in the right spot in the head.
Yes, my Makarov single-stack .380 (commercial Russian), rugged, extremely reliable and easily concealable.

Some Mak. 380s are double-stack.
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No question there are better calibers available.

But the bad guy doesn't know what caliber it is.......just that he picked on someone he shouldn't have.
Simple question: Would you trust your life with a .380?

I'm not interested in: if you can carry a bigger gun, then carry one. I just want to know if you, personally, would feel safe carrying a .380 only.

Yeah... I trust my life with a 22LR carry gun often.
Rembrandt: you have the big picture.:cool:

And if 'brandishing'/displaying a handgun Can grab the attention of an aggressor and make him/her pause and think, the gun's exact chambering won't matter.

Nor would it matter whether it's single-stack, double-stack, Bulgarian metal or partly American plastic.
If the mind is as clear as a mirror, there is no need for the sword. Back atcha, Bedbug and G. This is New Mexico, so a .380 better come with at least 5 magazines, heh- heh. Folks here are uncommonly tough, so a .380 has to pack a lunch. A big (yuge) lunch.
Yes, with reservation. "Trust" isn't black or white in this case. It's more of a spectrum. Have I spent many a day with just a .380 or some vanilla .38 special at my disposal? Yes. Was I actively worried about it? No. Would I have been happier carrying something a bit stronger? Absolutely. You've got to match your circumstances to your available equipment.
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