Winchester 190 Takedown

In need of Winchester 190 takedown info

I hate to sound like a broken record, but I need takedown instructions for my Winchester 190 as well. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I just viewed the link to the take down guide provided by ntman. It's great. My complements to ntman and Harley.
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190 trigger & reassembly

dbct,i bent the trigger spring on my 190 and it lightened to 3.5 lbs. on the stock bolt problem, if you install the stud first you can position the metal clip (recoil plate is what winchester calls it) in the proper spot. the instructions claim stock removal is not recomended in normal disassembly, however i find the easy way to install th bolt spring & guide is with the stock off. you insert bolt spring& guide from rear, compess spring, hold in place with metal ruler & slide stock on. jim y
Winchester takedown manual

I just received a very dirty Winchester 190 without any takedown instructions or manual. I also would appreciate it if you could email a copy of any manuals you have to help me in rejuvinating this oldie.
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Just a note to say thanks to Harley for the original info and to ntman for putting it up on the site. My dad bought his in 1967 and I inherited it upon his death in '71. It's been shot a few times since then but never had a decent bath. It's long overdue for a good cleaning.
Not me.


Somehow, in over 50 years of messing with many different kinds of firearms, I've never had possession of a Winchester 190. Nor, I guess, have any of my shooting buddies ever had theilrs at the range while I was present. Truly, I can't recall ever shooting or even holding one in my hands. :o Doesn't speak well for the breadth of experience of a firearms enthusiast, does it?

Judging by all the participants in this and a similar thread, there must have been a time, though, when the Win 190 was the then-current equivalent of the Ruger 10/22 or Marlin Model 60.

This, then, is the other side of the service that Harley Nolden provides - - Not only the esoterica of the firearms world, but valuable references on the more everyday American rimfires.

Harley, we all owe you a vote of thanks for all that you do.

need disassembly/assembly directions photos

I found this thread on google and joined the firing line forum to get the instructions on the the takedown of a winchester 190. I would really appreciate if you could send me the instructions to
larry venable
No need to take the barrel off to REALLY clean the chamber. do what we do with 10/22's and my T/C Classic. Go get a 22 CENTERFIRE bore brush, bass bristles for sure an brass core if you can. Use and empty 22 lr case to judge howdeep the chamber is. add just a touch more in length. Now bend the brush about 90* that far back from the tip of the brush. Now you can stick that front part into the chamber tru the ejection port and the back, theaded part can be rocked back and forth (not in and out, but you can do that too) and you will clean the lead ring that builds in front of the chamber. This works great for cleaning the chamber and you can do it right at the range whenever you need to. Just throw it in your range kit.

After scrubbing the chamber this way follow up by running a patch or 4 thru it. Thats it. WAY easier tha taking things apart.

I recently worked on one of these interesting little guns. It is a LITTLE strange in design but I liked it.
Need Winchester 190 breakdown instructions

I have had the rifle since the 70s. I have lost my instruction book through various moves. Would appreciate a copy of the instructions.
what kind of finish on the recever

hey guys we got a 190 the we pulled out and are going to redo and we need to know what finish the recever had we are not sure if its blueing on it Thanks Jason and Jerry
190/290 front sight

I recently finished a refirb on a 290 that I traded for. This little rifle came out great but the front (plastic) sight is broken at the magizine tube holder and I have not been able to glue it together and make it hold. Where might I find a replacement for this part? Very classy plinker.
190/290 front sight

Salvo, thanks for the info on Numrich. The only front sight they list is the later steel sight that dovetails on the top of the barrel. I need the early style made from black plastic. It fits over the muzzle and has a lower part that the magizine tube fits in. My sight is cracked on one side of the hole that the tube fits in.
I picked up a 190 a few months ago and just shot it last weekend (it shot very well by the way).

When I went to clean it, the action disassembly was easy enough until I pulled the bolt back and out popped the spring - uh oh. Anyhow if possible could I get a few tips on how I should go about reseting the spring? I have already tried feeding the spring with the stopper set with a pair of pliers, but I can only go so far until it starts bending. I also have no idea how to remove the stock, because I really don't know how I should approach it. Any tips are welcome, and if the takedown manuel would answer my questions then I would really appreciate it.

Thank you.


EDIT: Thank you Harley for the manuel. If anyone knows what size of socket will work for the stock that would be very useful.
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190 bolt spring reinstallation

Hi Joons
The manual says that the spring can be installed using needle nose pliers and patience. I could not make it work no matter how I tried. The spring fits into a hole in the rear of the reciever housing that is open to the stock. I removed the stock and fed the spring in from the rear and while holding the spring in with a finger or screwdriver slip the stock back in place and install the nut that secures it. Sounds like a difficult feat but it is not. Good luck. You are going to like the rifle by the way.
This is my first time using this site. I just bought a model 190 and does anyone know where to buy a manual for takedown and reassembly? I would greatly appreciate any help. I am old and slow using computers. My e-mail is
Maybe this is crazy but ...

I've been taking my kids to the range shooting 22, but my 5 year old is small for his age and can't put the butt of the rifle in his shoulder. His arms are too short and he could never reach the trigger. So he puts it under his arm and blazes away. He's having fun and I'm with him, but I wanted him to be able to hold the rifle more correctly.

So after talking about it with some of the guys at work, I bought an old Winchester model 190 cheap at a gunshow to cut down him. I bought a model 190 over 33 years ago with money from my paper route, so I know it's a great rifle.

So far I've cut about 6 inches off the stock and made a new butt plate. Fine, now he can put the butt in his shoulder and reach the trigger. But the rifle is too heavy for him to hold up.

So I'm thinking I'd like to go further. Minimum legal length for a rifle is 26 inches, so I can cut another 5 or 6 inches off the rifle and still be legal. Problem is I would need to cut those inches off the barrel.

No problem. I can do that, and make it all smooth and pretty. I can even re-blue it when the cutting and filing is done. But there's that darn permanently attached magazine hanger.

Does anyone have any experience removing and replacing that hanger? Is it silver soldered? Welded on? Pressed in? Shortening the tubular magazine will be a piece of cake after that.
