Winchester 190 Takedown

DBCT- my trigger is pretty light. Id say a little less then 3 lbs.. Wonder if there is somethign wrong with yours?
winchester 190 manual

Hello, my uncle was recently given a winchester model 190, but we are unable to find the owners manual anywhere online. Harley, if you get a chance, could you please email me a copy of the takedown manual too? Thanks a lot.


I inherited a 190 from my mother about 15 years ago, was in storage until this spring, I removed the trigger group and removed the bolt and return spring, reinstalling the spring took at least 5 tries, but it is back together and shoots well.
I would really appreciate a copy of the instructions, if you would be so kind.
New Guy Here needing 190 info

I just logged on to this site... and after looking around here, I found this thread...Please send me Dis/Ass of the 190 . I picked one up awhile back and I have made no attempt to tear into it without the instructions. I would really appreciate it if someone could send it to me.


I'm glad I found this forum. It seems that the documentation on this rifle wasn't well preserved. I'm just glad I'm not the only one. I have my Winchester 190 that I learned to shoot with a very (very) long time ago. It was left to me by my Grampa when he died and it is in excellent shape. I just don't have a clue how to break it down to make sure it stays that way. It's driving me crazy! I mean I can usually figure out how to break down any rifle (course somnetimes I can't get back together). Anyway, Please send me any disassembly instruction that you can. It would be greatly appreciated.

I also have a winchester model 190. Could you please email me that manual as well? I have been looking for it for a lot of time but in Europe it is very difficult to get it. Thank you very much.
My e-mail is
I would like to thank Harley for sending me the breakdown documents so quickly. I have uploaded them to my server and have them on a webpage and available for download. Everyone is welcome to visit the site to get them. Harley and get full credit for the images on the site. Again, thank you for your quick response to my request.

Here is the link:

Bart Swisher
Problem on reassembling model 190 trigger and bolt

I just finished rebuilding a model 190 Winchester after Mr. Nolan sent me the take down instructions.
I, like a lot of others, had a bunch of trouble in re-inserting the bolt and the trigger housing properly, as the cartridge would not enter the chamber, and after about ten or twelve tries, if finally dawned on me that the problem was the long bolt that mounts the stock after inserting the bolt spring into the channel, was pushing the metal clip that rests under the bolt, out to where the extractor would not work, as the bolt could not come back far enough.

If anyone is taking that model apart, it is a pain to try to get back together unless you figure it out, and you can only figure it out by looking straight down at the mounting bolt, and noticing the gap between the clip and the back of the housing.
please please please

I got one of these from my grandfather in 1989. neither he no I ever opened the box. It is in mint condition but no manual.

Would you mind sending me the takedown please. Thanks in advance.