Would you get involved?

Sean - I assume you would agree that it would be unwise to refer to the perp as a "gorilla" should one actually be involved in that situation?
However, in the situation, I still think it was right not to draw the knife. According to the police officer who interviewed me after if I had stabbed him, given he was 'unarmed', I would likely be looking at assault/murder myself. Any situation he could see that would have given me an opening tactically to use the knife, would have also given me the ability to disengage. I was actually complimented by the officer for my restraint (thanks sir! how bout a ride to the hospital?) I think that shooting an unarmed assailant would probably be looked on in a worse light.
You should never solicit legal advice from a police officer.
Some observations. Usually if you are like me, in situations such as this you are simply stunned and it takes several moments to process what is occuring, much less act. My mind would have been focused on the behavior of the women and then very shocked by the man. The big guy was swinging for only a few seconds and it would have taken almost immediate response to prevent/diffuse his attack. To successfully engage someone that size a person would have to be trained or had enough time for the adrenaline to kick in.

What really bothers me is how our society tolerates behavior like this. Vigilante response on these thugs is not good because of lack of objectivity, thus justice is easily compromised. But gosh dog, if that thug was before me on a jury I would push for a long prison sentenance. On the same thought, for these pervent child molesters, the firing squad (by the government of course) should be employed. I live in a city with a high crime rate. Elements of our city vote for leaderships simply based on whether the candidate is a minority. They seem to disregard how crappy the city has become under the current minority mayor. I would in a heart beat vote for a minority if I thought he was going to do a good job. Turning the tables, my minority brothers don't seem to feel the same way. It truly astounds me.
the BG was obviously in rage and on a rampage against the poor fella. i guess calling his attention but not drawing your CCW weapon will just obviously turn you be another bashing victim. people who are in rage are irrational, period. so draw then speak and shout and tell the BG to stop or you'll shoot. at least in the Philippines this is logical. but in the states i dunno.
Yo, Cro-mag!

In all honesty and without hindsight, had I been in the room, I'd have reacted by screaming at the guy, then defending myself best I could. Rather an a$$ pounding than standing there while he pulped the guy.

Clearing leather in that 10x20 room full of people would have had disastrous consequences. Spray would have been helpful but likely not as effective as hoped.

So, I would have aided the victim as best I could and probably shared an ambulance with him.

Not cool, but honest.